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Does anyone else feel like a crazy person???!!!

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I think I might be pregnant ....I'm probably not ....could be, I'm late and crampy ....or maybe I ovulated later than I thought ...My breast feels sore, I gotta be pregnant ...maybe it's sore from me poking at it to see if it's sore. LOL! Anyone else mentally wrestling yourself ?!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9961 Replies • 12 years ago



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3301 - 3310 of 9961 Replies | Last Page

@lammy. How are you feeling? I know you are super excited, I am so happy for you sweetie

@xoxo wow 10DPO already! (Well already for me from the outside looking in, I am sure for you it's an eternity). Sooooooo when are WE testing??? **notice usage of the word WE** lol ...I will be praying for that BFP!!!! I will also be stalking for your post!!

AFM: Finally talked my doctor into giving me clomid on Friday **crowd cheers**BUT I was on CD 8 and clomid is taken in CD 5-9 **crowd boooo's and throw rotten tomatoes at the stage** lol ...oh well. So I am waiting to O and if this is not my cycle then next cycle I try my first robin of clomid. Last cycle I tried the power of positive thinking and speaking a BFP into existance and it did earn me the BFP that I have been asking for but apparently I wasn't specific enough to thinking on the bean being sticky **uh oh** SOOOO this time as I am in my pre-pregnant phase I own that this is my cycle and I won't even need that stinkn' clomid **whoop whoop** !!!!

11 years ago

@Pisces, that's right! You make this cycle your bitch!
I'm sure hoping I get my BFP! Next week, so far I haven't had the urge to test but my CM iswayyyyyyy more than I have ever had and I've had minor cramps and pulling on the inside. My boobs are killing me BUT those are all signs AF could be on her way too so I'm ignoring them a tad :-)

11 years ago

I'm feeling good ty just cramps on and off and tired other then that not many symptoms .

I finally got dh to 1st we tryed I could tell he was enjoying it so we stopped but 2nd time was much better we just making the most out of the time we get together as his new job is tiring him a lot atm till he gets used to it

How are all u ladies doing I am still read all ur post

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11 years ago

Even though dh and I arent telling our families about ttc yet...I do have to get stuff off my chest a little at a time so I dont explode from keeping such a big secret! Told my mom I'm taking metformin to treat the underlying cause for the pcos and that it'll help me in the long run. She automatically asked....."so when are you going to start trying for a baby??? Are you still on the pill?" Told her I'm still on the pill. She looked like a deflated balloon... I'm praying one day soon I'll be able to tell her some good news!

@lammy- been thinking about you darling! So your appointment is on friday? When on earth will they do bloodwork?

@pisces- It sucks you're to the point of needing clomid but I'm glad I'm not the only one on here on it. I take it cd 3-7.

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

11 years ago • Post starter

I don't think they are going to do bloods they just take your word for it I will no more fri . Little nervous as feel like I'm just being left if u know what I mean at least I will see someone fri so can ask lots of questions then

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11 years ago

My Dr only does blood draws if you request them, other than that they would wait until your first appt. They do it if you have a history of miscarriages also which I do so I get them often in the beginning.

11 years ago

I think things are different over here In The uk

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11 years ago

@lammy it used to be that way back 12 yrs ago when I had my last baby. You got a positive preg test and then they made you an appointment. Now everyone wants a blood test before you can come in...I think it's another way to bill the insurance. Lol.

@xoxo can't wait for you to test.

@waiting I am praying that you can give mommy dear some good news soon. I know just what you mean because my sister and I talk everyday but I haven't really gone into depth about our TTC. It's sucks but that's why I am in here to vent and what not. Is your sister feeling better?

How is everyone else doing today? @mem how are you? And @holly your appointment is coming up soon :-)

AFM: waiting to O. This is my first month really using the OPK's and basil temps. I got a little bit darker line on OPK mid morning but wouldn't call it a positive. So still waiting to O. Been heading to the gym regularly so that's I am not starting a regimen during the 2ww. I'd rather already be into the rhythm :-)

11 years ago

My temp usually DROPS wayyyyyyyy down the day before the witch shows, I expect it to drop tomorrow or Wednesday. IF it doesn't drop Wednesday then I will test that morning :-)

11 years ago

Had to get Insurance today...
I passed my pd written exam.. but i will not have insurance in time to take the physical :(

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11 years ago

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