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TTC January/February 2020 babies

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Hang in there ladies!!

295 Replies • 5 years ago



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@scuba im so sad for sure. I really thought this was your month.
@agatch still praying for u and ur new angel. My heart aches for you as well.

Welcome to the new people

AFM thank u so much for the support. Im not seeing big changes on keto yet physically but mentally I am felling stronger. I have more energy. I am more happy. I am making projects again. DH and I had so much tmi!!!! adult time this weekend. I feel like carbs are clogging my life and now that I am reducing happier.
@Harmonyke that is amazing. How long did it took yoi to get into ketosis last time? Im hoping that keto will help me. I have both Pcos and Hashimoto and they are hard to manage with meds.

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5 years ago

I'm crazy for testing so early but am I crazy that I see a vvvfl here?

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5 years ago

Lalou so happy for you girl! I’m really proud for people who have decided to change their lifestyle and not giving up! Even if you’re not seeing immediate results, don’t give up! It will worth it I promise!!! Something that I keep telling to my students who are struggling to lose weight is, don’t aim for dramatic fast results. Aim for the change. If you give up nothing is gonna change and most likely it will become worse. Even if you lose 1kg per month, in 10 months you’ll be 10 kilos off! And 10 months is NOTHING but 10 kilos is a big thing!!!

Jessica Yes, I can see something but I’m not sure since is too early! I know is hard to wait but try not to count so much on faint lines and shadow since personally in the past I was many times heartbroken by it!! Let’s hope it will get darker day after day

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5 years ago

Pretty sure I’m just not going to O this cycle. So frustrating. Temps all over the place opks still all over the place but no where near positive after the positive on cycle day 12. Told my SO after this cycle I’m taking a break from tracking anything. And see what happens. This is my FF chart

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5 years ago

This one has my opks also

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5 years ago

LaLou I am so excited for you! Getting healthy is never easy. I am still on my own journey to get healthy and it has been rough. You can do it! We are all here for you as well!!

Alex I have my fingers crossed for you!!

Mama I am with you this month. I have pretty much given up on O this month and am hoping AF will just show up. It is frustrating but you are still kind of early in your cycle. Not sure what is normal for you, but if I O it isn’t until somewhere after cd20. You never know.

AFM: this week I had decided to be really good and watch what I eat. Bring my own lunch and be prepared! Of course it is teacher appreciation week and we have goodies every day....ugh. Still going to be good and only eat a little of it.
Still no temp rise and no O. Cd38 and just waiting. Last cycle this was the second day of AF. Definitely getting frustrated. My chart seems to be leveling out but I am not sure. Hoping I either O really late or AF shows soon. DH is going to take my paperwork in to the doctor for me since I am at school all day. Hoping I can get some answers.

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5 years ago

Approximately 12 dpo today. I have not taken a single test this tww. For one, I completely feel like there is no chance. And two, I just needed a break. Yesterday I felt this constant little pain in my right lower pelvic area? Hmmmm, I thought maybe appendix, but today it's gone? Who knows? I am not going to test at all. Just waiting for Af. The hubby is still taking his Maca. I've been taking my vitex minus the couple days I've just forgot. We will see what next month brings. Expecting AF on Thursday.


5 years ago

@Alex and @Say thank you ladies. So many teachers in this group. No wonder I feel like among my people :-). Today i have been fasting the longest I have in 9y. I am at 18h and half. I can t make it to 24h but will push it to 19h. Im so proud of myself. I was also feeling like i was getting sicked from allergies but i think this fast is healing me as well. That is awesome!!. For the meditation part, I was also observing a day of less shouting and less talking. I feel great. I am praying for everyone. Please stay brave @mill and everyone else.
How are you @scuba? @Ana? @Agatch stay strong mama.

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5 years ago

I posted in the other thread but ahhh I think I got a BFP! The line was there before the 10 mm but not as dark. This was after 10 minutes! I'm going to keep taking tests but this is giving me hope!

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5 years ago

Millbarnett Good luck! I hope you get your bfp!
Lalou You can do it girl!!
Shay I still have my fingers crossed that you’ll O soon!
Jessica that’s amazing babe!! You must be over the moon!!!! So exiting

AFM CD11 and I’m feeling my O pains. Not sure witch side cuz I have pinches left side and right side also lol but I think more on the ride side which I don’t like lol opk is getting close and everything is going as usual. I think I’ll O tomorrow!
Hubbys supplements came today (yayyy) so the final countdown it’s on!! Let’s hope this babies will work!

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5 years ago

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