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Does anyone else feel like a crazy person???!!!

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I think I might be pregnant ....I'm probably not ....could be, I'm late and crampy ....or maybe I ovulated later than I thought ...My breast feels sore, I gotta be pregnant ...maybe it's sore from me poking at it to see if it's sore. LOL! Anyone else mentally wrestling yourself ?!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9961 Replies • 12 years ago



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@pisces- Yes ma'am! Why am I envisioning the beverly hill billies??? I do find the bleeding very interesting. My eyebrow was cocked too when I saw it last night. My face has been froze that way since.... . I think it's very possible but I'm very scared to even think about it. Dont want to start obsessing. Just going to continue relaxing. Not much I can do about it....havent temped in 2 weeks, havent checked my cervix..besides, it's be thrown off anyways with the birth control.

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

11 years ago • Post starter

Well ladies, I am moving on to the next month! Not sad, I am very very excited to start eliminating all the possibilities :-)
Temp didn't drop as it usually does so I tested and NOT PREGNANT. I suspected it to say that so I was not let down or surprised. Seeing the not pregnant was no where near as bad as staring at that damn blinking hour glass! Lol

11 years ago

@waiting keep us posted ! We aren't obsessing, simply saying that it's "interesting"...hmmmm

@xoxo digital test are ONLY fun IF they say "pregnant" other wise it SUX to see "not pregnant" and you're right the longer that hour glass blinks (which seems like infinity) the more hopes are dashed. Are you late? It could still be too early. Remember you are still in the game UNLESS the witch shows up

How is everyone else today?

AFM:FINALLY GOT A POSITIVE OPK!!!! Yeeeeee haw! I took one last night and it was dark but as dark as the control line, violated DH anyway. This mid-morning is dark-ER than the control! So let the roller coaster begin...**power of positive thinking**this IS my month. There will be a bean and it will be sticky!

11 years ago

Mandy the digitals aren't very sensitive so you def could still be in it. Some ladies don't get true positives til after af is missed so good luck and don't give up til af gets here

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

11 years ago

ladies! i've been really busy doing gardening and everything i can possibly think of so i can stop thinking about how much my DH sucks.

AF came on with full force, it wasn't worse than normal after my MC so i was happy about that. DH left again the next night and hasn't been back since. I bought him a card that said "i love you" and dropped it off on the doorstep where he's at with a potted lucky bamboo plant, trying to reconsile and end this madness and nothing - no phone call or anything. Alcohol has taken priority over me again.

WHatever! I planted some strawberries, two types of tomatoes, 3 kinds of flowers, moved my lavender and chamomile plants outside (it's 81 degrees outside today!!) and tonight i'm going to get some sunflower seeds and plant them all around my house and garage and then dump a whole bag of wildflower seeds all over the place as well. I'm buying some hummingbird feeders too, so soon i'll have some more beautiful, living color to watch!

Been having some good days, the doctor said he wanted me to go in for another HCG test but i told him it was pointless. My HCG was 14 3 days after i found out i was preggo, then it was 13 2 days later. DEFINITELY not doubling, and not looking promising - plus the bleeding. So i didn't waste my time or his by going in. I did get my progesterone pills so if i can convince DH to stop by once a night around O day then maybe i'll have a chance! He can stay gone for all I care.

Mandy - so sorry you got that negative hun! I didn't test until 15 DPO and that's when i finally got my positive. My temp also dropped barely above the coverline the day before, then it rose again and i tested that day because i had missed AF by one day.

Waiting - let me know what they say about that bleeding!

pisces - get busy girl!!!! Good luck and baby dust!!!

I know i'm leaving people out but i'm at work and i hadn't been on here in so long i wanted to update everyone.


11 years ago

WooHoo! Dr called and we have a GAME PLAN! :-) Got my slip for blood work on CD3 and when the witch makes her grand entrance in the next couple days I will set up my appointment for my ultrasound to make sure my follicles are nice and pretty! AND my lovely husband has agreed to go ahead and get his blood work done and get a semen analysis just to make sure his stuff is nice and pretty too..

I don't think I have ever been so excited to get my cycle. Maybe I am crazy! My Dr said, I have never met anyone has organized as you are. Lol I sent her pages of BBT charts and OPK results :-)

Good Luck to Everyone still waiting to test!

@Mem, I LOVE Sunflowers! Your yard sounds amazing. We are tackling our flower beds next weekend. This weekend I have a 5K to run so I doubt I will feel like doing yard work.

11 years ago

It must be time to garden lol. I planted squash, spaghetti squash, zucchini, tomatoes, garden beans, Swiss chard, lettuce, watermelon, peas, cucumbers, sweet peppers, peppers, beets, radishes, spinach and onions seeds. Then poppys, sunflowers, sweet peas, and moon flower seeds all yesterday. Then I already had some zinnias and ground cover roses started a few weeks ago. This is my first attempt at gardening from seeds, so we shall see..

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

11 years ago

@xoxo glad you have a plan but I agree with @waiting, it ain't over until its over.

@mem I am sorry you are going through this difficult time by yourself (well at home cuz you always have everybody here). Men have a funny way if dealing with things. Maybe this is his way of grieving ...I am praying for you two.

11 years ago

My dh is soooo sweet and funny. He went to this gas station last night to get us some beer. They carry fancier beers and we are kind of beer connoisseurs but dont go there very often lol. But anyways he gets the beer and the girl is like can I see your i.d. And then is like never mind I remember you. He was like it has been months since I've been in here and she says yea but you're cute so I remember you. And he says oh do you remember my wife that was with me last time. And she's like oh you're married that's too bad and he said no its not lol.

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

11 years ago

@Athena!!!!! That is AWESOME! That is soooooo something my husband would say!

@Mem, did butthead call you or come see you yet? ;-)

11 years ago

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