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March/April TT 2020 babies

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Welcome back to a new month everyone !!! You've got this ladies

315 Replies • 5 years ago



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Hi ladies trying to read and catch-up. Good luck to everyone in their TWW. @lalou I hope you are OK. I think the biggest step is realising that you need to make a change with your diet and lifestyle You can do this xx
@alex fingers crossed this cycle!

Afm. I am on to my next cycle which is supposed to be our last assisted cycle so we decided to go for a second opinion and try a new clinic. Well we are so pleased we did. The doctor was lovely. We said we didn't want to go the ivf route and he said that my egg count is so low it actually wouldn't be a viable option for us as we probably wouldn't generate enough good quality eggs. But he said our best shot is an assisted iui cycle. It's £1250. Plus medication Letrozole to stimulate my ovaries. But we also need hiv and hep b screening before we can start so basically we can't start until September cycle. I've had mine all come back clear so hubby just needs his done and then we start.

So this cycle is back on our own while we wait. I'm currently CD4 and my AF is almost over. Nurse said to start Ovulation testing from CD8 and sex every other day on all High days and everyday on the Peak days plus 3 days in a row. So we shall give it another go before we go for the iui. I don't know what to expect. Very nervous but also a little sad that the doctor confirmed my low egg count is the problem. xx

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5 years ago

Hi ladies, hope your all well, scuba I know it must be a hard time for you but I’m also glad you’ve got some answers and hopefully a good route to try xx

I don’t want to upset anyone so wanted to ask first if it’s ok for me to share my scan picture? Xx

5 years ago • Edited

Thanks @emma xx I've love to see your scan photo! xx

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5 years ago

My little monkey button x

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5 years ago • Edited

Aww it's a gorgeous scan @emma! Is that your 12 week scan? xx

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5 years ago

Scuba, yes it was, almost 14 weeks now, still feeling like poop but better than I was x

5 years ago

@anna I'm hoping that no signs are good signs. Had some cramps yesterday, but looked back at my tracker app and realized I mark them almost every cycle. I wish I remembered how I felt with my first pregnancy, but I was 6-7 weeks before I realized I was late and took a test. Oh well, symptoms or no symptoms, it won't change the outcome. Glad you seem to be doing well! Keep us updated!

@alex thank you. I know you are right. I'm hoping for the best for both of us!

@scuba I'm glad that you found a new RE that might be a better fit for you. Hoping the IUI works! I can't imagine the pressure, but I hope you find a sticky bean.

@emma so cute! Hope you feel better. Are you finding out the gender?

5 years ago

@Emma your baby is so cute. Beautiful scan. I am so happy for you. Thank you so much for sharing.
@Shay I have all my fingers crossed for you as well
@alex and @Kait fingers crossed as well.
@Ana yes give it a week and then get started
@everyone thank you so much for the support. I really appreciate it. I am feeling much better now. We have started our plans. We are not eating out anymore. We are both cooking. Adding veggies to our diet. Now we just have to get on the exercise part. My DH also has reduced his drinking. He does not have an issue. It s just better for weight loss and also no alcohol is better when ttc ????. Back to work this morning. We had a little break. So I will be much more engaged once again. To the teachers in the group,any advice for a beginner (me)?

I am praying for everyone and staying positive.

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5 years ago

@lalou I am so glad you are doing better!! As a teacher all I can say is trust the journey. My first two years of teaching were very difficult and I doubt I would have made it through if I didn’t have the support system I do. Lean on other teachers for advice and learn by watching others. The curriculum will come with time, but work on building your classroom management first. You can do it!! I am only going into my sixth year of teaching so I am still newer too!! Just remember it takes time to get the hang of everything and your students will be able to teach you a lot too!! So excited for you!!

AFM: I am at 7dpo with little going on. Trying my best not to think about it much. Just focusing on continuing to get healthy and getting ready for the school year. If it happens then I will be so excited but if not, I at least know my body ovulated again. Staying positive ladies and crossing my fingers for everyone!!!

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5 years ago

@Lalou hope the school year and new job starts off well for you
@Emma so sweet! Glad you and baby are doing well
@scuba glad you found a doctor who seems to have a plan you’re comfortable with. Hope you won’t even need the IUI and get a BFP at the end of this cycle though
@kait how many dpo are you now?
@Alex hope you are still feeling relaxed and that leads to great news next week!

5 years ago

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