Community post
Lets do it together!
I met wonderful friends here during my last and just sadly finished tww and I hope many of you and othets will join me in this (and hopefully last) attempt! ;-)
408 Replies • 8 years ago
Pregnancy test calculator
Use this calculator to help you decide when to take your first home pregnancy test.
Hello ladies,
Chekai, nothing a seisure can do at this stage with the might-be-baby, do not worry! I keep my fingers crossed...! :)
AKHopeful, I am sorry for these news...hopefully soon everything turns to be something more positive!
Pinkster123, keep sharing your fertility news from the EbayBIGBOOK, even after 2 years of trying you say some news! :)
AF is about coming in a day or so, then I have to take contraseption, to shut down my own hormon system so at a later stage they can over-stimulate me...sound frightening...but hey! lets do it!
hugs to you all! And of course:
8 years ago • Post starter
Hello ladies,
Chekai, nothing a seisure can do at this stage with the might-be-baby, do not worry! I keep my fingers crossed...! :)
AKHopeful, I am sorry for these news...hopefully soon everything turns to be something more positive!
Pinkster123, keep sharing your fertility news from the EbayBIGBOOK, even after 2 years of trying you say some news! :)
AF is about coming in a day or so, then I have to take contraseption, to shut down my own hormon system so at a later stage they can over-stimulate me...sound frightening...but hey! lets do it!
hugs to you all! And of course:
8 years ago • Post starter
hahaha Szonja, i hope it works , lovely to hear from you it sounds like a good plan lovely and hope your patience pays off , thank you chekai Im not giving up just yet, don't worry lovely nowt will affect little bean at mo but you have to rest and take it easy now just in case you are preggers and also for your own safety wish I was down the road to look after you -x-
8 years ago
Awww! Thanks pinkster! That means alot!
Not really worried, just natural for me to think that way sometimes. I realize it's WAAAY early.
Szonja, thanks for the extra baby dust!!
Kinda doubtful b/c there is no darkening of the areolas and I've read that that is one of the very early signs. Has anyone here been preggo w/o that change this early on ?
I'm really confused - testing Thursday morn!
8 years ago
Chekai I am very fair skinned so didn't get that til quite late in my pregnancies, don't know about anyone else??? -x-
Oh got a +opk today but only CD9, guess all my dates are mixed up from last cycle being week late, will hopefully start BD tonight as DH staying an extra few days
8 years ago
Chekai, hope you get lots of rest today and I cant wait to hear a positive update from you I'm pulling for you
Pinkster That's too bad about last month but lets hope for a sticky little bean this month
Szonja how exciting to be starting the next level I hope this is your month! So with IVF do you still have a 28-30 ish day cycle or does it alter the length of the cycle too?? I sure hope you get your miracle baby!! And you would be due very close to Christmas! How neat would that be!
I am now CD 13 and no ovulation signs but I am trying very hard to not look for any symptoms this month. I am on a spring cleaning frenzy lately and trying to focus on other things especially since I have such a slight chance of conceiving this month. I also went to the dentist last Friday because I had 2 teeth that were killing me and apparently I have an infected tooth and get to have a root canal this week :-( They say that your dental health can greatly impact your success in TTC so maybe I'll get my teeth back into tip top shape and get prego next month
8 years ago
Well, ladies, this month has been a real roller coaster ride of emotions. Yep, that's right, showed up this morning.
Wasn't really surprised - my temps had gone down a lot and then she reared her ugly head! Was so looking forward to sharing some good news with the family on Easter Sunday!
On the brighter side, at least I didn't waste my last PT. And I do have the OPK now , so I'm ready this time!
Thank you all for the wonderful support!
Happy Easter and Baby dust to us all !!!!
8 years ago
Early pregnancy symptoms by day past ovulation
What signs and symptoms are most common on each day past ovulation?
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