Community post
Pregnancy test calculator
Use this calculator to help you decide when to take your first home pregnancy test.
hello there everyone! Im new to this site and new to the TTC tribe! Ive researched non-stop and currently on the 2 week wait. I had no idea this would be some sort of mental torture! lol We have only ttc this month and im hoping we get lucky. Im at 6 DPO and AF is due on the 22nd. I never thought i wished to miss my period? lol So happy to read along the threads and it just makes it more exciting! hope everyone gets their BFPs!!! have a great week ahead!
5 years ago
Wow, I missed reading this post over the weekend (my son was sick with a stomach bug) and I'm trying my best to catch up and get to know all the ladies here!
@scuba: I wouldn't lose hope just yet until AF officially arrives!
@emma: I'm so very sorry to hear about your chemical...
@nicole: welcome and good luck! TTC is very torturous HA!
@Sam: I still see a very faint positive on your tests!
AFM: Thanks for all the welcomes. I am probably around 5dpo as I don't know exactly which day I ovulated, I only know when I was fertile due to watery cm. I am having dull aches and cramping, so probably getting my hopes up thinking its implantation pains?
I ordered my box of easy@home pregnancy tests and they're supposed to arrive today! I'm a nut when it comes to testing, but I am going to try to hold out until at least 9dpo... which I already know I don't have the will power to wait that long HA! AF is expected around the 22nd-24thish (my cycle lengths vary).
5 years ago
Hey again!
Another month of trying. I think my body is back to normal it was all over the place for last few months. I believe I ovulated 3 days ago but have been baby dancing pretty much every day just so we don't miss it. But the month seem like I'm back to normal. it would but prefect if we got this month being I would be finding out on my partner birthday and beginning of the 2nd trimester would be my birthday (or if I calculated right lol) I don't want to get my hopes up but it would be pretty awesome if it did.
@kitkat that sounds like a good sign I hope you get that bfp very soon
@crystal hope your little one is feeling better. Hope you get a bfp soon!
5 years ago
@KitKat: I personally haven't ever experienced implantation bleeding, only cramping, so I can't help you there. But
@Jillyhop: Thank you, my son was feeling much more himself this morning, thank goodness! Glad you feel you're back to normal, maybe that's a sign!!
Still cramping mildly today.... is 5dpo too early for implantation cramps? I don't remember when implantation is supposed to occur...
5 years ago
Temp is still up and so is my resting heart rate. I read that resting HR stays elevated during LP and through pregnancy.
I am anywhere between 11dpo - 13dpo. BFN this morning. Pic is posted in my album. I think I'm out this month. I'm just really anxious to get AF so I can start my first round of Clomid.
Anyone else taking Clomid?
5 years ago
Early pregnancy symptoms by day past ovulation
What signs and symptoms are most common on each day past ovulation?
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