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TTC January/February 2020 babies

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Hang in there ladies!!

295 Replies • 5 years ago



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Yay cycle day 12 almost positive opk!! way earlier then last month!!!! Here's hoping I get a temp rise here soon too so I can confirm O!! last month I didn't get a positive opk until cycle day 19! temp rise on cycle day 20! looking hopeful for this TWW

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5 years ago

@alex I'm feeling pretty good. Barely any pain after the procedure and just some light spotting. I'm thinking about going back to temping and opks this cycle.

5 years ago

@mama get it! I would love to O that early! I'm usually CD 19-23... Bleh

5 years ago

Kait I never O this early it’s usually 16 or later! Like I said last month was positive opk on cycle day 19 and temp spike on cycle day 20. This is strange for me!

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5 years ago

CD 13 and still only a low reading on my monitor. But my urine was pretty dilutet this morning, so that's probably why it was lighter than the previous two days. Even though the monitor wants fmu I think I'll try and use smu instead, since I usually take a cup of tea after my son are asleep. Or it could be the borage oil that are causing it. 3 days left until I usually ovulate, so we'll se what happens. This month I'm taking my bbt, so at least I have that to go by. It's a small miracle that my thermometer are still alive and functioning, since my clumsy dog whacked it down from my nightstand. That's how my previous thermometer broke. The battery end got a little crack, but it's still working! Really hope it will stay functional until this cycle is done at least.

5 years ago

I maybe getting a early peak this cycle

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5 years ago

Well I'm officially due today Temp went up slightly this morning. I tested last on a cheapie and it was stark white. Refused to test today as I'm expecting AF to show at some point today or over night and don't want to waste any tests. I keep running to the toilet and checking my cervix for spotting. Urgh this is torture. I'm so snappy with my hubby as I literally cannot concentrate. xx

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5 years ago

Mama good luck!! I hope you’ll catch that egg!

Kait I’m glad that you’re felling ok! Best thing so you can concentrate on your ttc now! I really hope that by doing this will help you!!

Pandorica & Emma Good luck I hope you’ll be Oing soon! I’m also now on the waiting list for O even though I’m 6 days away.

Scuba girl the last dpo before AF are the worst. Especially the due date. Sending you a big hug and crossing my fingers that she’ll stay away!!

AFM AF is officially gone and now I’ll start my BDing schedule even though I’m not expecting much for the next few cycles. Supplements are not here still and I’m starting to feel impatient. I got a tracking email and I believe it should be here tomorrow and if not we’re moving to Monday pffff..

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5 years ago

Good luck ladies!! Excited for those ready to O!

Scuba I am keeping everything crossed for you!!

Alex hoping there is a miracle for you this month!!

AFM: temp dropped again this morning. I am officially saying this cycle is anovulatory. I am waiting to get paperwork to get in to the doctor since we recently moved and I don’t have my own doctor yet. Going to get my thyroid checked and do other bloodwork if we need to. Here is my chart. The light blue line was last cycle and the dark blue is this cycle. Good luck to everyone.

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5 years ago

Thanks definite temp spike this morning so not yet. My CM is very EWCM so soon hopefully. Ill be testing with an opk to see whats going on. Hopefully I see a positive opk...ready to O so I can move into the TWW and not test early this month. I am not even buying tests until I am late this month. To much torture with testing early.

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5 years ago

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