Community post
Pregnancy test calculator
Use this calculator to help you decide when to take your first home pregnancy test.
Replies (sorted by laughs)
Congrats Mistique!! I am so excited for you!!
Alex I totally get it!! We have to have some hope to cling to!! I am still hoping it will happen sooner for you than July or August though!!
Pando and Emma I feel you pain. Waiting to O is so torturous!! Especially when you just aren’t sure why it isn’t happening.
AFM: still playing the waiting game. Nothing new has happened. Still no O, no AF. Deciding to take the time to focus on making sure I am healthy. Starting a new healthy eating plan and workout routine. Hoping losing weight will help balance hormones. Still waiting to get in to the doctor. Husband went to take the paperwork in and they were out of the office for Mother’s Day already. So he plans on going first thing Monday. Saw another baby announcement from an old college friend, hit me hard since she is younger than me. Still trying to stay positive and just figure out what is going on with me. It is probably a blessing that we haven’t been able to conceive yet since it looks like we won’t be getting back into our apartment till possibly January or later because of issues with insurance. So we will be living at my in-laws for a year or more. So my new focus is just on getting healthy and only tracking my temp to make sure I O each month. Not going to buy OPKs or anything. My health is the most important thing right now. My temps have evened out some lately. Hoping that means AF or a very late O will happen.
5 years ago
I am now on cd23 my cycles are usually 28 days long and my period is 4days max. My hubby is feeling really positive about this cycle...I dont want to get my hopes up too much though. With my daughter I got pregnant really unexpectedly without keeping track of anything! So I am wondering if I should do that again? How are you feeling? Which cd are you now?
@Mystique please dont do this to yourself! You are pregnant and should be happy and focused on this point everything is out of your hands. Lots of love
5 years ago
Thanks ladies. You are all so lovely. I don't know why I'm torturing myself over the lines, it's just so light compared to what I've had in the past and it doesn't feel real after 16 months of negatives. I could have O'd late or implanted late, I tracked nothing this cycle so really don't know.
@shay- sorry to hear you are so far away from getting back into your own home!! I think working on your health is a good plan, TTC is so mentally exhausting. I hope that having something else to focus on helps you do
@rampokker- thank you for the reminder. You are right that there's nothing I can do. Im trying to relax more! I know what you mean about time zones, I feel like the most action happens during my night time!
5 years ago
I am new to this board, and hoping that some of you clever ducks can help me understand something? I had positive ovulation on cycle day 17, and I am now cycle day 27 (11dpo) but my ovulation tests are dark -not positive I know- but I normally don't have any lh line unless I'm ovulating or about to. I don't understand what could be happening? Has anyone experienced this or anyone have any theories? xx
5 years ago
Pandorica, Emma and Shay I wish there was something to say that could make this waiting period easier! Not knowing when O can be so damn agonizing! Sending positive vibes your way girls! Really hope you’ll O soon and it will be lead to success!!
Mama maybe implantation dip? Fingers crossed!!
Rampokker You’re so close of knowing!! Let’s hope your hubby is right! I believe if you conceived with your daughter easy maybe this will be the case again for you!! Good luck
Mistique enjoy babe!! You did it!!!
Mommy congratulations hun!!!! That’s so exiting. Happy for you
Jeebee There are many ladies that are having a second surge after O and before AF and its considered normal. There are also ladies who got positive opks as an indication of pregnancy since opks can detect also the hcg hormone. Honestly it could be either but I really hope is the second scenario for you!!
AFM Not much! Days are passing, hubby is taking his supplements and I’m waiting 9-10 more days to start my new cycle!!
Happy Sunday everyone
5 years ago • Edited
I had a night off last night and went for drinks with friends ( it’s been 8 months ) so obviously my bbt was high this morning and I put it as discarded, is this what you would do too ? I don’t really think it’s accurate with me having alcohol in my system so think I’ve done it right ? X
5 years ago
Early pregnancy symptoms by day past ovulation
What signs and symptoms are most common on each day past ovulation?
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