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TTC January/February 2020 babies

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Hang in there ladies!!

295 Replies • 5 years ago



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This chart is really frustrating and confusing. No idea what’s going on! But I guess time will tell.

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5 years ago

@Mamaof2 not sure either but that's how my charts where looking when I tried temping last summer. Didn't make any sense but I would get a positive opk and EWCM right before O but then my temps wouldn't reflect that. I know I was ovulating though because my cycles were regular and my LH surge was consistent with dates and CM and because I had a chemical one month but impossible to track with temp for some reason. I did some research and it seems like not everyone always has a clear temp rise after O even though most people do (and I used to when I was TTC for #1).

I'm getting another blood test tomorrow to check my levels. I don't really expect to O until at least a week from now. Still had a faint line on HPT this morning. I may need opks this month since I have no idea when to expect O.

5 years ago

Emma I usually discard my temps if I wake up a totally different time than my normal after a night out drinking and waking up with kind of a hangover! But If I drink for example 1-2 drinks and wake up normal time next morning then no, I’m not discarding them. Maybe I should I don’t know, but I don’t!! I know I’m not helping much lol

Mama I really hope your temps craziness is implantation related

Agatch I hope your body get back to normal very soon!! Fingers crossed that you won’t be trying for long

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5 years ago

I finally ovulated! A 5 days later then expected, most likely due to the borage oil. If there's a next time, then I will stop taking them around cd 12 instead of cd 14, so hopefully I ovulate at my normal cycle day then. But I hope there won't be a next time of course. I've started taking baby aspirin this morning and will be using progesterone cream as well. Now I just have to survive until I plan on testing.

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5 years ago

So I went to take my temp this morning and noticed I entered my numbers wrong for yesterday. So it went up a little yesterday and a bit tonday. Not so worrying now hoping to see a here in the next few days AF due between the next 4-7 days so just waiting it out. Of course I know it’s to early to test but I have been. Nothing so far but today is only 7dpo. I get something in the next few days. Don’t have my normal pre AF symptoms. I have had cramps for like 3 days now which normally don’t get worse until the day before AF and my boobs are sore which is normal for me. Had a little nausea yesterday but that’s normal also but I’m nowhere near as moody as I normally am by now so that’s a little strange fo me.
Alex I hope so too! But it was a little off yesterday cuz I put the wrong numbers in so we will see. I fixed it today and it looks a little better now

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5 years ago

Thanks Alex!!

5 years ago

Hi ladies, hope everyone is having a good start to the week! I've just been catching up on all the posts from the past two days (Happy belated Mother’s Day to all the mom’s and mama’s-to-be in the group!):

@Lalou I hope the wedding weekend was FANTASTIC!

@Mistique, I think I said it already, but CONGRATULATIONS!!! Here’s hoping for a happy and healthy pregnancy, and I hope you can find a way to relax and enjoy this time that works for you!

@Pandorica YAYAY for ovulation! Welcome to the wait! I’ve got fingers and toes crossed for you.

@Shay Focusing on your health is a great way to pass the time and feel good. Good luck on you journey; I’m sure you know you’ve got a lot of supporters here rooting for you!

@Mama so glad the low temp was due to a data snafu! Best wishes!

@Alex The countdown is on! Nothing wrong with a little forward planning and early excitement! I’m rooting for you!!!

AFM: I’m finally back home! I had an amazing time with my family in Seattle, and it was especially special to hangout with my new nephew and 2 1/2 y.o. niece. I’m current 9 dpo, and just playing the waiting game. Unless I have some crazy symptom(s) crop up, I’m not planning to test until May 20th, which should be the day after AF is due to arrive. This month’s chart looks very similar to last month’s chart, minus a few staple PMS symptoms (I’m usually nauseous, dizzy, and fatigued during my luteal phase). We’ll just have to wait and see!

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5 years ago

@Harmonyke I am also on 9dpo. All difference from this cycle is that my cm has dried up somewhat...I have always wanted to go to Seattle bo idea why. Have never even left the country.
I hope everyone is doing well en keeping positive

5 years ago

Mama Fingers crossed!
Harmonyke Thanks girl! Oh your chart looks s promising!! I hope this is it!
Rampokker when are you planning to test?

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5 years ago

I really want to hold off on testing but it is really tempting when seeing women getting bfp's at 10dpo

5 years ago

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