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TTC January/February 2020 babies

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Hang in there ladies!!

295 Replies • 5 years ago



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Well looks like I didn’t O when I thought I did! FF took my crosshairs away hopefully they’ll be back in a few days. My other charting app has my Oing today with my opks being as positive as they were yesterday. Still pretty dark today. So hears hoping I actually do this time instead of my body getting ready too and not actually doing it. Had a bit of a temp rise this morning so I’m hoping.
Anna good to hear from you! But that is a strange dream.
Alex strange dream also! I’m so disappointed to be starting my TWW all over again. I should have been 9dpo today
Oh well hears to BD and catching that egg! Day 3 of positive opks!

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5 years ago

@Mama - Fingers crossed it's happening this time!

5 years ago

@agatch and @kait I also understand the conundrum...When I miscarried at 8 weeks in 2015, I was all over the place. I finally decided to go back on BC until I was emotionally stable. It took FOUR years for me to come off and feel ready to try again. I'm wishing you peace and providence during this transition.

@anna and @pandorica my dreams have gotten increasingly long and vivid over the past week! It's crazy the things our subconscious will
come up with!

AFM: Weird couple of days...what do you ladies think about this pic?

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5 years ago

@harmonyke everyone has their own timeline. You did what you needed to and that's awesome. My miscarriage in 2017 was 6 months after our wedding and we were looking for houses while I studied for the GMAT to get into grad school. It was a surprise for sure and not good timing. Plus, I was so worried that if I got pregnant again I would just lose that one too and I wouldn't be able to handle two losses close together.

On a positive note, I see something on your test! Is it pink in person?

5 years ago

@kait I definitely understand.

Yes, it’s quite pink, lol. It darkened after the timeframe as well, but I wanted to post the most the most accurate picture possible. I tried to hold out but my temp spiked this morning and I’ve had a few odd symptoms. I’ll retest again tomorrow!

5 years ago

Ok, I posted this in the gallery...I'm pretty sure it's positive, but is it too early to get a positive with a FRRR??? I've also been drinking water all day!

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5 years ago

FF has me at 4dpo, I’ll be honest though I’m not felling very positive about the dates and don’t think this will be our month again, I should have my hormone test results back the end of this week, it’s been a long 2 weeks waiting on them haha I hope I actually have a reason as to why my cycles are so irregular!!

5 years ago

Hello, I am back trying for baby number 2 :) I am currently on CD24 and 10 dpo ( i think) ... I will start my OPK next cycle if i would be pretty crazy to conceive on our first month, but that sure would be awesome. Wishing all the ladies some major fertility vibes. :)

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5 years ago

Hello guys,

So the wedding was awesome. We got back 2nights away very late. I think I might be ovulating so I hope so. Our bd us pretty great timing and fingers crossed. I have been keeping the stress away and just being happy and focusing on the things that I can control. My apt for the ultrasound is this Friday as well. And I am studying so I can retake the exam that I failed.

@Harmonyke congrats it looks like a BFP to me. And also congrats on everyone ovulating.

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5 years ago

Pandorica I know right? Lol Good luck! I’ll be having my fingers crossed for you!

Kait Temperatures could be affected by anything! Try not to read too much into one but in the general picture! Glad your DH is determined to do his SA. Hopefully you guys will have some good news!!

Mama So frustrating! Try not to get down by this and hopefully you’ll catch that egg!

Harmonyke Congratulations girl! I think you got your BFP!!!! So exiting! Can’t wait to see it darkens!!!

Emma I hope your results will be all normal!! Fingers crossed also that this is indeed your cycle and you’re wrong!!!

Amarah Hello! Hopefully you’ll get your bfp this very cycle! Good luck!

Lalou Glad that you had a great time on the wedding weekend! Now that you both are more relaxed it’s the perfect time for a little bean to go and stick for good!! Fingers crossed girl!!!! Good luck for your exams too! You got this!

AFM 8DPO here and the only difference than all my other cycles is that my nipples hurts TOO much. Never had this so intense. I would love to believe that this could be pregnancy related but tbh I highly doubt it. Everything else is pretty normal for me and I’m expecting AF in 5 days!

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5 years ago • Edited

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