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TTC January/February 2020 babies

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Hang in there ladies!!

295 Replies • 5 years ago



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Thank you @Alex and @Anna xx Honestly I'm sat here googling if a positive test is even possible this late. Plus cervix position is low so doesn't that mean it's on its way? I thought it is meant to rise when you are pregnant. Agrr. This morning I felt a little nausea but then that might not even be related. I just wish it would show already so I can move on xx

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5 years ago

Anna He’s not taking it yet but I’m waiting for it any day now to be delivered. Cannot wait to see if there’s gonna be any result with that!! Hopefully all your hard symptoms will ease in the next few weeks! I’ve heard that second trimester is a bit easier!

Scuba yea googling those kind of things sounds familiar to me. Even though I googled it so many times I’m still doing it in the hope I’ll get my super late bfp which is very common based on what I saw. I’m still keeping a hope for you!!

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5 years ago

Hello ladies!! Sorry I have been mia. It was our anniversary on Monday so we took the whole weekend just to be with each other. I am excited that it looks like everyone is around their fertile windows!! Good luck ladies!!

AFM: still not much to report. No confirmed O yet. Still waiting to see. Today was the first day almost my entire cycle that my temp stayed up instead of dropping back down. Hoping that is a good sign and O happened. I am on cd33 now. I am trying to patiently wait and see what happens. I ran out of OPKs so I haven’t been tracking that or cm really. Just trying to relax and let things be at this point. We continue to bd every couple of days just in case, but I have pretty much lost hope this cycle. Good luck to everyone else though!! Going to make an appointment to get my thyroid checked and do other bloodwork if my doctor thinks I should. Just working on getting healthier both physically and mentally. This has been taking its toll on me as we reach the year mark this month. Here is my chart just hoping someone else sees something I haven’t.

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5 years ago

@alex that sounds really promising! I hope they arrive soon and that they work some magic.

5 years ago

Hi all. Currently 7dpo today. This tww stuff is crazy! Woke up at 5dpo with cold sore. Don’t get them unlesss extremely stressed etc. I’ve actually been less stressed at work/home last couple weeks. 6dpo I had some crazy vivid nightmares and dreamed of a positive pregnancy test. Last night I had more super vivid dreams and keep waking up with random songs in my head. One was Keep on loving you and the other was an Alanis Morrissett song(spelling?). One thing I’ve noticed is my cm is watery/creamy and I constantly feel wet?! Since day after ovulation. I didn’t ovulate till cd20 and I’m on cd27 today. I have cycles that range from 26-32 days and just started tracking ovulation so not sure how long luteal phase is for me. Hoping AF doesn’t come. Have noticed my joints are achy since yesterday

5 years ago

Shay looks like you might Od on CD30. I hope this is it and you caught that egg!

Kait I really hope so! How are you feeling?

CeCe I hope Af stays away

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5 years ago

Yay cycle day 12 almost positive opk!! way earlier then last month!!!! Here's hoping I get a temp rise here soon too so I can confirm O!! last month I didn't get a positive opk until cycle day 19! temp rise on cycle day 20! looking hopeful for this TWW

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5 years ago

@alex I'm feeling pretty good. Barely any pain after the procedure and just some light spotting. I'm thinking about going back to temping and opks this cycle.

5 years ago

@mama get it! I would love to O that early! I'm usually CD 19-23... Bleh

5 years ago

Kait I never O this early it’s usually 16 or later! Like I said last month was positive opk on cycle day 19 and temp spike on cycle day 20. This is strange for me!

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5 years ago

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