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TTC January/February 2020 babies

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Hang in there ladies!!

295 Replies • 5 years ago



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@scuba I said this on your other post but I didn't get a positive with my daughter until I was 16 dpo and 2 days late. That 3 year old kept me up all night last night so you just might be as lucky

5 years ago

Hi all! Just updating. I am currently 9dp. Last night I checked my cervix and had pink tinged cm. Nothing on TP. Checked again this morning and a little more. But haven’t had any since. Still getting a daily headache. I tested this morning with a cheap test but it was negative. Probably too soon to know anyway. :(

5 years ago

This cycle has flown by, I haven't tracked anything. Not BD or O, just checked in and apparently I am around 8dpo. No idea what my chances are, but they do say when you stop trying is when it happens. I have definitely stopped trying, so let's see how that works out.

for this month ladies

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5 years ago • Edited

Ladies my AF arrives this morning. No spotting beforehand. Just a bigger temp drop and it was here. On to my 8th cycle of trying xx

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5 years ago

Cece spotting on 9DPO sounds promising! Hopefully this one was implantation related and you’ll get a bfp soon!

Mistique it will be super interesting if you end up pregnant this cycle which I truly hope! If you are I’m gonna burn my apps and my opks lol

Scuba Hugs babe! I hope your number 8 will be a lucky one!

AFM CD8 here and I started my BDing schedule since I O around CD12 usually! Unfortunately the supplements didn’t come yesterday so now I’ll have to wait till Monday. So if he start taking them on Monday and count 3 months later we go on August. That’s the month that I’ll really start hoping! I have a lot of time and I better practice my patience lol Till then I’ll keep charting etc but I really don’t believe that we’ll see a bfp from me soon..

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5 years ago

So, I'm on cd 15 and still only gets low fertility on my monitor. Not even that weird cycle when I ovulated at cd 21, did I have a low on cd 15.. Guessing it's the effect of the borage oil that's causing this. I stopped taking them yesterday, so hopefully it won't delay my ovulation by too much. I only have one stick left for the monitor and I don't want to buy any more of them, so I think I have to solely rely on my temps this time. Our bding isn't super timed, but we've gotten to a point were it doesn't matter which day of my cycle it is, if we doesn't feel like it then we don't bd. I don't want to make it into something that we have to, and keep it at something we do when we want to. If that makes sense.

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5 years ago

Ugh so frustrating pretty big dip in temp this morning. Was hoping it would jump up not go down. Thinking my positive opk was a fake. Ordered some more so I can keep tracking things. Alex maybe you’ll get lucky and won’t need your SO to have the supplements and get a this cycle!

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5 years ago

My chart this cycle so far

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5 years ago

I feel your pain @mama. My chart has been all over the place. No consistency at all.

Alex I am sorry the supplements haven’t come in yet. Still going to stay hopeful for you this month!!

Pando I am sorry your cycle is being a little wonky. The fertility monitor was just so expensive that I thought about it but couldn’t bring myself to pay for it. Good luck though!! I am totally with you on just bd when you feel like it and not making it a chore.

AFM: still nothing. I have had crazy temps my whole cycle. Feeling completely low and out. Work has been stressful for sure making it even worse. I am getting to the point where I don’t even want to track anymore because I know my cycle is just going to be a mess. I am hoping that I will at least get my period soon so we can start a new cycle, but I am not holding my breath. Before the provera I had a 100+ day cycle so I am just hoping it won’t be that again. Good luck ladies!!

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5 years ago

Hi ladies. I’ve been MIA for a while now but glad to be back.
Thank you so much Anna for keeping the board going. Wishing you nothing but the best.
Welcome to all new ladies and I hope you all get your BFP very soon.
Congratulations to all who got their BFP. Wishing you all a happy healthy 9 months.
Scuba I was really hoping this was your BFP. Sorry AF came and hope this is your cycle.
AFM I was taking it easy this past few
months trying not to stress or try but not prevent. However this cycle I started to feel a little anxious that it hasn’t happened yet. I felt ovulation pain cd 16. Took an OPK and it was blazing positive. I Happened to BD the 2 days prior and did it that night hoping to catch the egg. Well AF was due yesterday and didn’t show. Still not here and BFN. I Was really down last night and still kind of down today. Hoping AF Stays away but feel I would have a BFP already if I was pregnant.
Thanks for giving me an outlet to express my feelings. Wishing you ladies nothing but the best.


5 years ago

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