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Mid Month Madness!

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Welcome :) this a group dedicated to those who test around the middle of the month!

32yrs old DH 36 TTC #1 TTC since Oct 2011 - diagnosed anovulatory Feb 2013 6th cycle clomiphene Party trick - mood swings par excellence! Located: Palmerston North, NZ User Image

1172 Replies • 11 years ago



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Looks like AF is coming started spotting late tonight. I guess least now I know DH and I can at least fall preg. Trying to look at what I can in a positive light.

Congraduations again Dogmom :) keep us up to date with everything :)

Autumn I think deep down I thought I would get a pos on the FRER as well. Anyway on the up side looks like we both might be on the same cycle again :)

Divact I'm looking at the positives with us both being fertile :) I remember that it wasnt long after that you got ur bfp so hopefully maybe I might be able to do the same :)

Thank you ladies I appreciate the support.

I will be heading to Sydney on Sunday for the week, while DH is at work so a lovely 5hr car trip with AF......oh well.

Hope everyone has a lovely weekend.....let us know when you tell ur BF Dogmom :)

27 years old and DH is 27 years oldDS 6 months oldTTC #2 Diagnosed with PCOS DH low sperm count <a href=

10 years ago

I really thought this was it for you, Bindy. I know it is really disappointing. Hopefully you can have some fun in Sydney!

I gave my BF his early anniversary gift after dinner last night. He opened the card first and it took a couple of minutes for it to sink in - he was definitely in shock! The baby booties came in set of 3 and it looked like he was about to pass out when he opened them - he thought that we were having triplets! Silly boy. But, he's super excited and already has a name picked out if it's a girl (we'll see about that...). He keeps saying "we have so much to do now!"

I hope you all have a nice weekend!

32 years old and BF is 37 TTC #1 Mom to 2 fur kids TTC since June 2013 Diagnosed with perimenopause Location: Colorado, USA

10 years ago

Lol Dogmom that's so cute that he thought it was triplets lol poor boy prob nearly had a heart attack lol but cute. I'm so glad his happy :) that's a great way to share the news with him :)
What name has he picked out for a girl?

Will try have a good week in Sydney only a 10min walk from the beach :) however as we are in autumn now they are predicting rain.....but will still head to the beach for sure :)

27 years old and DH is 27 years oldDS 6 months oldTTC #2 Diagnosed with PCOS DH low sperm count <a href=

10 years ago

The beach sounds wonderful! Hopefully it won't rain the entire time. It has been cold here and I'm ready for some warmer weather!

He wants to name it Kaitlyn if it's a girl. He's mentioned this as his choice for a baby name before (I think he dreamed about it a few months ago). I did the Chinese gender predictor and it says it will be a girl (supposedly it is 75% accurate???). We will see! It all seems very unreal.

32 years old and BF is 37 TTC #1 Mom to 2 fur kids TTC since June 2013 Diagnosed with perimenopause Location: Colorado, USA

10 years ago

Dogmom wish I could send u the warm weather. So glad that summer is finally over and it's starting to cool down. Finally only in the 30 degree Celsius range which is a nice change from the 40-50 range. However Sydney is only meant to be getting highs of like 2)6 which will be a nice cool change. Hopefully it won't rain everyday.

Kaitlyn is a nice name :) don't really hear that name much in Australia it's lovely tho. I think once u get ur ultrasound it will be more real for u :) anyway i think I best head to bed 3am here lol night all

27 years old and DH is 27 years oldDS 6 months oldTTC #2 Diagnosed with PCOS DH low sperm count <a href=

10 years ago

Glad that you can find something positive in the chemical, Bindy. Ithelps, although it is still heartbreaking.

Lol about the triplets dogmom. I remember with ds... First i showed dh the digital that said 1-2 and then the one that said 2-3. After our first sonar he told me he was so relieved it wasn't 3.. 2 he could maybe handle. Only later I realized that he thought the nr was how many babies and not the weeks. LOL.

Well CD 1 for me. Got a braai (bbq) tomorrow with my very pregnant friend and my newly pregnant friend. Should be fun... Yes im sarcastic... At least I can drink wine

10 years ago

Hey Autumn, where do you live again? SA? I ask because you said you are having a braai tomorrow but I don't remember you being in SA. Cant remember at all.

Dogmom, too cute for the triplets. You too Autumn that yours thought the 2 to 3 meant number of kids. Lol

10 years ago

OMG Autumn. That is so funny that your DH thought the 2-3 meant the number of babies! He must have been freaking out the whole time until your sonar appt! Enjoy your wine in front of your pregnant friends!

So incredibly tired today. I even tried to take a nap, but couldn't sleep. I feel like I'm coming down with a bad cold (sore throat, stuffy head and nose) and I just want to curl up under a blanket and read a book. Good thing it's finally the weekend!

32 years old and BF is 37 TTC #1 Mom to 2 fur kids TTC since June 2013 Diagnosed with perimenopause Location: Colorado, USA

10 years ago

Yes I am in SA, Divact.

Hope you are not getting a cold Dogmom. Hope you get to lie in bed with a book over the weekend.

10 years ago

Officially CD1 for me now too Autumn so cycle buddies we are. Hope you have a good time drinking wine at the barbie (BBQ)

I'm trying to think of the positives but yes it's still very much heartbreaking. Have shed a few tears and still feel upset inside. I just have to hope that everything happens for a reason. Maybe it just wasnt meant to be my time. I dunno just trying to deal with it all I think.

Dogmom that sounds llike ur getting a cold i hope not tho. Just rest this weekend if you can.

27 years old and DH is 27 years oldDS 6 months oldTTC #2 Diagnosed with PCOS DH low sperm count <a href=

10 years ago

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