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Mid Month Madness!

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Welcome :) this a group dedicated to those who test around the middle of the month!

32yrs old DH 36 TTC #1 TTC since Oct 2011 - diagnosed anovulatory Feb 2013 6th cycle clomiphene Party trick - mood swings par excellence! Located: Palmerston North, NZ User Image

1172 Replies • 10 years ago



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Hi guys it seems we are all in need of some good news!! It's rubbish!!!

Ok so last night I has pink tinged cm then nothing all night then browm cm in morning then later on I had one red spot on like slimy cm? Then again it was brown and slimy? This not normal for me. I'm normaly get browm cm then af in a day or 2! I can't bring myself to test again as I'm cramping a little and sooo scared to have my worst fears confirmed! So if af does not arrive by Friday I will test again as I will be 5 days late. I had a look at my cycles on here and this is my longest cycle which is stranges as I thought I had a 30 day cycle but apparently there irregular? Is it possible that I have ib bleeding as I'm not 100% sure when I ov. But I'm sure af was due yesterday? Argh. My head is nipping I try soo hard to forget about it and just get on with things but it's soooo hard!!!

Please lord let this bean stick!
I have no more spotting or cm it's just wet but my cervix is high firm and closed. Should it not be soft??? I'm grasping at straws I think. But I can't help it I really don't think I can take anymore disappointment. Not being preggers is better than a chemical. It just sucks!!

Rant over lol sorry guys needed to get that out

10 years ago

Shiloh. i truly hope that you have a sticky little bean. Keep us updated.

Bindy... My heart is breaking for you. I don't know why some people have to struggle and then people who can't take care of kids pop them out like there is no tomorrow. It is completely unfair. It hurts to still be here 1 year later without a BFP. PCOS is unfair and I hate it for you as well. I know that it seems like there is no hope and that you are sad at the moment. But try not to give up. I really believe that the RE will be able to help you. There are so many positive stories of people with PCOS that get pregnant with the help of an RE (Although I know that is the last thing you want to hear. Positive stories always hurt and you feel like it will never be the same for you) I am thinking of you. And I agree with Divact. 2 times is enough.

Divact I agree it would have been great to all be closer. Have you see soimpatient again since you both got bumps?

I am waiting for AF to arrive today. Broke down and used the only test I had last night. like I said before... Nothing says like a digital .lol

10 years ago

AF didn't come yesterday, so obviously got O wrong... Spotting today with a lovely yeast infection. Body...I hate you sometimes.

10 years ago

I hate digitals. F*ckers. And an infection to top it off? Lol. Not nice.

10 years ago

Nope not nice. urgh. If I die I am coming back as a man!
But, then, with my luck, I will probably have erectile dysfunction.

How are you doing today Bindy?

Any news Shiloh?

10 years ago

Cycle nr 13. Here we go. Strangely numb....

Bindy. Hope you get your bfp this month

Shiloh. Hope you have a sticky bean!

Im off to go make myself a hot water bottle. The endo is a b*tch this month (unfortunately my uterus and lower abdomen isn't numb. LOL)

10 years ago

Today is cd21......AF is due within the next 4-7 days (don't have a set cycle yet) I'm not testing or anything this month as I'm fairly certain I didn't ovulate but I guess I have been wrong before.

Autumn once AF shows up I will be on cycle no 13 as well. That sucks that endo is a b!tch this month, hopefully the pain will ease up for you.
You made made me chuckle with the when u come back u want to come back as a man but will prob be with erectile dysfunction lol dw I would prob end up with the same lol

Anyone have any exciting plans for the weekend?

I'm dog sitting at the moment and will be heading to a candlelite party Sunday night which will be nice to get out of the house and stop my moping around.

27 years old and DH is 27 years oldDS 6 months oldTTC #2 Diagnosed with PCOS DH low sperm count <a href=

10 years ago

Maybe 13 can prove lucky for us Bindy (If 12 isn't your lucky nr) Hope you did ovulate.
Enjoy the party on Saturday. Think it will be good to get out a bit.

I am having ds birthday party tomorrow. Looking forward to it.
I am in a weird place wrt feelings about TTC. It is the first month I haven't cried when af came. I feel like there is no tears left and there is just an ache, instead of tears. I don't even want to push dh for his sa at the end of the month. I don't want to go back to my dr next month. I don't want to hear what he has to say. Maybe it is the fear of hearing nothing has changed and we need to go for ivf. And that brings so many extra problems. I was supposed to start the Femara again tomorrow. But I didn't even go get the prescription. Don't want to be tempted to take it. I need a month off.

10 years ago

Hi ladies. Looks like were all still in the same boat stil! Looks like another chemical for me! Gutted! So now I face a dilemma of what next?? It's been a yr now and nothing so I'm wondering if something is wrong? Ok so after dd3 was born I got the contraceptive implant. I had it in for 2 n a half years bleeding constantly. Untill I was bleeding so much I was sooo weak I actuly thought I was dying?? Very scary! But I'm a big wimp and didn't get it out but went to docs and he said it's poisoning me and get it out ASAP! Witch I then did and eventually my cycles went back to normal. But I'm thinking this is what has been causing problems?? So I'm not sure what the next step is? Do I go to docs for help or buy really expensive stuff to make sure I'm ov or buy things that help? What can I do ladies ??? I know people say something about drugs like clomid? N stuff but because iv never had any help b4 I don't know what to do?? Should I just wait it out and keep going or what? I have 3 girls whom I adore. But would love a 4th to complete my family. I'm scared doc won't care to help as I have kids or ask anyone because they say the same like I got enough and need a Leesh for them!! So any advice would be much help!!

If only there was a magic way to do this and kick fertility problems ass!!!

I hope u ladies are doing well and in better spirits!! How fab would a girls night out be with you lot !! Lol xxxxxx

10 years ago

Shiloh, I think it can take a while for your body to get straightened out after birth control. The fact that you did actually conceive the last two months makes me think that your body had probably worked itself out finally. Unfortunately, your accident might have screwed it up again a bit, but I would think that you would still get pregnant with no help within the next couple of months.
It took me 5 cycles after my cp to go back to a normal cycle and get pregnant.

I'm so sorry about the cp.

Everyone else, hope your having nice weekends.

10 years ago

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