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Does anyone else feel like a crazy person???!!!

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I think I might be pregnant ....I'm probably not ....could be, I'm late and crampy ....or maybe I ovulated later than I thought ...My breast feels sore, I gotta be pregnant ...maybe it's sore from me poking at it to see if it's sore. LOL! Anyone else mentally wrestling yourself ?!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9961 Replies • 12 years ago



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Af showed today .Guess y cycles are still a little out of whack .Tara take a hpt ? What would have made your opk positive twice if your not preggo ? Your chart looked like you already ov to me .keep us updated ! Fingers crossed !!!!!

9 years ago

I'm sorry Nicky . I know how you feel having crazy cycles. Too bad we cant have a drink together. lol.
Not 100% sure why but it's possible that I geared up to OV and just didnt. It's happened to me once before. If that did happen this time it's probably because I was super stressed out on OV day after an argument with my BIL and the egg(s) made a u-turn back into my ovary lol. I know it's not pcos cause the meds I'm on have my lh balanced so I dont get the multiple positive opks like some do. My temp took a left turn up my chart this morning too. If my temp goes up even higher tomorrow, it's possible that I just OV'd. But no matter what, I'll poas saturday. I'd do it on friday but I have to work that morning and I hate dealing with line eye at 5am LOL.
Weird thing happened I was driving down the road, it suddenly felt like someone was squeezing my nipples. It only lasted for a 10 seconds but it was weird.
Oh...and the vet agrees with me. No UTI but my cat likely has separation anxiety heightened by the christmas decorations. So he's now on special, all natural supplements aka happy pills to keep him chill. The pills have a lot of success stories online so I'm hopeful. They think that plus extra attention when we've been gone for hours will help. I did get 2 waterproof pillowcases for our pillows so if he does it again, we dont have to throw our pillows away like we had to do to dh's last night . My dad and I are also designing a cool, bookshelf/cat stand for my living room for him to be a monkey on. Now I just want this to pass so I can enjoy Christmas!!!

How is everyone doing?

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9 years ago • Post starter

Oh you know, just the usual. Trying to get pregnant! Lol
We decided to try our first IUI in January, hopefully things start happening then. We decided on 3 rounds of IUI before we move on to IVF. If we do not have any success in those 3 months we will do IVF in April. He wants to start me out on Clomid w/ trigger shot my first round but to be honest, I think I want to try Femera or FSH Injections. What have you all tried @Waiting as far as your IUI?

9 years ago

@xomandy- It's exciting getting an IUI cause you know your chances are increased :). It sounds weird cause I hoped you wouldnt need it but I'm excited for you! I only did 1 IUI back in march. Parints had me on Clomid and a trigger shot too. I really wanted injectables as well cause I wanted to cut to the chase...more eggs=more chances. But only an RE could do that so I was stuck with clomid. It worked though!! I had 2 perfect eggs and a 3rd egg that was just a tad smaller and a beautiful bfp. But as you know, I lost it before 5 weeks. So far that's all I've done. My doctor was going to let me do more IUIs but she just said she'd rather have me go to an RE. So Re is our next step if the natural way doesnt work. Not sure when we'll do that...just playing it by ear. Possibly after we get our tax return.

Temp was the same today but my chart looks promising . No idea what dpo still. My temp would have probably been above 98 degrees today but I temped 2 hours earlier this morning cause I had to be up a 5am instead of 7.
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Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9 years ago • Post starter

I hate charts! They are so confusing sometimes, however I would go with CD16 as ovulation day if it was my chart.

