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3DPO - Need a TWW buddy...

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Hi, I'm 3DPO ttc my first. This is my first cycle of clomid also. I'd love to have someone to share the dreaded/anticipated tww with!

583 Replies • 11 years ago



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Don't feel left behind! Jade and I r still right here with u, chearing u on too! I am praying for both u ladies! Babydust to all!

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11 years ago

Thank mommy means a lot, sometimes especially on here wen people find out they are pregnant you don't hear from them anymore, and it's not a nice feeling when that happens and I don't know why people do that xx

11 years ago

Totally agree Therose!!! LOVE that you guys are cheering us on!!

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11 years ago

I will Benin my 80s and you lot will still be cheering me on lol xx

11 years ago

That was cute but don't think like that!

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11 years ago

Just can't wait till we go back to the doctors on the 3rd oct to get mine and hubby's results back and see if they are all normal and what will be the next stage after that xx

11 years ago

That's great! Keep us updated!

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11 years ago

I will do, how r u feeling anyways Hun? Hope all is ok xx

11 years ago

Therose, hang in there! We're waiting for don't worry. Take your time we got several months left, plenty of time for you to catch up!

11 years ago • Post starter

I will plead the 5th for the how r u feeling question, lol...i have been pretty sick both cold virus and the hormones are making my bile salt issue act up which is causing vomiting and diarrea and my liver levels are elevated but going back down it seems. but after my loss last month i am trying to count my blessings and b greatful to have a pregnancy to b so sick from....but my hcg levels r doubling nicely, no ultrasound yet. I see my ob again next Tuesday, she will likely schedule one after that. Tomorrow will make 6 weeks!

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11 years ago

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