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TTC January/February 2020 babies

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Hang in there ladies!!

295 Replies • 5 years ago



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Thanks girls. Not seeing that much of a progression yet, but it hasn't even been 24 hours and I'm only 9 dpo. And I'm not even sure it's a real line yet. It's a real squinter within the timeframe that gets a little bit darker after the time. This is the best pic I could get and it's taken about 2 minutes after the timeframe. Oh well, I guess I'll see if it gets darker by tomorrow or not. If there is something it would, since these are as sensitive as a frer.

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5 years ago

A bit more zoomed in

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5 years ago

I think I see something! ????
Keep us updated!
I'm cycle day 7 and hoping February is our month! But if not that will be ok too, as that will put due date around my daughters second birthday.
I was on the pill when I got pregnant with my daughter and it's so frustrating that it's not happening easily this time around!
I hope that doesn't come out insensitivly, I know some of y'all have been trying for longer than me, just wanted to blurt it out! Xx

5 years ago

Kait thanks for the informations and I really hope this second chance to be real! Good luck!
Pandorica I can see a shadow of a line! Fingers crossed hun! It will be amazing to see your bfp this cycle!!
Jeebee Good luck! Hope you make it easy enough as your first time

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5 years ago

@pandorica I hope it gets darker for you!

@jeebee we all have different stories, but any struggle is hard and we can relate. Hopefully you'll be pregnant with your second soon.

5 years ago

I’m going with this is going to be an anovulatory cycle for me. Temps down again this morning. BFN. Wishing AF would just show up already and get this over with. Good luck ladies with all your tests!

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5 years ago

I really hope it gets darker too. Feels nice having you ladies to cheer me on. What lets me keep my hopes up a bit this time is the fact that I have absolutely no symptoms! I always have some sort of PMS by now, whether it may be light cramps, sore boobs or something else. But this time I feel nothing. It could be the borage oil that leveled out my hormones, or it could actually be our month. Only a few more days until I definitely know for sure which of them it is.

Oh, and by the way. This is what the test looked like once it dried. It got a tad bit darker. Still not enough to trust though.

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5 years ago

Pandorica we’re all rooting for you! I’m crossing everything to see a darker test today!!!!

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5 years ago

@Alex - Thanks. I actually took one before I went to bed yesterday and definitely saw a line. Saw one in this mornings test too and now it's dried darker then yesterday. Really hope it continues to get darker now. Got a clear bfp at 11 dpo with my son, and I'm 10 dpo now. So hopefully it'll be a clear one tomorrow too.

Added some pics of my tests from yesterday evening and today in my gallery. Will upload a pic of how it looks now that it's dried in a minute.

5 years ago

I think I'll post the pic of the dried test in here too. This is the darkest the test has dried so far. I think I'll probably take another one in the evening, since my evening urine gives a little stronger line than fmu.

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5 years ago

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