9 years ago

Bfn this morning, but my temp is going up. Based on my history of temps, I think my first +opk was me gearing up to OV but I didnt. The temp spike I had 3 days ago, the day after my second +opk, is more normal for me. Plus my temps has stayed up for 3 days :). Hmm...3dpo?
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I'll kept testing off and on just in case

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9 years ago • Post starter

Temp up again today... happy dance!
Sorry if my chart posts are annoying lol. That means I'll be 11 dpo on Christmas. So if I can hold out, I'll try to test on Christmas. Or I may test on Christmas Eve so at least if it's negative, I wont be depressed all day Christmas lol.
I'm almost ready for Christmas. I have to wrap presents and make cake pops on tuesday. I'm kinda freaked out right now cause the stomach virus is in my family . I was supposed to watch my nephew on tuesday but sister was put on low census at work so she got off that day. Thank goodness cause my nephew woke up that morning puking! Cause he only puked once, she said it was likely just too many oranges before bed. I knew better! I was supposed to watch him today and tomorrow but my sister texted me at 4 am saying she was throwing yep..stomach bug. Stupid freaking stomach bug! So the virus hasnt made it outside their house and no one else has been around them. So everyone else is safe. I'm praying she's smart and takes off work again tomorrow. She's a nurse and I'm sure her patients dont want the stomach bug for christmas. So this way no one will see any of them for 6 more days. By then she'll be over it and as long as they wash their hands really good, we should all be safe on Christmas. And I wont have to be over to her house for a couple weeks so the virus will be dead by then....can you tell I try to avoid it like the plague?! lol. The only issue I run into is that I shipped my husband's Christmas gift to her house and it's been there since monday. So I'll have to wait til Christmas Eve to get it. I plan to open the box and remove the gift with gloves and a mask on. Then wash my hands in bleach. I'm also helping my nephew create silver fingerprint keychains for his parents' gifts but I think we'll have to wait and keep it a New Year's Eve gift.

Anyone else ready for the holidays?

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9 years ago • Post starter

Tara you sound like me ! Every time I go around family ...I mean every time I catch something .And it is only when I go to family stuff too .I never get sick any other time .Poor bubs and I both got strep two days after thanksgiving .Im "that mom" who makes every single person wash and then germ x from elbow to fingers and no kissing my baby .and then people pass him off to othe rpeople who haven't washed and I get bad anxiety and end up offending someone and leaving lol .I watched my little cousin fight for her life at his age in the hospital with rsv for months.It scares me :( And I always get rude comments too .." He's gonna get sick sometime." Or your ruining his immune system ." Or my kids are totally fine and no one ever washed hands blah blah blah .Dont you just love how everyone knows better ad their way is always the only correct one ? I am really excited about our first christmas as a family with baby on the outside lol .My mom died last year 3 days ago ,so that kind of sucks .Its crazy how much can change in a year .We got a gimgerbread house I can't wait to build and our first Christmas tree is up :) we never had one before ! Stockings ,small gifts ,and lots of shiny ornaments to entertain the dog and the baby ! We each have 5 gifts under the tree .bubs has a few toys and a few books .I love the holidays being more about fun together than 50 gifts .Tara are you buying your kitty gifts ? I have my dog a stocking too ! Lol hope everyone's doing good .

9 years ago

Nicky I know exactly what you mean we are dealing with people telling us we need to give him cereal so he will gain weight. His dr told me to stop supplementing him and breastfeed exclusively. We still give him one or two bottles of formula but I nurse him at least 10x a day. One of our friends said we needed to ignore the dr and switch to formula because he isn't going to gain weight just breastfeeding. Her problem is she only breastfed her daughter 6 weeks and dried up and she cant stand when people do things she couldn't. Like my husband and I are losing weight. I've lost 40 lbs since last year. And now all of a sudden she heard about it and is on a health kick or her husband is a football coach also and she doesn't like football until I come around because I like it. I say she has to be a one upper. She has been negative towards me breastfeeding since before I had him and that I'm not feeding him enough now or he would've gained more weight. It's just frustrating. Sorry for the rant I'm just tired of her telling me how I should be taking care of my baby

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

9 years ago

Gotta love know it alls. If my sister is trying to make a decision on something with her son...I'll research it for her. But I wont shove it down her throat.

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9 years ago • Post starter

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