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Pregnancy test calculator
Use this calculator to help you decide when to take your first home pregnancy test.
Replies (sorted by likes)
Pandorica I know right? Lol Good luck! I’ll be having my fingers crossed for you!
Kait Temperatures could be affected by anything! Try not to read too much into one but in the general picture! Glad your DH is determined to do his SA. Hopefully you guys will have some good news!!
Mama So frustrating! Try not to get down by this and hopefully you’ll catch that egg!
Harmonyke Congratulations girl! I think you got your BFP!!!! So exiting! Can’t wait to see it darkens!!!
Emma I hope your results will be all normal!! Fingers crossed also that this is indeed your cycle and you’re wrong!!!
Amarah Hello! Hopefully you’ll get your bfp this very cycle! Good luck!
Lalou Glad that you had a great time on the wedding weekend! Now that you both are more relaxed it’s the perfect time for a little bean to go and stick for good!! Fingers crossed girl!!!! Good luck for your exams too! You got this!
AFM 8DPO here and the only difference than all my other cycles is that my nipples hurts TOO much. Never had this so intense. I would love to believe that this could be pregnancy related but tbh I highly doubt it. Everything else is pretty normal for me and I’m expecting AF in 5 days!
5 years ago • Edited
Felt like I was going to get another temp rise today. But I've slept like shit and woke up every hour between 2 in the morning and until I got up at 6:30 in the morning. So today's temp isn't reliable at all. Well, that's what you get for staying up late in hopes of finishing the "dragon shirt" I made for my son. Didn't finish yesterday, but did this morning.
5 years ago
Hi everyone! Hope your day/evening is being good to you, or at the very least, gentle.
@Lalou I’m so glad you had a great time! I’ve got my fingers, toes, and hair crossed for good news from your appointment, exam retake, and BD timing! You got this!
@Alex I hope the days fly by and you get good news soon! I’ll definitely be following your progress with the supplements!
@Amarah Welcome back! Send happy thoughts and wishes on your second journey, and hope you get great news soon!
AFM: Alright, here’s today’s test! And btw, I got a negative FR digital with the same sample, and was so confused because I thought that FRRR were supposed to be LESS sensitive than FRERs and the digitals. So, I call FR and they confirmed that FRERs and digitals confirm as soon as 11 dpo, but FRRRs take up 15 dpo…so why the negative digital? Welp, turns out I flooded the test because I didn’t read the instructions properly and dipped for 20 secs instead of 5 secs! SMH.
Anyway, thank you for the support...I'd like to stay around at least until my missed period, I see my doctor, and have a beta to confirm as I'm pretty terrified of another loss. I'd also like to continue checking on everyone, if that's okay too.
5 years ago • Edited
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