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Does anyone else feel like a crazy person???!!!

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I think I might be pregnant ....I'm probably not ....could be, I'm late and crampy ....or maybe I ovulated later than I thought ...My breast feels sore, I gotta be pregnant ...maybe it's sore from me poking at it to see if it's sore. LOL! Anyone else mentally wrestling yourself ?!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9961 Replies • 12 years ago



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Shell - that must be weighing on your heart very heavily. I hope everything works out for the best for you. I've been married twice and have had a few terrible boyfriends, and I've been in your shoes. I have become less accommodating as I get older, more suspicious, and never invite women into my home. I hope he has just been staying out late drinking and not cheating. I would definitely ask myself if he is worth all of the heartache. If he is not honoring your marital vows you are under no obligation to stay with him. I know a lot of people disagree because marriage should be forever, but I do not believe a wife should have to suffer mental or physical abuse, drug or alcohol abuse, or infidelity for any reason. It puts your life in danger. If you are pregnant he could bring home a disease, wreck with you in the car, or black out and beat the crap out of you. I think it's ultimatum time. He gets his shit straight, or he gets out. Life is too short to be unhappy because of someone else's selfishness and stupidity.

11 years ago

@Lammy, NattyE and Phat...Fingers crossed for both of you. I hope you all get your soon. Your symptoms Lammy and NattyE and your faint line Phat give me hope!

@ stay away from my homegirl Phat!

@Waiting, I forgot to tell you earlier in the week that your physician ticked me off! Telling someone that "I know you want to be preggers yesterday" when they are TTC like we are is unerving! I wanted to tell her a thing or two myself. Some doctors have no bedside manner. Reminds me of Sheldon from the Big Bang Theory! He's not a medical doctor, but the dude seriously lacks tact!

@Shell, my heart goes out to you! I must echo the sentiments of my fellow TTCers. I've been in your shoes, so I am speaking from personal experience. First, I say pray and look to God for guidance. You really have to open yourself up the signs that may be sent your way (don't be blind). If your hubby is not honoring his vows and is taking you for granted, you have to decide if this is the life you want for yourself. I divorced my first husband because he got a woman pregnant. Although the signs were not as obvious, there were a few signs he was cheating. It really hurt to find out his mistress was 8 months pregnant. That was a very painful time in my life. I just wish I left his #$&@ sooner!

Love is Patient and Love is Kind. Love is not cruel and unusual punishment! Life is too short. You may love him, but love yourself more! I will pray to God that he gives you peace of mind and strength!

AFM - I had cramping on and off for the last few days, creamy CM, and a slight (but brief) headache yestrday. I caved and took a HPT and of course . I'm only about 5DPO...what was I thinking? Is there a POAS test for insanity? If I POASd on that right now, I would definitely get two lines!

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11 years ago

Holly - did you see my other tests?

BTW - does anyone else hate going to the potty the day AF is due? I feel nauseous right now thinking about wiping & seeing that AF is here after all.

There is a test for insanity - it's called the Squirrel Hole. If you have one, it's proof positive you've leapt over the edge!

11 years ago

@Phat, I just looked at your tests. I think I see something on the FRER. I thought you also tested on some Wondfo's and they had a faint line?

Do you recall if you felt implantatation type pains? If so, when? Maybe you implanted late and your beta is low.

Le'ts hope the witch stays away and you can test tomorrow and get a nice !

I haven't felt implantation pains. Just cramps. They aren't as bad as they were a couple of months ago when I had my CP, but that could be a good thing. I'm looking implantation between today and the weekend. I'll keep you all posted.

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11 years ago

Holly - I have had pains, but I have them all the time now that I'm paying attention to my body. They were most noticeable yesterday. I did have Wondfo's with faint lines, too, but they never got darker. I'm nauseous, but my daughter just had a stomach bug. I can tell you I would be floored if I actually turn out to be pregnant. I've had lots of lower back pain the last couple of days, and cervical pains yesterday. I actually thought I was going to start yesterday with the cramping. I usually start around lunch time, but I don't know if today's the day for sure because I ovulated late.

11 years ago

im scared for tomorrow

as i was in hosptial last night my mum and nan both said to me they dont think its a bug i said why what do u think it is and they both said preg i told them i think i am too . so im scared as i dont wanna dissapoint people

tomorrow will tell

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11 years ago

My heart breaks for you Shell! I dont really even know what to say except you are a wonderful woman and dont deserve to be treated that way. I know it's hard to see things when you're in the middle of it, but your husband's actions definitely do not sound good. I'm lifting you up in prayer as I type this. It's completely your decision what you want to do but from experience I know this...if you are pregnant, find out what your husband is up to before you tell him. A baby wont fix a marriage and make him stay. If he wants out and the marriage doesnt you really want your husband to be half raising your child with his mistress? Whatever happens, know you have us ladies on our knees with our hands in the air, asking God to deliver you from this situation and bring you out on the other side :). We all love you hun and the only thing I can truly recommend...head to church on Sunday...or watch my pastor's service they have live services on Tues, Sat and Sun. It's amazing how God always gives my pastor the right message at the right time. Also, check out If you're feeling alone in this situation...PUSH LISTEN LIVE on the me :)

@holly- I LOVE Big Bang! And I agree, she reminds me of sheldon lol.

@phat- aaaaa....squirrel hole syndrome!

My day has been interesting. Brother in law lost his job this morning meaning that I'm temporarily laid off from babysitting til he gets hired somewhere else. Sheesh. So I swung by dh's work to give him a kiss and tell him about it. He had to go to home depot for superglue for the chief so I went with him. It was fun. Like we were dating again lol
Just waiting on word from the dr. Probably wont get results til tomorrow.

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

11 years ago • Edited • Post starter

Guys! OMG!!! I just took an HPT and I see a line. I can't believe it! Take a look. I posted it a few minutes ago. I will try and post a better picture later! Headed out the door for a few, but wanted to give you all the news!

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11 years ago

Can you hear that Holly??!!!....IT'S A LOUD APPLAUSE COMING FROM ST LOUIS!!!!!!!! ROFL!!!!!!!! Go have a twix!!! lol

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

11 years ago • Post starter

@Waiting...DH came home from work and had an empty Twix wrapper in his car. I was kind of made it was empty LOL.

I just posted another pic from a different angle. I keep staring at this test, looking at it in different lighting and wondering if my eyes are playing tricks on me. I really cannot believe it. I just hope this is real!

I'm having more cramping today...on the left side. It feels like AF is coming, but I know it is too early. Again, I hope it is a good sign. If I am pregnant my symptoms aren't as prevalent as they were before. My boobs don't feel heavy and aren't even sore and trust me...I have poked, pushed, wiggled, jiggled, and pinched them just to see!

I hope we are all on our way to a BFP and to be more that sticks!

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11 years ago

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