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TTC January/February 2020 babies

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Hang in there ladies!!

295 Replies • 5 years ago



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Mama good luck!! I hope you’ll catch that egg!

Kait I’m glad that you’re felling ok! Best thing so you can concentrate on your ttc now! I really hope that by doing this will help you!!

Pandorica & Emma Good luck I hope you’ll be Oing soon! I’m also now on the waiting list for O even though I’m 6 days away.

Scuba girl the last dpo before AF are the worst. Especially the due date. Sending you a big hug and crossing my fingers that she’ll stay away!!

AFM AF is officially gone and now I’ll start my BDing schedule even though I’m not expecting much for the next few cycles. Supplements are not here still and I’m starting to feel impatient. I got a tracking email and I believe it should be here tomorrow and if not we’re moving to Monday pffff..

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5 years ago

Good luck ladies!! Excited for those ready to O!

Scuba I am keeping everything crossed for you!!

Alex hoping there is a miracle for you this month!!

AFM: temp dropped again this morning. I am officially saying this cycle is anovulatory. I am waiting to get paperwork to get in to the doctor since we recently moved and I don’t have my own doctor yet. Going to get my thyroid checked and do other bloodwork if we need to. Here is my chart. The light blue line was last cycle and the dark blue is this cycle. Good luck to everyone.

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5 years ago

Thanks definite temp spike this morning so not yet. My CM is very EWCM so soon hopefully. Ill be testing with an opk to see whats going on. Hopefully I see a positive opk...ready to O so I can move into the TWW and not test early this month. I am not even buying tests until I am late this month. To much torture with testing early.

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5 years ago

@shay sending positive vibes on your search for a new doctor and hope you get good answers!
@alex yaaay! Glad AF is gone! Hoping for great news for you this cycle!
@scuba I've got my fingers and toes crossed for you!

AFM: Moving day for our new house was yesterday, so I was offline and just caught up on your posts from the last 48 hours The move was rocky, (the moving company was HORRIBLE), but we are officially all moved! I was up from 7:30 am on Monday until 9:30 pm last night, so my temps are all over the place! Hoping I didn't screw up O too much between the sleep deprivation and the stress of the move

QQ: Has anyone tried Mucinex for thinning CM prior to O? If so, what were your experiences? Also has anyone tried baby Aspirin post O? I'm currently seed cycling and wanted to know if either of these additions would help or hurt.

5 years ago

Hello ladies,

@Harmonyke yay!! for being all move in .
@Scuba i am staying positive and praying for you
@Kait i am glad that you are not in too much pain
@Pandorica i am still hopeful for you too
@Ana yes it is a defense mechanism. Take it one day at a time. God controls everything. Love your baby everyday like it would be the last so that you do not have to think about what could happens. Yes the mucus is real!!

AFM: I have been taking baby on more outing and I have to stay the walk outside of the house has been helping both of us. The fresh air and the exercise are amazing for the psyche. So count down to my 30th birthday, I will be exercising everyday. My periods have stopped but I have been spotting for the past couple days. I definitely think that I will need progesterone cream or medicines but I restarted taking my prenatals medicines. DH and I will try to rekindle our romance this month and actually bd more than once :-) I know last month was crazy!. I have decided not to worry too much about my exams and just focus on doing my best. I am so jealous of you ladies ovulating so early,,,,I ovulate so late usually around CD 29 but last cycle was CD 40 . Hopefully with keto everything will regulated and we will have that bfp soon. Praying for everyone! Stay positive.

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5 years ago

@lalou happy early birthday! The 30s have been good to me thus far, I hope you will find the same. :-) And yes, just do your best on those can only give what you got! Keto is great! I lost 44 pounds in 9 months back in 2016-17. I've only gained 10 of those pounds back, and 5 of those were by choice because I felt too small after my wedding! Let me know if you need a buddy for reassurance or recipes!

5 years ago

Shay Thanks girl and I really hope for you this won’t be an anovulatory one! I know it can be hard to just push it but keep BD hun, you never know!!! You’re so strong in my eyes. All the ladies who has unstable cycles are so strong to me! You need so much self control and patience to just keep going without knowing when to expect anything on your cycle! Sending big hugs your way

Mama I agree girl! Testing too early is making us so obsessive! Better to wait and hopefully see a strong line than trying to guess if you see that shadow you think you seeing!! And meanwhile still having this hope that you might be pregnant.. this ignorant bliss one friend in here used to talk about!!

Harmonyke Glad that the moving process is over! Hopefully you’ll put everything in place soon and get back to schedule! Moving is such a difficult task! Sending positive vibes your way
I haven’t tried any of it but I’m sure someone in here can help! Good luck this cycle even if your temps will be a bit confusing due to moving days!! Fingers crossed!!!

Lalou I’m so happy to see that you are planning in such a calm manner! I’m sure all this positive attitude will serve you only good results!! I’m crossing everything for you girl!

AFM cd7 here and now waiting for O around cd12. Not waiting for much but since I always believe in miracles of course I’ll keep trying!!
Hugs to all

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5 years ago

Thank you all ladies! @lalou it's great to get out more and take things at a slower pace And how exciting it's nearly your big 30!
@alex I'm praying for you this cycle. Did the supplements arrive today?
@harmony congratulations on your house move xx

Afm - no AF I'm officially late. We are on a weekend away and this morning I jumped out of bed (an hour earlier than normal) before remembering to take my temp So I quickly lay down and took it but it was low. I think I should disregard it though. Another day with a pad just incase as we have a 4 hour drive I did a cheapie last night and it was stark white. So I just think my cycle must be a little off. I can't be pregnant with negative tests this late in my cycle xx

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5 years ago

Scuba it will be such an amazing surprise to see a late bfp from you!! I hope she stays away!
Unfortunately the supplements haven’t arrived so since there’s no deliveries on weekends I guess we’re moving to Monday How naive was I to think I could be pregnant last cycle.. I should’ve ordered it earlier! Oh well...
Keep us posted!!!

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5 years ago

Still no temp rise so don’t think I ovulated yet. But my opks are pretty much negative. So I guess I’ll just keep testing and see where it goes. So annoying.

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5 years ago

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