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Mid Month Madness!

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Welcome :) this a group dedicated to those who test around the middle of the month!

32yrs old DH 36 TTC #1 TTC since Oct 2011 - diagnosed anovulatory Feb 2013 6th cycle clomiphene Party trick - mood swings par excellence! Located: Palmerston North, NZ User Image

1172 Replies • 10 years ago



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"may the force be with you" Soo funny Divact. And thanks. Hope the force is with us as well. Yea for a puppy. Great that you are all moved in. HOw is the nursery coming?

Thanks Dogmom. It sucks that your MS is so bad. Hopefully it will go away soon! Are you excited for Tuesday? YOu must let us know how it went. Are you getting a scan? Hope your MIL only comes after the app!

I am not having a good TWW. Feel like crap the whole time. I am so dizzy and crampy. But I think its from the diet and exercise. Or I am getting another stomach bug.

10 years ago

I just figured out that my period will be due on our anniversary so the night could end up with happy news or disappointment.
Just been thinking tonight while I was at dinner for my birthday and realised when AF would be due ect.

Autumn I hope u are feeling better and not getting sick.

Divact lol I love the 'may the force be with you' :) also yay u got a puppy :D I love dogs :D

Hope everyone has a lovely weekend

27 years old and DH is 27 years oldDS 6 months oldTTC #2 Diagnosed with PCOS DH low sperm count <a href=

10 years ago

Happy birthday Bindy.

10 years ago

Wo, is it your birthday Bindy? If so, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! :)

10 years ago

Happy Birthday Bindy! Do something fun today!!!

32 years old and BF is 37 TTC #1 Mom to 2 fur kids TTC since June 2013 Diagnosed with perimenopause Location: Colorado, USA

10 years ago

Thanks for all the birthday wishes ladies, I had a good day mum took me out for lunch and DH took me out for dinner. :)

Autumn how's ur tww going? Hope ur feeling better.

Dogmom hope the ms is easing off for u and goodluck with the doc appt on tues, hope the mil isn't too nosy.

So Impaiitent how r u going?

Divact how's the puppy going? How's the new apartment? Hope ur going well

27 years old and DH is 27 years oldDS 6 months oldTTC #2 Diagnosed with PCOS DH low sperm count <a href=

10 years ago

Hi everyone how are you all doing?

Just back from holiday, had a nice time and kids had a ball!
The down side is I couldn't do anything from the day we arrived as I was In a car accident! Some idiot slammed into my side where I was sitting and run a red light! My dd who is 3 years old was in back of car screaming! When I herd her a got out the car to get to her in the back, my car door was completely jammed shut. But I got it open and almost took it off the hinges! So my dd is now afraid to get into a car but other than that she is ok! Thank god! My dh was in back with her and he has whiplash. I was in front when hit and have severe whiplash right down my neck and back, a black eye, swollen upper arm, and a huge bruise from my hip to just above my thigh on left side and could barly walk! The medic said it was adrenalin that made me able to open car door but when it wares off I will b in a lot of pain! He wasn't kidding! But the kids were safe so that's all that matters to me! I was determend not to let this ruin our holiday, and it didn't. So I'm home and resting again.

So guys some good news would cheer me up right about now!


10 years ago

Wow Shiloh. thats hectic. Glad you were not injured worse! Good taht you still enjoyed your holiday.

Great that you had a good Birthday Bindy! My TWW is going slow. Luckily feeling better. Starting the "Feelis like I will never get pregnant" part of my TWW . think I am 10dpo today, but might be 7/8..

10 years ago

Shiloh I'm glad u weren't injuried worst that's a horrible holiday. Hope ur recovering from it all.

Autumn my tww is taking forever as well, I'm at like 6-7dpo atm and this is my second day spotting. Last cycle on cd16 & 17 I spotted and again this cycle cd 16 & 17 spotted again. I hope this doesn't end in a chemical again I can't go thru that a second month in a row.

I feel the same way u do autumn feels like it will never happen for me either

27 years old and DH is 27 years oldDS 6 months oldTTC #2 Diagnosed with PCOS DH low sperm count <a href=

10 years ago

Bindy I really hope that it is not a chemical as well! Would be so unfair if you have to go through that 2 months in a row. Are you going to test this month? Or are you waiting to miss AF?

Maybe the spotting is a positive sign this time round

10 years ago

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