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Does anyone else feel like a crazy person???!!!

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I think I might be pregnant ....I'm probably not ....could be, I'm late and crampy ....or maybe I ovulated later than I thought ...My breast feels sore, I gotta be pregnant ...maybe it's sore from me poking at it to see if it's sore. LOL! Anyone else mentally wrestling yourself ?!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9961 Replies • 12 years ago



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Replies (sorted by laughs)

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I get your pain!

i have had more Negs and at one point i was 3 weeks late and got blood tests done and they were negative. i cried for 2 weeks straight.
I understand being a Realist. but know the differences between kinda being a debby downer and a realist.. i think its the way you came across is why i took it wrong... you are more than likely right that its an EVAP line...

I am not getting hopes up.

but it would be nice for some encouragement among your
well known knowledge about Evap lines...

if you were in my shoes i would hope for the best for you instead of constantly trying to tell someone its not positive.

but SINCE THE FIRST TEST youve told me pretty much its an EVAP... and then now second test is more visible you continue to say its an Evap.. how exaclt would you know?

i like reading your advice.. I am not mad at you nor frustrated by any means... but you have to understand especially being in the SAME boat as me TTC for so long and there's never any hope.. :D

11 years ago

Don't tell me I'm arguing and then post something like that. I did not say your test was an evap. I'm pretty sure I told you more than once that I hope it's your bfp. I said I had tests like that were evaps. I did not say yours was. I'm not going to keep arguing with you and I'm not a Debbie downer. I wanted you to be weary but I won't comment on anymore of your tests since you can't handle my honesty. I even went back and read my posts and not once did I say mandie you're test is an evap. I said I had tests that look like that that were evaps because I did. I'm sorry that you think I'm negative. I've been burned by the blue dye too many times so to me those tests are the devil. And like I said I am not the only one in the forum that thinks that. I'm pretty sure phat has said she would take them just to see the false positive. So there you go end of story. I guess you'd rather me lie than give you my experience.

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

11 years ago

jesus christmas...

i guess your still not reading my posts...


Has nothing to do with honesty... clearly ive said a shit ton of times it could be negative...

11 years ago

I read your post word for word and I replied and I'm done. So have a nice night.

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

11 years ago

Athena -soo anyyyywaysss how are you ?

11 years ago

Nicky I am ok. Been having some hot flashes, but I read that can be from progesterone building up. How are you and little bean doing?

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

11 years ago

Good .my symptoms are finally letting up a little ad I just wanna go do all of the stuff I can't do .boy what I would do to be able to drink a glass of wine ! Lol.this forum is filling up so fast ...did u ovulate ? And I have been completely retarted over lines showing up after time . Like I know this has to be positive .and I tried to tell a friend recently who doesn't have insurance who got a frer with a faint line after the time limit it was false she went and spent 300 $ she was so confident it couldn't be on a blood test .negativeee . I did take blue dye to see the line and frer let dry to see the line .lol .

11 years ago

Lol Nicky when I do get pregnant I'll probably get a blue dye to see the true positive. I am fairly certain I did ovulate so we shall see what my temp does in the morning well I guess actually a little later.

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

11 years ago

Hope u did !!!!!!!! It's a full blue line .but right before I got a faint o a frer I took a blue dye and it was like all of the others so I assumed negative !( even though I cracked it open held it to light ,took pictures to edit ,dried test checked ever 39 min for 2 hours .it was like a ritual or something .i would pray like god let it be positive this time when I look at it or tweak it ! I was overly obsessed

11 years ago

Mandie-Do you have any pics of your pink dyes from yesterday? Did you test again this morning? Hoping for good news!

11 years ago

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