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March/April TT 2020 babies

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Welcome back to a new month everyone !!! You've got this ladies

315 Replies • 5 years ago



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@Nadine i use the same digital OPK. Are you using the one that just measures LH (pink) or both LH and Estrogen (purple)? My advice with either (both) of them is to make sure you test two times a day so you don't miss your peak. I have been using them for a few months and they are very reliable for me.

5 years ago

Anna congrats! A little girl will be so much fun

5 years ago

@Anna - Big congrats!

5 years ago

Anna I had a girl feeling for you and I'm never right! Congratulations!

5 years ago

My journey of ttc has been a long one...I have been trying for 5 years now with no so much as a chemical pregnancy. I have 2 failed IUIs and several failed clomid rounds..I recently bought the strips and only 3 seemed to work out of the spirits are low and I have given up..I havent even been tracking, havent been taking my vitamins, it doing anything really..
which brings me here and my first thought is early menopause since I will he 42 in two weeks..I'm just scared to test at this point...pray it's a special.birthday present for me...

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5 years ago

@lalou I'm sorry to hear about your dad. It must be very hard xxx

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5 years ago

Congratulations @Anna!!! Yay it's a girl! xx

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5 years ago

12dpo 13dpt please tell me you can see this!!! This is darker than the barely there line yesterday!! xx

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5 years ago

Omg scuba you did it, my lovely so happy for you Yey

5 years ago

Lalou I’m so sorry about your dad but I’m sure that now he know what’s going on he will get a good treatment and will start to feel better!

Agatch we’re almost cycle buddies again! Just waiting to O at this point! Let’s hope for the best this cycle

Anna Congratulations babe!!!! You both wanted a girl, you got a girl! Such a blessing. I’m sure you and your SO are so excited and happy! I’m very happy for you too! A little princess is on her way!!! Yayyyy!

Shanta I have my fingers crossed that this delayed AF is leading to your bfp! Good luck!

Scuba todays test is for sure darker that yesterday’s! I think this is it babe! Prayers that it will keep getting darker and you will prove wrong your doctor!!!!

AFM waiting for O and some dull o pains started. Unfortunately is on ,y wrong side so I guess I predicted correctly. Not much hope for this cycle but oh well.. Hubbys supplements would work better next month

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5 years ago

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