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New Cycle .. who’s with me??

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Hi Ladies!

CD 1 here!! Another failed TTC attempt. Here’s to hoping for a bfp this cycle!!

153 Replies • 5 years ago



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FX that line gets darker Nadine

Jrosie: I hope you are not out. Your symptoms sound so promising. Ugh. Either way, you have been doing alot lately to really get in tuned with your body so I am praying it all works out very soon. I wanna see you show me some lines. HUGS

Colie: Yay..that is wonderful news!! FX for cd21 progesterone results. I'll be staking you all.

Sorry if I forgot anyone. Super busy and trying not to focus on ttc this cycle because my health is screaming for me to touch base with it. So new meals, activity levels and low stress are in the mix. But I am still hear rooting you ladies on. <3

5 years ago

Thanks guys!! I really hope it does too x

Jrosie that's exactly me.. in denial about being pregnant, but also in denial about AF coming haha. It's so weird.
I'm always saying I might not ever get pregnant, but then every month I think I'm pregnant hahah.

I love that plan Luv2CU! If i'm not pregnant this month, I'm going to swear off forums, and testing and anything to do with TTC (except BD) and just try to take my mind off of it and see what happens.

5 years ago

I agree with that .. I think we all just need to relax and take our minds off TTC. It’s so frustrating. Well it’s 12 dpo for me and I got a bfn. I even ended up using my FRER. So AF should show her face by tomorrow. At this point I’m more than likely not pregnant. It’s disappointing, but I just got to keep on moving on as I do every cycle. Easier said than done :(
Nadine- I cant wait to see another test from you. I’m hoping at least someone has a bfp after this long awaited cycle. I wish you all the luck and keep us posted.

5 years ago • Post starter

I’m out guys :(
Got spotting that happens the day before period. Bright red, definitely not implantation.
This sucks. Also did another test, BFN. I don’t know why I was tasting metal, maybe I do need to brush my teeth more hahaha

I really hope it happens for us all soon :) I’m gonna take a break off the forums though, just try not to think about it.

5 years ago

Oh I’m sorry Nadine :( I really thought this was going to be it for you. Ugh

I think I had some spotting today. I’ve never spotted in my entire life. I could see just the tiniest hint of a light pink? Then it seemed kind of a very light brown just now? I don’t understand what’s wrong with me?? I feel like I’m on AF right now, but there is no blood. I’m so crampy and my head is pounding. Ugh.. AF just needs to go ahead and show up So I can get on with this. Ahhh sorry guys needed to vent this out. I feel like crap and just so over it

5 years ago • Post starter

Maybe it's implantation bleeding? Pink or brown is normally the colour!

I know what you mean. I'm so disappointed. I really thought it would happen this month, I want to just get my period and to have those 5 days of just chilling and knowing what's going on with my body haha. Hopefully i'll start tomorrow

5 years ago

Sorry about the bfn Jrosie.

Nadine: Oh, no..spotting is a sign of AF for me. I Hope not for you but if it is HUGS.

We are moving in the Fall once we get August done with and this girl is SO happy about that. I love the colder weather. Looking for the comfort of warm blankets and

I really hope we can all see that bfp before the end of the year but if we don't please don't miss out on all the positive things you do have going on in life. For me, its cooking up a storm. I'm learning to make some yummy dishes on keto and its been so worth it....taste wise...haha I haven't been doing it long enough to see the scale change.

5 years ago

Now you are getting me all excited for Fall. My favorite season. Colors changing, cooler weather, cooking chili, lots of baking. And then holidays will be here before we know it. I’d have to say I did a lot better this cycle with not getting all crazy during 2ww. The 4 days of it is still the worst for me. But proud of my self for getting through the first week and half with being chill and still enjoying life. Next cycle is being chill until AF is due lol
Well I expect my AF to be here in full swing in the morning, but still a tiny bit of hope. Like the smallest bit. I’ll let you all know what happens tomorrow. Have a good evening.
Hang in there Nadine ????
Hopefully we get some answers tomorrow.

5 years ago • Post starter

Well AF is two days late, and im not having much of any symptoms either way. Until tonight and I had some stomach troubles. 85%sure she will be here tonight or tomorrow, super bummed but theres always next cycle. .

5 years ago

Rosiewilson- hopefully your still in this. Have you tested?

I still just have light spotting only when I wipe, and it’s not every time. This is weird and a bit frustrating. If a flow doesn’t start coming in today then I will test tomorrow. Just waiting this out. I can’t even call this AF. This is so unlike me. My first day of AF is usually medium to heavy flow with absolutely killer cramps. I have tolerable light cramping here and there now. I just really don’t think I’m pregnant at this point and I’m worried my cycle is all messed up now :(

5 years ago • Post starter

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