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3DPO - Need a TWW buddy...

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Hi, I'm 3DPO ttc my first. This is my first cycle of clomid also. I'd love to have someone to share the dreaded/anticipated tww with!

583 Replies • 11 years ago



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Thanks girls for the support...fingers crossed all goes well. I should be seeing my dr tomorrow.

11 years ago • Post starter


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11 years ago

Sorry I have been out ladies. It has been super crazy on the rarm and ranch with harvest just starting. Congrats and hugs to those who got and didn't get what they hoped for. Well I'm 12 dpo today. Still bfn as of this morning. I def feel preggers. I have a backache,cramping????, bloating, somewhat nauseous and tired. I'm still hopeful that maybe this is like my last pregnancy and that I just have low hcg and that's y it's not showing up on pg tests. Scared to make a dr appt bc if I do my luck af will show up. have any of u ever experienced cramping at 12 dpo? Honestly im a little worried but I never get af symptoms till the day she shows up.

11 years ago

Congrats Jade!!! How exciting!!

So sorry Mommy1st. I had a m/c in April at 9 weeks along. It doesn't matter if you are one week or 12 weeks along- it still hurts. Hugs to you!

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11 years ago

What methods do you guys do to predict ovulation? BBT? CM? OPK?
I haven't been very consistent about any method (the 2 times I used an OPK I got pregnant). If no baby this month I am going to use one of the methods next month.

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11 years ago

I used opk. The answer brand is pretty good and u can usually find $1 off coupons on the boxes. Their week supply boxes. I haven't had much luck with bbt this month. My temps always fluctuating so I used the opk.

11 years ago

I used opk and bd every day near o

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11 years ago

I use OPKs as I can temp as iz work night shift and I don't sleep when I get home, I did try it once and it was I mess, so thought I'd stick to OPKs and preseed xx

11 years ago

Can't temp I meant lol x

11 years ago

Well I've got a great doc and she helped a lot to make sure we knew when O was this month. I was on clomid this month so she asked me to come in at cd13 for follicle tracking, my egg wasn't ready at cd13 but we knew it would be in the next couple days so I was supposed to go back in 3 days after but 2 days after I noticed a bit of ewcm after using the bathroom early that morning. I had 1 opk left over from the month before so I took it a few hrs later and it was close to positive.

So i called dr up and she told me to come in later that day (a Sunday!). We did the ultrasound and my little eggie was over 20mm and ready to pop.

We knew exactly when to Bd and if she confirms it today well, it worked!

I was also temping but I don't think I was doing it right until later on the cycle but it wasn't too far off either.

11 years ago • Post starter

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