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TTC November/December 2021

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Hello friends! Since as it seems I’m not going anywhere soon, I’ll be glad to have some company in here, sharing our concerns and daily updates while TTC!

Good luck to everyone!!

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2000 Replies Closed • 4 years ago • Edited



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Southern: I guess it depends on how far along in your cycle you are. If you're only a few days in I don't think it matters. But if you're close to expected O, I would wait 'til next cycle. I've thought about temping vaginally, but never tried it. But for me I don't think it would work very good anymore since I wake up too much during the night. If the tempdrop wasn't so expensive, I would love to try it!

vintage: Yeah, it feels really good to be on the same page and know I always have his support. Even though he probably wouldn't agree with the POAS.

I am approx 13-14 dpo today and are just waiting for af to arrive. I have som slight spotting today, so I expect her to be here tonight or tomorrow. This time we'll probably have a much better chance of getting some more bd in since I only have 3 work days left before I have almost 3 weeks vacation. It's going to be so nice to just be home with my family.


3 years ago

Pandorica: I'm gonna see what happens this cycle. Maybe a little Christmas magic will happen since I ovulate close to Xmas.

3 years ago

Southern, go catch that egg! Hoping for some Christmas magic!
Pandorica, I know. If my partner knew how much time I spent squinting at lines, he would be quite concerned. ???? I caved and posted this mornings test on photos. I’m convincing myself I see something, even if it’s an evap. But it’s probably not even there to begin with... also discovered Reddit has a pregnancy test forum, in addition to looking at the gallery here. I need to hurry up and get a second line of my own so I can act right again!

3 years ago

Vintage: it's always hard for me to tell because I feel like the site eats the quality. But I feel like *something* wants to catch my eye. Hard to say though.

3 years ago

Southern, i felt that way too, but I just had | I took a frer this morning and if there had been anything on yesterday’s pregmate it definitely would have shown up on the frer... no luck. Like I said earlier, I’m just not feeling lucky this month. I’m just a POAS addict, I guess

3 years ago

Pandorica so sorry that af is on her way but I’m glad that a more positive cycle is combing! I’m sure you’ll be having lovely holidays!

Vintage I can also see something on your yesterday’s test for sure. Hopefully it will show up in frers too in few days. Don’t fell bad for being a POAS addict. We’ve all been there... there’s was a period in time for me that I started testing since 4dpo and I even tested after af came just to be sure it’s not another kind of bleeding. Believe me it can be very addictive and that’s why I stopped after a while... it was too much for me.

Southern fingers crossed for some magic to happen these holly days!! You got this!

Hberry good luck this cycle hun!

AFM I cannot really tell how many dpo I am since I was too busy and i lost track but I believe I’m around 3-4dpo. As I said not waiting much and I really want day to pass so I can go to a new cycle. I’m one week away from my bday. I will officially become 38 years old and it’s already too hard for me in such a mature age being still childless and still infertile... my wish is honestly to stop wishing for a child at this moment..

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3 years ago • Post starter

Vintage: it's still pretty early! I've seen a handful of people get shadows on the internet kind and nothing on frer til later. Fingers crossed for you!

Alex: I'm trying to keep from thinking about things after O this time. I may disappear from here during the TWW to try to keep busy and try not to think about it. When I got pregnant with my daughter I wasn't on the ttc boards, I wasn't focused on it. Who knows. Maybe it'll help. Maybe it won't. We'll see if I can actually stay off the internet lol!

3 years ago

Alex, I can’t imagine how you feel. I’m so sorry, and I wish you so much peace in the new year, however that looks.
Southern, I get needing a break! I didn’t even test this morning because I just... needed to be able to get up in the morning and not think about it for a second. I don’t think anything will have changed from yesterday and I just didn’t feel like squinting at a white screen. I might take a break next month just to recenter.

3 years ago

Vintage: sometimes a break is what we need. Just have sex for fun around the time you usually ovulate and hope for the best. I'm trying to not obsessively do OPKs. I wake at 630, temp and go back to sleep cause my kiddo is out of school so that means I get to stay in bed lol. I'm thinking I may not even do OPKs this month.

3 years ago

I was thinking of skipping OPKs this month too. I only have two left, so I might just do them the 13th and 14th just to be done, but I don’t think I’m buying more this month. Maybe just taking some time to feel healthy again, get on a better eating/sleeping/exercising schedule, and seeing how I feel in February. Routines have been shot this month, and I haven’t been taking the best care of myself.

3 years ago

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