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Lets do it together!

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I met wonderful friends here during my last and just sadly finished tww and I hope many of you and othets will join me in this (and hopefully last) attempt! ;-)


408 Replies • 8 years ago



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Okay, tested at 12 dpo and bfn - thought I was out for the month, but AF still hasn't shown up and it's already 15 dpo . I've had late cycles before, though. Hmmm.....

8 years ago

My fingers are crossed for you! Wait for 14dpo...I sure hope this it for you!!!

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8 years ago

AF showed up today (16dpo) As I've said so many times before, maybe this will be the month!

8 years ago

Hi, Ladies. I have a question - okay, so it's only CD7, just finished, and this morning my temps jumped way high, as if I had ovulated already !!!

This kind of freaked me out because it's so early and for the past three months I've been ov'ing at CD14 exactly .

Now, last night was not a good night for me. I had seizures much of the night into the morn. (I was only able to temp between seizures!) Yes, I know, not too smart of me!

So, I was wondering if anyone knows if that(the seizures) may have affected my temps, since it wasn't a restful night's sleep AT ALL!

I've been hoping that this month will be the one, and now I'm wondering if it's too late.

Anyone have any ideas ? Take a look at my chart to see what I mean.

8 years ago

Chekai I would sure assume that is why your temps went up! I know that my temps rise a lot if I just have a restless night so I am sure a seizure would make it high too! Did it get better last night?

CD 23 here and lots of CM but I feel like that always excites me around this time of the month and yet AF always shows her face so I am not taking that as a sign. This weekend I went to a football game and got drunk off of 2 beers and felt sooooo hung over the next day which is so not like me! I normally drink 2 beers no problem! I see that a lot of people feel like they get drunk really easy before their BFP so I am a little hopeful on that one but who knows...

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8 years ago

OOH, good luck, AK! Just in case, you may want to try to stay away from the beer - just until you know for sure, ya know ?

Well, my temps are still on the high side - looks like ovulation occurred already, but I don't know.

I'm just gonna plan for around the time that I usually ovulate - even though I think it already happened.

Good luck everyone!

8 years ago

Well its on to another month for me I tested sat morning and got a BFN. I of course being an idiot looked at it again in a couple hours to make sure it was negative and their was a second line so I got myself all hopeful and waited until Sunday morning, still no AF so I took a digital test and a big ol "NOT PREGNANT" flashed on the screen Oh well... I have convinced DH to wear loose underwear and hopefully not as many steamy hot baths. I am thinking it is a sperm problem not a me problem... I am just hoping that we can focus on health sperm for the next few months and hope for a miracle by Christmas

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8 years ago

Sorry to hear that, AK. Not a good month for me either - didn't even try this month 'cause I got so discouraged with the temps.

I've been trying to do the same thing with my hubby ! Unfortunately, he won't switch to boxers, and enjoys his hot baths about twice a week. Plus his diet is not the best,(he eats everything processed!) and he won't change that either. So I give you a for getting your man to make those changes.

8 years ago

Hey girls long time no hear. I've been avoiding baby talk so I don't go insane. Sorry to hear no bfp yet
I have some hope this cycle. As of today I am 2 days late, and my cycle is like clock work. My boobs are very tender and sensitive, but not swollen or full. Got slight nausea and some heartburn. Increased saliva. But the most confusing is my cervix. Usually before showes up I will have some brown in the cm near my cervix, and it will be low. Yesterday it was very high, hard and lotion like cm. Today my cervix is still very high ( I can't reach it ) and softer then yesterday's. Kinda bumpy to.
I took a test four days ago but I don't know if I should wait to see if shows up, or test again.
TMI - also I usually get really horney before af but not this month.
Wishing you all the best.

7 years ago

Any updates ladies?? you must all be near the end of your tww... Any BFP's this month???

I am CD21 and I have been way to stressed and busy with selling the house that baby making has been put on the back of my mind We do have an accepted offer on our house though and we have our offer accepted on a new beautiful house with the cutest child friendly layout and yard so I am super excited about that!!!

We did BD during all of the right times this month so it is still possible but I am thinking my body and been so stressed that I will not be shocked when AF shows up

Hope all is well with you guys!!

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7 years ago

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