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TTC January/February 2020 babies

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Hang in there ladies!!

295 Replies • 5 years ago



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Thanks Alex!!

5 years ago

Hi ladies, hope everyone is having a good start to the week! I've just been catching up on all the posts from the past two days (Happy belated Mother’s Day to all the mom’s and mama’s-to-be in the group!):

@Lalou I hope the wedding weekend was FANTASTIC!

@Mistique, I think I said it already, but CONGRATULATIONS!!! Here’s hoping for a happy and healthy pregnancy, and I hope you can find a way to relax and enjoy this time that works for you!

@Pandorica YAYAY for ovulation! Welcome to the wait! I’ve got fingers and toes crossed for you.

@Shay Focusing on your health is a great way to pass the time and feel good. Good luck on you journey; I’m sure you know you’ve got a lot of supporters here rooting for you!

@Mama so glad the low temp was due to a data snafu! Best wishes!

@Alex The countdown is on! Nothing wrong with a little forward planning and early excitement! I’m rooting for you!!!

AFM: I’m finally back home! I had an amazing time with my family in Seattle, and it was especially special to hangout with my new nephew and 2 1/2 y.o. niece. I’m current 9 dpo, and just playing the waiting game. Unless I have some crazy symptom(s) crop up, I’m not planning to test until May 20th, which should be the day after AF is due to arrive. This month’s chart looks very similar to last month’s chart, minus a few staple PMS symptoms (I’m usually nauseous, dizzy, and fatigued during my luteal phase). We’ll just have to wait and see!

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5 years ago

@Harmonyke I am also on 9dpo. All difference from this cycle is that my cm has dried up somewhat...I have always wanted to go to Seattle bo idea why. Have never even left the country.
I hope everyone is doing well en keeping positive

5 years ago

Mama Fingers crossed!
Harmonyke Thanks girl! Oh your chart looks s promising!! I hope this is it!
Rampokker when are you planning to test?

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5 years ago

I really want to hold off on testing but it is really tempting when seeing women getting bfp's at 10dpo

5 years ago

Hmm now this is strange. Blazing positive opk 7dpo and negative FRER. But according to temps I already O’d false surge?

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5 years ago

Hey Mama -- i feel your pain. Positive digital OPK on friday, CM dried up today and my temp is all over the place. I'm thinking i had a false surge and didn't release an egg. Are you still tracking CM? i think/hope ewcm would come back if you gear up again. Last time this happened to me i O'd a week after the first surge (never detected another surge) but i did have some ewcm leading up to the second surge. I also got pregnant that month....

5 years ago • Edited

Last time I Od this late in my cycle I got pregnant too. That was in October which lead to my missed miscarriage and a D&C in February. I’ll keep BD just in case. My CM hasn’t dried up yet but it’s definitely not EWCM I had that from cycle day 12/13-17/18 it’s been real sticky now. Today it’s been creamy so I have no idea. I’ve had bad cramps since Friday. And very nauseous for like 3 days now also. But my boobs have been sore also which usually doesn’t happen for me until after O. We BD last night and I’ll try tonight maybe tomorrow.

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5 years ago

@rampokker I'm doing alright. I'm CD23 and I think I'm going to O tomorrow since my opks are finally darkening. They started to change Saturday, but then I got in an intense argument with DH and I think the stress stopped the surge. Not tracking really is nice, I did that the last two cycles and I'm kind of thinking about doing that again soon. I get too anxious when I know O is coming or it takes too long to O.

@mama you can definitely have multiple surges in a cycle, even after O, but that is a strong line! Maybe you're Oing now like you said.

5 years ago

Morning everyone!!

Been a while since I checked in which I apologize for things have been hectic (in between the nausea and fatigue)... Just an update for me the nausea is starting to become bearable eventhough I still throw up first thing in the morning... The tiredness is starting to kick in and my boobs constantly feel tensed lol... Have another scan on Thursday + blood tests... Did some gender guesses and both Mayan + Chinese Calendar says girl and old wives tales says 8/9 girl lol so we'll see it'll probably be a boy... If so we have a boy name (Declan Daniel but shh it's a secret lol)

5 years ago • Post starter

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