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TTC November/December 2021

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Hello friends! Since as it seems I’m not going anywhere soon, I’ll be glad to have some company in here, sharing our concerns and daily updates while TTC!

Good luck to everyone!!

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2000 Replies Closed • 4 years ago • Edited



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*le sigh* I'm just sitting here at 5dpo with a whole lot of nothing going on. I had a minor cramp today but nothing else. How is everyone else feeling today?

4 years ago

Eee dragonfly congrats!! I haven't logged in in a while as I keep going back and forth as whether to wait a month to try again or go for it. But then I was literally like "I gotta see the bfps!" and sure enough you had one!! So happy for you! Last time with baby 2, you got preggers the cycle before I did so here's to hoping our rainbow is quick!

4 years ago

Hberry you’re really a hero having AF late and still not testing! I’m pretty sure you’re pregnant based on symptoms!! Fingers crossed!

Dragonfly don’t be so tough with yourself babe. Your hormones are all over the place now and as H said we all do things that we regret. The true mature thing is that you’re acknowledging it! How’s your days going symptom wise?

Punk oh girl I know the 5dpo phase.. so blah cuz it’s too early to have symptoms and too far so you can maybe feel implantation. You just want the days to run at this point! Hang in there.. you got this!

Riskers I’ll say if you feel emotionally ready go for it! So many women got pregnant right away! I’m having everything crossed for you and a healthy 9 months soon!!

AFM I think I ovulated yesterday at last. My temps went up this morning and last night I was feeling something I noticed I’m feeling every cycle on my O day. When is the actual O day I have major bowel pains and SORRY TMI trapped gas lol I started noticing it few month ago and now I’m certain that when I start felling pain like this I know that my temps will go up next day and I’ll confirm O. Anyone else having this?

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4 years ago • Edited • Post starter

Hello, I'm back and ready to start new cycle. The last one was very short one, only 24 days, normally my cycles are 28. Today is CD01. My doctors suggested to start cycle monitoring and IUI but I think I'll try another cycle naturally. I'm not ready for IUI yet.

@dragonfly congratulations!
Good luck and baby dusty to all of us!

4 years ago

Alex- the funny thing is when doing the testing calculator, they have AF due Friday as well but on the calendar when doing cycles I'm 2 days overdue with no sign of AF coming. So confusing.
Riskers- If you're ready to try again, go for it. We will always be here for you!
Punk- Do you have anything to keep you occupied in the meantime?
Afm it's cd 25 and 13dpo. Woke up with a stuffy nose and a horrible taste in my mouth. I'm also super exhausted. Boobs are still tender but feelimg heavier/fuller.

4 years ago

@SheRiakers. Thank you. Being on the fence is hard but here's hoping you get your BFP this go around so you can have your rainbow baby.

@ex. Try to kewp yourself buay this next couple weeks and try not to worry. The only thing with me is the constipation and lack of appetite.

@Hberry. How are you today?

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4 years ago

Dragonfly- I'm extremely exhausted. I feel like crawling back to bed and sleep all day. Feeling lots of twinges and after eating, feeling nauseated. Boobs are killing me too. They are so sore they hurt

4 years ago • Edited

@Hberry. Here is a strange question, when you lay down on your back, does your stomach make lots of gurgling noises? Mine did in the tww so I was curious. One more day if you can hold out until then lol.

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4 years ago

Dragonfly- Once in awhile it would make gurgling noises. I've actually felt a lot more twinges when laying down. AF is overdue by 2 days and no sign of showing up either.

4 years ago

9dpo and I think this may be the start Of my BFP! hoping it progresses and becomes a blazing over the next few days!
Hberry- I cant wait to see your test tomorrow! Crossing my fingers for your

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4 years ago

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