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October/November Babies 2019*

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Hi ladies

I'm back in for another month as most of you know... My due date would be end October i think so I'm combining the two months again.

Good luck girls !!

568 Replies • 5 years ago



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So sorry Emma. ????

5 years ago

The thing that annoys me is if I hadn’t tested again I’d still be happy and think I’m still pregnant, I have no symptoms that anything is wrong it’s just the stupid tests that are getting lighter

5 years ago

Today's test!
@emma sorry to hear your news!

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5 years ago

Oh Emma I'm so sorry to read this I don't know what to say. Why are you not trying again? xx

Update from me. Another stark white FRER test and while checking cervix I noticed a little bit of pink spotting. So I guess that's me out Waiting for AF to rear her ugly head. It's odd though because I keep getting sharp ovary twinges like I'm ovulating. Never had that before when my AF was due. My symptom spotting never ceases to amaze me or follow any pattern at all! So I think I'm going to skip bbt this next cycle. Just time BD every other day from CD6 then wait until 28-29 days. Fed up right now ????‍?? xx

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5 years ago

We’ve been ttc for 13 months my husband wanted to stop a couple of months ago and I convinced him to try again for the last time this last cycle so that was our last try, he’s going to be 37 this year and feels like he’s getting old so doesn’t want to keep trying

5 years ago

Emma maybe take a little break and try again. xx I got pregnant after my ectopic when I just turned 40 and my husband was 37. We are trying now and he's 40 in May and I'll be 43 in April. Age is just a number. As long as you are healthy that shouldn't stop you trying.

I'm starting acupuncture on Saturday which was helpful before for me. Have you tried it? xx

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5 years ago

@Emma I'm so so sorry babe

5 years ago • Post starter

Ladies in the uk, do you know if I’m supposed to see a gp for this or do I just ride it out until af turns up ? X

Scuba my husband doesn’t want to try anymore, we wanted a close age gap and he’s now feeling too old, tbh we both didn’t think we would still be trying over a year later , we have never had this before x

I’ve inly ever had a eptopic pregnancy before when something has gone wrong so I don’t know what I’m supposed to do now/ if anything ? Any advice would be appreciated x

5 years ago

Bimini I know! Sometimes I wish I could be busy till I drop from tiredness around tww in order to avoid thinking about all this!

Sam I hope you’ll get your clear positive soon

Emma I’m so so sorry! This is so unfair.. sending healing prayers your way! I really hope you and your DH talk about this and maybe he changes his mind. I know you wanted to surprise him and he doesn’t know you had several positives but I think is time to talk to him about it... This is not something you should go through alone. I know it’s non of my business and I’m sorry if I’m making you feel uncomfortable. It’s not my intention at all. Hope you’ll feeling better soon.

Anna Your timing is exactly what it needs!!!!! So exited for you babe! Truly hope you’ll have your rainbow this cycle!!!!

Scuba I know how you feel... I’m not counting you out yet tho!!

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5 years ago

Sorry I thought I had said, I told him Saturday night, he was over the moon too x

5 years ago

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