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Does anyone else feel like a crazy person???!!!

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I think I might be pregnant ....I'm probably not ....could be, I'm late and crampy ....or maybe I ovulated later than I thought ...My breast feels sore, I gotta be pregnant ...maybe it's sore from me poking at it to see if it's sore. LOL! Anyone else mentally wrestling yourself ?!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9961 Replies • 12 years ago



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Hi Girls!

@Lammy CONGRATS!!! Its so exciting!!

@ Waiting Thank you for your kind words. My DH doesn't want to tell anyone that we are TTC. It's so frustrating Both of our Sister-in-laws got pregnant right away. I have a 1 month old nephew and another baby on the way she is due May 10th. It just makes me want one even more and I can't even ask them about their experience TTC. When we asked how long it took her to get a BFP she said the first month they were trying, but I don't know if that is the first month off BC or 3 months after BC, and I can't even ask to get some reassurance!!!

I was always regular before I went on BC but I know that it can mess your system up after being on it for so long but then I hear about ppl getting a BFP right after they come off. I don't feel very positive this cycle. DH says that I have to stay positive but it is hard when I can't talk to anyone!!!

Thank you so much for listening to my rant I am just frustrated!!

to all!

~Lacey~ DH-30, Me-27 DS-Jackson born 7/6/14-12 days early due to gestational hypertension. User Image

11 years ago

@S.Tagg, I would say no you have not ovulated. Your rise should look just like that one on CD13 but they have to remain over your cover line. As long as you are temping at the same time give or take 30 mins then I would keep BDing and Temping and see if it spikes within the next few days.

This is what I read when I first started charting and it has helped me understand it completely, well that is until CTP and FF state totally different ovulation days Lol
Do you chart on Fertility Friend too? I highly recommend you chart there as well. Do the "free" charting, no need to pay for a VIP membership! It is a bit more advanced I think then CTP. I use both so I can obsess over both. :-)

Good Luck and Keep

11 years ago

oh @Lacey that's the worst - not having anyone to talk to!!! I can't tell ANYONE we're pregnant for another 2 MONTHS!!!! You've got us now!!

on another note, i only temped for 2 months but i never made sense of it. There really wasn't a pattern for me very much and my temps seemed to spike to tell me i was pregnant when i wasn't the first month and they dipped to tell me AF was going to show on month 2 and i got a BFP yesterday!

I've seen other womens' charts that make sense. I'm still temping for anothr week or 2 just to make sure my temp stays up but it is up now, and seems to be rising which is a good thing because i'm always low low low on progesterone.

Good luck ladies!!!

11 years ago

It's safe to do pretty much everything untill the doctor tells you to stop... My sister in law... (ms. perfect pregnancy) RAN a 5k when she was 8 months pregnant... (made me so jealous) ...
but in the end you have to also be comfortable too...
Talk to the doctor LOTS... they will be your best friend (since they will know you inside and out)
I was actually NOT allowed to have any time with dh after the first trimester because I went into preterm labor at 21 weeks...
buuuut at 37-40 weeks they ENCOURAGE bd because his stuff ... helps with the plug, and can help you start labor, <3
Our men think we are so fragile, but in truth our bodies are resilient machines...

i am now 19 days dpo... totally missed my so far...
woke up this am with a little nasea ... and have been REALLY tired.
So tired in fact, I actually dropped out of a class... and am taking a break for two weeks from school ... to rest.
I felt SO exhausted. Hubby is wondering if I maybe diluted the test... because i took it after dinner on Sunday... (i waited the 4 hours.. .but i drank a lot of water too so) ...
Looks like we will buy another test thursday or friday night... and i will take it... fri/sat am...

to lammy and Memph *rubs your bellies for luck*

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11 years ago

@xoxo thanks for the article even though you sent it to @s.tagg but I horned in since this is my first month and I have NO IDEA what I am doing. I am charting in two places. CTP and Fert Friend. I have the Fert Friend app on my phone now. Like @xoxo it's fun to obsess in both places.

@mem I am so happy for you girlfriend! You can scream it in here all you want !!!

@lacy you can always talk to us. I am the same as you. No one in my family even knows that I had my tubes reversed, so this IS my only opportunity to talk about TTC

AFM:patiently waiting for my Fertilaid and Fertil CM to arrive. :-)

11 years ago

@pisces, girl I would have shipped you my ENTIRE bottle of fertiliaid and Fertii Tea for free!! I ordered them and realized I should NOT be using them so they are tucked away in my cabinet..

11 years ago

@xoxo why can't you use them? Is there something bad ?

11 years ago

ugh... With none of the usual symptoms my AF hit this after noon...
Hubby is sad and releaved...
I still have an appointment on friday to make sure everything is ok... doc just wants to take a peek ...*frowns*


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11 years ago

I took the Fertiliaid my February 9th cycle and noticed a ton of cramping, like BAD cramping. Bad enough that I called my dr to make sure it wasn't cyst or tubal. I kept researching and researching on the Fertiliaid cause it was the only thing I did different and lo and behold I found out that:
1) It states you can take it if you have a regular cycle, WRONG! Well, you can but it lengthens your cycle and causes cramping. It is know to take an average 28-30 day cycle and turn it in to a 35-37 day cycle. Might not seem like a big deal to some but it sure was to me. I have had a 28-30 day cycle my entire life.
2) It contains Vitex along with the tea and I never knew that you shouldn't take Vitex if you have a regular cycle.

The package of tea is what made me start researching my symptoms and crossing them with the Fertiliaid side affects.
I finished my first bottle (Feb 9th cycle) and ordered my second bottle, fertilitea, preseed, and opks. When I opened up the box the fertilitea was on top but with the back of the package facing up and in big letters it read "DO NOT CONSUME VITEX IF YOU HAVE REGULAR CYCLES" and I instantly ran to the computer..

I prayed it didn't mess up my cycle this month, I ovulated a day late but no biggie as you can fluctuate monthly anyways..

11 years ago

Don't get me wrong, they put me in the BEST mood ever! I was always HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY! :-) That is the only thing I noticed differently. I recommend them for people who have trouble ovulating, I know now that they are more for that purpose than anything else. They are supposed to regulate non regular cycles, level out your hormones and stuff as well.. I noticed my BBTs were higher when I was taking them. They are much lower this month..

11 years ago

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