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First time TTC; going crazy!

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Hello all, I have found this site while going crazy during this two week wait. I am inexperienced with symptoms and waiting and what to expect...I would appreciate anyone's advice...

My LMP was 2/11, I'm sure I ovulated between 2/25-2/27...I began with breast heaviness & soreness on 2/28 which is unusual for me to start with that early before AF. And it as continued - still sore boobs/swollen. I have noticed I've been a little more tired; requiring a nap the other day and going to bed earlier. And finally, on 9 or 10 DPO, (yesterday) I started with some dull lower abd cramping/pressure on & off all day... I have tested the last couple days because I am so impatient!!!! And obviously BFN... I know it is too early... Does it sound like I may have a chance?? Maybe I'm making up these symptoms?? AF is due 3/11... and I'm thankful for working 12 hour shifts the next couple days to distract myself! Please advise!!!

323 Replies • 11 years ago



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Hi AshleyLauren and Abennett, hope this cycle is the one we all get our BFP. Abennett, i am happy u now using opks to determine o, cos our bodies can be really funny and deceiving, so it always helps to be sure.
i am now in my TWW, and 2dpo today,i had a really long cycle and had a positive opk first on CD50. The only symptom i hav is flutterings in my stomach, but i just ate dinner, so i am not reading a lot into it at all, i feel really hot today and feel a temperature hike, but thats so normal after o, so i am very very relaxed this TWW. i kept myself busy this wknd in our wintercabin and this week i will work 6 days, so its good for my sanity. this cycle i used opk,metformin 500mg, softcups, folic, b complex and omega 3. hope something comes out of this and goodluck to u all too .

11 years ago

Reneee, I'm just now in my tww too. 1 dpo. That's good that you are staying busy and keeping your mind off of it. I'm trying to do the same! I am gonna start testing next Tuesday at 10 dpo. Gonna try to keep my sanity this time. Haha. Right now I'm just on prenatal vitamins but I may try the other stuff if this month doesn't work out. Keep in touch. We will be finding out pretty close together. Maybe this is our month!

11 years ago

hello guys am 7dpo going on 8dpo and i can already feel i am out this month, so i am not even going to waste any precious sticks testing until Af comes. i hav NO symptoms Nada , nothing after like dpo 4-5 and i already feel out. ive also started with acupuncture and had my first treatment yesterday and cant wait for another on monday . hav a lovely wknd and baby dust every1......

11 years ago

Reneee, maybe you are not out this month. You may not have even implanted yet so you may feel nothing bc it hasn't happened yet. I hope it's your month! Can't wait to hear if the acupuncture works! Let us know! I am 6 dpo and I took a test for fun today and I see a slight shadow of a line but that's it. Working all weekend so I won't be tempted to take another til Monday when I'm 9 dpo. I felt a wierd pinching/pulling sensation on my right side this morning. It only lasted for a few minutes. I hope this is my month soooo bad! Only time will tell!

11 years ago

i saw ur test abennett og although its too early , i see a very very faint shadow of something good going to happen, hope its it for u dear, the pulling and pinshing ure feeling too can be a good sign dear, fingerscrossed for u, u really know how to lift a gals spirits up hahahhahaha. at least ure feeling some pulling and twinges, here NAAADAAA. so am so prepared for the worst and will therefore be truely surprised if my MIRACLE shd choose to happen this wknd. all the best and hav a lovely wknd everyone. PS Abennett, do wait until dpo b4 u test hahhahahahhaha

11 years ago

Keep your head up! So many women don't have ANY pregnancy symptoms! Try to stay busy, I know that's what I'm doing and I'm not even at my TTW yet. I have been driving myself crazy, so my plan is more time in the gym, at the dog park, etc. Otherwise, I could literally sit on my computer all day researching anything and everything that has to do with TTC. My baby is gonna come out and tell me to calm down and stop being a crazy person!

Abennett- It sounds promising for you! Good luck! Hope you get your clear BFP very soon!

User Image Ashley&Bryan 6.1.12

11 years ago

Hi AshleyLauren, i can see u finally from ur ticker u were finally able to pinpoint an o da, hope this cycle is the one dear, thanks for all the kind words , but i caved and tested today 12 dpo and it was a BFN, so now i know i am really really out. will finally confirm when AF comes in a day or 2. i have a lot on my mind now and tank God i aint so obsessed about my BFP like i was some cycles ago, thank God, am much much realistic now and taking things easy, cos i know our time will also come. In other news i scrapped the window of the new car dp bought me in february , so i am using all my energy finding creative ways to stop him seeing the damage b4 i repair it tomorrow hahahahahaha, takes my mind off ttcing when i have some covering up to do . i feel like a lil kid .

Abennett- i guess ure the first in the group to catch that eggie. i saw ur last test and its a clear BFP. i pray for a sticky bean dear and happy and healthy 9 months. wish it was me, but am so happy for u.

11 years ago

Fun topic! So, I decided to join. :)
I'm trying not to go crazy knowing that I can get prego any month now. Although we are not trying hard for a baby, we just go with the flow right now. We will most like start seriously trying this summer. But last time we had BD was right the day before my ovulation, 4 days ago. So, this is my 3 DPO and I really don't know if I should have my hopes up since even though many have BD around ovulation day but don't end up getting pregnant. In two days my DH and I are going for our one year anniversary trip to Hawaii and I hope that if I do get prego (whenever implantation happens) that I won't be too moody on our trip! lol
Good luck, girls!! :) I need to find buddies who are on the same DPO as me! Would be fun!
Abennett, how awesome! Congrats! Is it confirmed?

<img src=

11 years ago

Hi Welcome to the forum Emeraldrainbow, seems ure not trying, not preventing and we are more like hardcore ttcers, hahahahhahahhahh but i guess the similarity is that the tww makes u just as crazy as we are. i think right now in this forum the closest to ur cycle is AshleyLauren who is 1dpo, and i most likely pair with Abennett. A BFP will be a surprise 1yr anniversary gift . baby dust to u and yr man. i am also planning a 1 week vacation to Greece next month and am sooo looking forward to it.

11 years ago

@Reneee- My ticker was actually wrong, so I fixed it today! I am actually not even 100% sure I ovulated today. Confirmation hopefully tomorrow and for sure the day after that! My temps dipped so low & went up a lot today. I'm thinking one more rise & I will OFFICIALLY be on my TTW. LOL- it felt like forever!

Greece will be fun! I was there last summer for a bit during my honeymoon. Santorini was my favorite. Where do you plan on going?

@emeraldrainbow- Welcome! Hopefully you have all the knowledge you need before you guys get super serious! Or even better, you get your BFP before that!

User Image Ashley&Bryan 6.1.12

11 years ago

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