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TTC January/February 2020 babies

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Hang in there ladies!!

295 Replies • 5 years ago



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So my temp went up a tiny bit this morning. My CM was tinged with pink about an hour ago. Only when I wiped tho. Checked my CP and there was no blood there. I’m thinking it’s just AF creeping up. This whole cycle has just been crazy. As soon as I saw the blood I began full on crying sitting there on the toilet. A little over reacting I know, but I couldn’t help it it just started. I’ve been crying randomly on and off all day today...strange but not clutching on to hope or anything. But maybe it’s not AF

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5 years ago

Hello! Hope you don't mind me jumping on this thread :) My hubby and I are on our first month of TTC baby #1. We only really half tried on this cycle because my smear was due smack bang in the middle of my fertile window so we managed to try twice within the window. Ever since then I have had mild cramps which were constant for a few days and then have been on/off since, I've had mildly sensitive nipples, waves of nausea, and fatigue (this isn't unusual though as I am a shift a Midwife )

As a Midwife I am only really an expert in pregnancy after 16 weeks so this is totally new territory for me! My period is now 1-2 days late. My cycle length can vary between 27-31 days but is pretty much regular. I don't normally get any PMS symptoms except strong cramps on the day AF arrives. I took a HPT on 12dpo and it was BFN. I've been on nights the last 2 nights so FMU wouldn't have been as accurate so I decided to wait until tomorrow to take another one and see.

I'll be very surprised if I am pregnant already! But I've just felt "different" since my fertile window so who knows.

Baby dust to all

5 years ago

@mama ugh I'm sorry. The random crying is always the worst when you feel like you can't control it.

@burkette welcome! Do you temp or use opks to confirm your ovulation day? It must be interesting to be on the other side of things now!

For me, I'm wondering if I messed my chart up. I forgot that used to warm my thermometer up for a few seconds before turning it on because it gets cold sitting on my nightstand. I haven't been doing that this time around. Hopefully I'll still be able to see a shift if I get one. I had dark opks Saturday night and Sunday so I'm praying that my body tried to O again and was successful.

5 years ago • Edited

Mama sending hugs your way. I know is not really comforting but please know that we all understand how you feel and it’s gonna be better after a couple of days! Hang in there girl! It’s hard but at the end it’s gonna worth it!!

Burkette Good luck!! Hopefully you won’t have to try for long. Reading about your profession I only can think that It’s gonna be very interesting the day of your delivery! For sure it will give you more experience for future deliveries!!

Kait So the countdown begins!! I really hope you caught that egg! Don’t worry so much about bbt. Personally for the longest time I’m having such an irregular waking time and sleeping pattern but my temps still manage to show me a shift and an overall pattern which is pretty accurate tbh. At this point I can predict my temp by the dpo and if something is going to change I’ll know that something is happening!!!!

AFM I believe AF will be here tomorrow or the day after! I’m not sad or disappointed since I wasn’t expecting anything for this cycle. I just wish time could go a bit faster at this point lol but of course I cherish every moment and I know that the future Alexandra (me lol) will be holding these days as the most precious experience and memories!

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5 years ago

Thankyou for the welcomes
@kait0614 I've kind of been using OPK's but I'm wondering if I ovulated late this month - I always seemed to get 2 lines when I was testing during my "fertile window" but the second line always remained faint, whereas when I was checking in April (just to practice) I got a definite gradual darkening line with the LH surge! My period has once come on CD 35, I am now on CD 32 and got another BFN this morning with no signs of AF so we'll see. I will test again on Saturday (CD 36) if AF doesn't show!

But if I ovulated late then I doubt I am pregnant because I was away the week after my "fertile window". I've used apps for years because I stopped using hormonal BC about 5 years ago so it was just to track my periods. So I always trusted that my fertile window was when the app said but that doesn't seem to be the case.

I've bought the clear blue connected ovulation kit to use for the next cycle because I really struggle with those dipstick OPK's - what time of day to do them etc!

My hubby is in the army and we just found out he is going away for 4 months mid-August so I should have about 3 cycles left before then

@Alexplpl that it will! I'm also a hypnobirthing practitioner so I will definitely be using those techniques for labour when the time comes, and am trying to use them now aswell to keep calm

5 years ago

Ladies looking for some advice please, just used a loyds pharmacy early pregnancy test, it’s supposed to be from 10mlu and it’s a good positive, I showed a friend and she said don’t trust it because there unreliable tests, which obviously has put me in a downer, does anyone know about these tests ? I’m going to try get a different brand later

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5 years ago

Emma I would call that a pretty convincing BFP!! But a quick Google shows quiet a few false positives for that brand. When can you get out for a FRER??

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5 years ago

@Emma - I've tried them several times and never had a line like that! Pretty sure thats a bfp!

5 years ago

Just had to try 3 places to get a frer and boots only had 1 packet left which is a 1 test, must be low on stock, just got to hold on a couple of hours, everyone keep your fingers crossed please, will update in a couple of hours x

5 years ago

As for me, I'm 11 dpo and really thought I would have a more clear line by now. But unfortunately not. The one I took with fmu really got me down, because it was barely visible. So I did a 4 hour hold and tried again, both with the sensitive strip and also a 25mlU stick. Still faint lines, so I'm feeling a bit catious right now. Maybe it was too good to be true..

5 years ago

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