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Does anyone else feel like a crazy person???!!!

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I think I might be pregnant ....I'm probably not ....could be, I'm late and crampy ....or maybe I ovulated later than I thought ...My breast feels sore, I gotta be pregnant ...maybe it's sore from me poking at it to see if it's sore. LOL! Anyone else mentally wrestling yourself ?!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9961 Replies • 12 years ago



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Replies (sorted by laughs)

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Lammy I'm so sorry about your friend.

Holly and Lammy I hope you get your bfp's.

Afm, yesterday I had a teensy bit of spotting, followed by some type cramping. If I am right and oved on Sunday then I am 5 dpo. I have read that it is possible to ov early. So and good luck to everyone.

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

11 years ago

Hi everyone. Just wanted to give a quick update. Picked up Progesterone Prescription. Boobs just started getting sore and hing some stabbing pains in one as I type. Going into the doctor's office next week to have tests run to check my hormone levels. Praying for a sticky bean! Also hoping my tests get daker by Monday. Once I get a nice dark line on a FRER, I will take one of the digitals in my arsenal.

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11 years ago

Lammy - I'm so sorry for your loss.

Holly - did you take any pics of your later tests? Fyi - you probably already know, but progesterone only helps if you have a low progesterone problem that's keeping your pregnancies from being viable. There isn't a lot of absorption from the oral kind. Did they give you suppositories? Progesterone made me deathly I'll, so plan on feeling some major morning sickness. Best of luck to you!

11 years ago

I'm in OZ ! Today is cycle day 1 and my second prescription of Clomid has been filled. Please send another round of to me!
I'm ok though ladies. I knew it was coming so it's not a surprise. To be honest, right now I'm more upset about taking down my Christmas decorations tomorrow .

@lammy- I'm sorry about your friend dear!

@Holly- HONEY!!! Cant wait to see more tests!

@kcordell- Glad I could make you laugh. When I told dh he couldnt quit laughing. He's had the wicked witch theme music in his head all day. At least there is upside to AF.

@athena- are you checking your cervix yet?

Going to enjoy the rest of my date night with dh watching Cinderella and sitting by the Christmas tree. Bippity Bobbity Boo!!!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

11 years ago • Post starter

I tried Tara but I couldn't find the opening I did get a blob of cm with blood and I could feel more up in there. . I felt around though. I am still having the type cramps . Maybe it's the vitex working. On another note, we got a new wave oven for Christmas and my hubby made chicken you would think was fried but was baked and was healthy.

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

11 years ago

Tara I hate that AF showed. That pisses me off!

Weird thing happened today - at the grocery store I thought I started bleeding, so I rushed home to check, and there was nothing. I'm having abdominal/period type cramping sometimes on one side only & sometimes my entire lower abdomen. ?

11 years ago

tara - sorry showed but look on the plus side you can start 2nd round of clomid and you know you ov

thank you everyone for your hugs are prayers

due tomorrow holding aslong as i can to take test today as was up most of the night peeing so didnt get a fmu that was longer then 2hrs

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11 years ago

pretty sure its just wait for to show tomorrow and monday will hopefully get my blood results and go from there

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11 years ago

@Lammy, I hope stays away! doc prescribed the progesterone capsules and I was told to take 2 (200 mg) at night vaginally. I took them last night and they were kind of messy when I woke up this morning to go to the bathroom. I hope my body is able to absorb enough of it.

I took another FRER this morning and although the photo is still not great the line did get darker. I also took a couple of 25 miu tests and they were both faint positives, so I'm headed in the right direction. I will better when I finlly get some very dark lines. I'm worried about CP, but trying not to obsess about that.

Also, I POAS on my CBE fertility monitor stick since today is CD25 and my fertility went from high to low. So I had 15 days of highs this month, but no peak. Glad I used IC OPKs as backup and we still caught the eggie anyway.

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11 years ago

Yay Holly I see the line!!! I guess Tara got her wish, it is raining bfp's in here, that is what 3 in a month. Now the rest of us need one

Afm, woke up with a headache, took some Tylenol layer back down and I started getting nauseous so I got up ate some breakfast thinking maybe it was the Tylenol on an empty stomach. Now I am having worse nausea than before 2hours later. Not really sure what it could be. Also having major gas, I was laying in bed with a pillow under my hips and couldn't stop passing gas.

Also we are supposed to be closing on our first house this next week so so excited.

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

11 years ago

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