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Mid Month Madness!

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Welcome :) this a group dedicated to those who test around the middle of the month!

32yrs old DH 36 TTC #1 TTC since Oct 2011 - diagnosed anovulatory Feb 2013 6th cycle clomiphene Party trick - mood swings par excellence! Located: Palmerston North, NZ User Image

1172 Replies • 11 years ago



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No snow for us. :( Just wet and windy yesterday, lots of abandoned umbrellas in bins. Sun out now though! :)

Maybe next year we'll all have newborns? Well that's my Christmas wish anyway!

Merry Christmas everyone! See you all on the other side!

Me, 31, dh 34 TTC #1 since Feb 2013 I cp in May Ttc mantra: ICs do not count!

10 years ago

Merry Christmas, all! I hope you have a wonderful day with friends and family.

Hopefully it won't be too stressful for you, Bindy, with all the family!!!

No snow here, either. It all melted from yesterday and it should be nice and clear tomorrow.

32 years old and BF is 37 TTC #1 Mom to 2 fur kids TTC since June 2013 Diagnosed with perimenopause Location: Colorado, USA

10 years ago

Hope everyone had a lovely Xmas, had a crazy day, but enjoyed it, FIL n BIL we're really nice but MIL still has a stick up you know where lol. But all in all a lovely day.
Funnily enough it actually rained all day lol first rain in about a month or two was lovely :) and nice and cool lol.
Anyway I'm stuffed so heading off to bed. Sucks that u guys didn't get snow, I would love to have a white Xmas. Enjoy the rest of your day.

27 years old and DH is 27 years oldDS 6 months oldTTC #2 Diagnosed with PCOS DH low sperm count <a href=

10 years ago

Just finished my period....I'm thinking I'm generally going to have between a 8-9 day period. The metformin is helping with the weightloss and helping with my cycle and helping with my pimples. So hopefully it will help with ovulation as well.
So I'm up to cd 9 now I did an average of a 34 day cycle just as an idea.

How's everyone else going?

27 years old and DH is 27 years oldDS 6 months oldTTC #2 Diagnosed with PCOS DH low sperm count <a href=

10 years ago

Just want to wish everyone a happy 2014. Hope we see many bfp's. CD1 for me today

10 years ago

Happy New Year Everyone

27 years old and DH is 27 years oldDS 6 months oldTTC #2 Diagnosed with PCOS DH low sperm count <a href=

10 years ago

Happy New Year everyone!!
Sorry I've been quiet. I was unconnected for a few days on holiday then had limited access. Back to real life now.

10 years ago

Happy New Year! I hope that you all had a nice Christmas! Bindy, I'm glad everyone behaved and that you didn't have any major drama. It sounds like nothing will please your MIL, so I wouldn't worry about her at this point.

I changed my O date since AF would have arrived by now if my original O date was correct, so today is 11 DPO. Not feeling hopeful since we only had sex the morning after I had O pains - nothing else that previous week due to being sick. While not hopeful, my bra has been really tight since yesterday. I want to rip it off because it is making me crazy. Tested yesterday and BFN. Probably will not test again until 14 DPO. We're heading to the country for a couple of days and I'm leaving all tests at home. So looking forward to a day away from work!

32 years old and BF is 37 TTC #1 Mom to 2 fur kids TTC since June 2013 Diagnosed with perimenopause Location: Colorado, USA

10 years ago

Happy new year! I don't have a clue what's going on with me! Think I might be 6dpo? Best case scenario.

Diet restart on 2 Jan though (1 Jan is still veg-out-and-eat-leftovers day, plus I need to eat all the junkfood in the house before the 2nd).

Gloat: at least I could herald in 2014 with wine in hand!

Me, 31, dh 34 TTC #1 since Feb 2013 I cp in May Ttc mantra: ICs do not count!

10 years ago

So pinged off at myself this morning! I forgot to take my temp! I blame 2014.

Anyway I am on track for a great month of dieting and exercise at least. Off to the gym tonight.

Bring on Jan bfps (I'm still in hopeful phase of this endless ttc cycle!).

Me, 31, dh 34 TTC #1 since Feb 2013 I cp in May Ttc mantra: ICs do not count!

10 years ago

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