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Does anyone else feel like a crazy person???!!!

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I think I might be pregnant ....I'm probably not ....could be, I'm late and crampy ....or maybe I ovulated later than I thought ...My breast feels sore, I gotta be pregnant ...maybe it's sore from me poking at it to see if it's sore. LOL! Anyone else mentally wrestling yourself ?!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9961 Replies • 12 years ago



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I'm going soooo crazy because my period is due on Monday but I started very lightly dark brown bleeding yesterday (only once did I see it yesterday) and then again today just one time.
I'm going crazy waiting until Monday to see iif my period comes or not.

I do feel pregnant though.
I'm bloated, just feel heavy in my abdomen area, letting off gas a lot more (lol sorry) and I'm getting tiny wee pinching-like cramps that just happen maybe 4 times a day if that. My nipples are sensitive and the veins in my breasts are more noticeable.

Just like you I am thinking one minute "I'm totally pregnant" and then the next I think "oh nah maybe not actually"
Sooooo annoying! lol will be worth it though if I am pregnant :)

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10 years ago

Athena - it's great you're O'ing without meds! I think people vote - because not everybody knows the line width doesn't matter.

10 years ago

Phat I actually ended up taking clomid. My opks weren't getting darker. My last day was 7 days ago.

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

10 years ago

CD 24 and still no OV. My cervix isnt as open anymore so I think it was a false alarm...oh well. Just have to wait and see. Trying to decide when to call Parints.

@phat- a pillowcase invitation is an invitation printed on a pillow case. I'll send you a pic. Silly question...but have you poas?

@babywishing- did your Af show?

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

10 years ago • Post starter

Tara - :( wish you did O. That pillowcase invite is strange.

Yes, it was crazy to ask. I have POAS approx 20 times since Friday because I had a very pink evap about an after I took a Dollar General $ test. I ordered some from amazon that are only 1/16" wide, so I've been squinting at evaps for days. I finally broke down & got more $1 tests (I've gotten to where I hate buying tests in the store any more & have the same kid say, "Should I say good luck?" Why do they need to comment anyway?), and so far nada. I've been nauseous, have sore boobs that come & go, am really tired & my PMS isn't as bad as usual. I could start anytime from 2 days from now to 5 days from now. I'm 13dpo by my estimation which could also be totally wrong. Blahhhhhhh!

10 years ago

@phat- lol...I figured it was a stupid question. The last tests I bought were that skinny. Hate them. Bought some more wondfo opks yesterday so hopefully they'll be here in a week. However, I had a .6 temp spike this morning so we'll see where that leads. My temp hasnt been 97.9 since my last tww. I was in a horrible amount of pain yesterday. Felt like waves of pain from my belly button straight down. It lasted about 15 minutes and I was ready to call dh to come home. I was afraid I had a cyst rupture or something. But it went away. Be interesting if it was OV. I'd say was a pain scale of 7.

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

10 years ago • Post starter

Hi ladies. It's been awhile.

@waiting & @athena, I do hope you O soon! FX for you both. I've been doing a lot of research and reading on natural fertility and was wondering if you ladies ever tried Vitex. It's supposed to work wonders for PCOS.

@Phat & @wishing, I hope you do get a BFP this month. Good luck to you both.

AFM, I'm on CD7 and going for my final test at RE's office on Thursday. I have no idea when I'll ovulate as it's been a coin toss the last couple of months. But, while I await to O and until we have a diagnosis from the RE, I've decided to take a bit of the natural approach and will start seeing a massage therapist with specialty in maya abdominal massage and fertility. My first appointment is today. Will let you know how that goes.

Until then, many blessings to All.

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10 years ago

Praying I did ovulate. I'm 3 dpo now. Vitex only works for some with pcos. For me it made me bleed for 10+ days. It can either help or be terrible for your cycles.

Tara I hope you ov'd fxed for you. My temp had a big spike this morning.

[URL=]User Image[/URL].

Still no crosshairs probably because I missed lots of days temping.

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

10 years ago

AF arrived this morning - a 24 day cycle. These short cycles remind me how close menopause must be. The symptoms I've been having over the last year prior to my periods are a sign of it, too. I never used to get so exhausted the week leading up to AF.

I am glad to know one way or another so I can stop staring at tests, though.

Hope everyone is doing well.

10 years ago

@praying- YES! Please let me know how the massage goes! I'm a massage therapist and I'm contemplating getting certified in fertility massage. There are only a couple who did it in the region I live...too far to travel. Since going through infertlity, I've learned how many women are trying anything to get! I think I could help a lot of women!

@Phat- Sucks AF showed but I'm glad your mind is at ease...well at ease as it could be. I hate the M word! Should be a swear!

@athena- congrats on the O! Looking good! Not sure about me yet though. My temps have been around 97.3 for a couple weeks and yesterday it spiked to 97.9 but this morning it's 97.7. Still up there but I'll have to wait and see what happens tomorrow morning. If I did, I'll be in shock! Wish I would have peed on an opk!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

10 years ago • Post starter

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