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You might be a TTC lady IF ....

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So, I thought we could all use a little laugh at ourselves right about now.

This post is going to run a-la-the Jeff Foxworthy Redneck jokes, "You might be a redneck if ..." but instead, this is where we can come to find out "You might be a TTC lady IF ...."

Feel free to add your own "if's" afterward and lets have some fun!! :)

You might be a TTC lady IF ........

You can form a sentence that makes no sense to any of your friends and family, i.e. "Hoping AF doesn't come since we BD'ed when the OPK was positive and I am now at 12 DPO."

You might be a TTC lady IF ........

to you, the phrase "sticky bean" has absolutely nothing to do with cooking.

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271 Replies • 13 years ago



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61 - 70 of 271 Replies | Last Page

...if you start bargaining with God the night before AF is due.

...Please God, if you just let it stay away this time and let me have a baby...!

...if you wander the baby department in wal-mart and use your nephew as an excuse to be in there even though it drives DH a little nuts!

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13 years ago

Your DH tells you that he is not a machine.

Your DH tells your uterus to drop an egg already.

Your bff calls to ask you what this means in her cycle (she's ttc, but doesn't research as much as I do).

Your other bff is asking where you are in the cycle because she can't wait for you to get pregnant (she is not ttc just super supportive).

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13 years ago

... you and your husband talk about "the baby" so much like it's already in there that you have to watch your mouth in public because nobody else knows you are TTC.

This might be the best topic ever! Seriously made my day.

13 years ago

... when all you can think about is how much you want a drink and how bad you have to pee from 1 pm - 4 pm on OPK days.

13 years ago

...when your pregnant sister in law tells you shes had a runny nose for the past four months and cant figure out why and you casually tell her: "That´s a normal symptom of pregnancy."

...when she answers you "Really?! Well that explains it!" and you feel angry because it was sooo easy for her that she didnt spend countless nights on the internet googling every single pregnancy symptom possible, so shes pregnant, and has no clue what pregnancy symptoms are besides "morning sickness"

...after feeling angry at her you immediately feel guilty for having thoughts of jealousy at all, after all, shes carrying your future niece or nephew.

(So thats a report on my evening yesterday)

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13 years ago

If your 2 year old rumages through drawer and hands you a pregnancy test every time you go to the bathroom

13 years ago

I have to agree.. this topic definitly made my day.. I had quite the chuckle from the postings lol... Funny thing is.. they are all true!! :)

13 years ago

I love this forum!!! It made me LOL (literally) and it put a smile on my face......thanks ladies!!!

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13 years ago

I keep thinking of more that didn't seem unusual until this thread :-)

... if talking about the conditions of your vagina is normal dinner conversation.

.... if signing notes with "I need your sperm" doesn't seem odd to you.

13 years ago

If you use TTC, DPO, DH, OPK, HPT, etc. in general conversation with friends.

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13 years ago

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