Community post
Lets do it together!
I met wonderful friends here during my last and just sadly finished tww and I hope many of you and othets will join me in this (and hopefully last) attempt! ;-)
408 Replies • 8 years ago
Pregnancy test calculator
Use this calculator to help you decide when to take your first home pregnancy test.
Hi ladies,
I am coming from a different background, in our case man and women are not that different and both of us rely on the other both financially and emotionally, it is a 2-way street. So, both of us work and will work. In my country the Mom (or the Dad) gets 2+1 year if work leave during which the State pays allowance which is not much at the beginning but gets even almost nothing at the end of the possible 3rd years (just to illustrate, app. 100 dollars). So it won’t at all be enough to cover expenses or can be comparable to a salary, but something.
In our case I am planning to stay at home for 1year than back to work. The average woman would do that, almost all families here are 2 earnings families, very rare that a woman is not working.
I am in my 7 dpo today (I have no idea why my signature always shows 1 day more) but I have none of the symptoms and do not at all feeling preggo. I definitely feel that I am out this month. This week I have a Doc appointment to prepare for the 2nd IUI for next cycle...
Wish you all the best!
8 years ago • Post starter
AKHopeful, yeah, this is what keeps my hopes up...maybe I am the one without any sign at all preggo...but there is not much chance for that ....anyway... let's hope together that this is the case for both of us
Kala13, welcome here and good luck to you!
Could not get a doc appointment for this week...then it might be late for the next cycle... I hate months passing by useless...
How is ebody else? Danibree? Chekai? Queena? Yoyokim?
8 years ago • Post starter
AKHopeful, yeah, this is what keeps my hopes up...maybe I am the one without any sign at all preggo...but there is not much chance for that ....anyway... let's hope together that this is the case for both of us
Kala13, welcome here and good luck to you!
Could not get a doc appointment for this week...then it might be late for the next cycle... I hate months passing by useless...
How is ebody else? Danibree? Chekai? Queena? Yoyokim?
8 years ago • Post starter
Okay so the last three months I have ovulated around cd 22 so I decided to not even start my OPK until cd18 cause I'm sick of wasting them. Well I took one and it was positive if not then very close yesterday on cd 18. We bd and I just figured it was still to come because I get a lot of almost positives before ovulating but my temp doesn't increase til cd 23. Well I woke up this morning cd 19 and my temp is at 97.75 which is really high for me that's my post ovulation temp. So did I ovulate yesterday?! Thank god we have been bd every other day or I would have missed it. I'm going to keep bd regularly and watching my temp just in case but I think it came early this month. I did have really strong ovulation cramps last night. So weird. Also, do any of you ladies experience nausea when ovulating?
8 years ago
umm.. nausea during ovulation? I never had that. But I guess you ovulate yesterday Danibre33. so.. your tww just began!!
I'm about 4 dpo, I experienced a metalic taste in my mouth yesterday night, but I figured it has nothing to do with conceiving because even if i did conceive this cycle the egg is in no way implanted yet.. which means no hcg and no symptoms yet..
in any way.. i'm not testing until AF is officially late, I don't wanna get my hopes that high like last month.. those 10 days late and all those negative hpt's .. God I really hope it won't be the same this time around.
May we all have our bfp's this time..
8 years ago
Danibree, sometimes I have all bad stuff with Ovulation, it happened that also, I do know it can happen...poor you...
AKHopeful, your last cycle was really a very exceptional...It wont repeat!
Yoyokim, good luck!
I share your point not to test early just when AF many confusing results, so much hopes and then disappointment...I will wait till Tuesday if AF not show up earlier.
I got a Doc appointment for Monday... :-)
Still no symptoms at all, I am pretty sure I am out this cycle...I am already planning the next one though.... :-)
8 years ago • Post starter
I completely agree about waiting to test. I know it's hard to do that and I usually cave in. I had a friend ask me once why I wasn't more jumping at taking a test and I said because when you get negatives you almost dread having to see another one. You almost would rather hold onto the hope of the possibility. I'm going to wait until 12dpo if possible.
I got my second day of high temps so I guess I really did ovulate earlier this month! I would be 2dpo today. We bd the most regularly we ever had with only one day off in between each time and used pressed so we will see if that makes any difference!
Ladies don't give up home just because you don't feel symptoms! I know people that felt nothing and were pregnant that time whereas other cycles they felt all these symptoms and weren't pregnant! It will happen!! Just keep living your lives while you wait that is what I'm trying to do!
How's everyone doing what cd are you on or how many dpo? What dates are everyone testing? I will be testing on 1/17!
8 years ago
Early pregnancy symptoms by day past ovulation
What signs and symptoms are most common on each day past ovulation?
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