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Mid Month Madness!

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Welcome :) this a group dedicated to those who test around the middle of the month!

32yrs old DH 36 TTC #1 TTC since Oct 2011 - diagnosed anovulatory Feb 2013 6th cycle clomiphene Party trick - mood swings par excellence! Located: Palmerston North, NZ User Image

1172 Replies • 10 years ago



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Yay for ovulation So Impatient. What a sweetie your DH!! He definitely deserves a good old fashioned baby making session for that. Go get him. :)

Dr Google does suck sometimes! Like, Dr Google says, don't use HPT at 8dpo. What a jerk. But I've got a stack full of plastic cups (discretly stolen from work of course) and a bag full of IC's that are just waiting for me to pee in/on them. Can't wait! I have to pee just thinking about it.

By the way, I would kill for a show called "Why the f--- am I not pregant". Awesome awesomeness. That would be sooo funny and true to the heart.

10 years ago

So Impaitent u make me laugh ur posts are so nice to read. for surging

Dogmom & So Impaitient I would love to watch a show "why the f--- arnt I pregnant yet" lol would be a hit.

Makiet congrats on the house, it's exciting isn't it :) my house now have a roof and frames yay should have the bricks done by time I get back from holidays.

So some bad news I'm well and truly out this month got my periods a day early today so I get to have lovely red with me on my plane trip to Ireland lol, but thank you for pointing out so Impaitent that most of the time I will be sitting down so that is a positive lol.

Dogmom have u tested again?

27 years old and DH is 27 years oldDS 6 months oldTTC #2 Diagnosed with PCOS DH low sperm count <a href=

10 years ago

Sorry for your af Bindy.

I got my first negative this morning. Not even a faint line. But still a stomach ache and sore bbs. Maybe there is still hope. It's really early to test.

10 years ago

Sorry you got a BFN Divact. BUt it is still Very early.

sucks that you got your period Bindy. Sitting on a plane with big red just isn't fun! Hope the holiday is still great though!

Definitely your reward so impatient. LOL Yeah for O.

10 years ago

Divact you may as well test.

1. Ics do not count.
2. Doc Google is a prick.
3. Imagine if it Was positive at 8dpo!

If you were able to get a positive at 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 or 13dpo, why wait until 14dpo? You're missing out on a whole 5 or so days of Knowing you're pregnant. Although if you're in the-wait-until-your-period school of thought (like Iron-will Makiet), I suppose that's five extra shots of tequila. I can see the arguments either way actually. Personally though I just want to know. I think I'm still secretly optimistic. I still kind of expect to see It and when I don't I'm still a bit surprised.

I'm really annoyed at Bindy's bfn as well! But but had 25yr old...Hotel sex...5 days in a row! WTf? Any chance your next fertile period will fall during your trip? Maybe it's good your last cycle was regular at least. Hopefully next one brings your bfp! And you can fill your new house too! Maybe on your trip you can go hunting for a lucky Irish clover. Bon Voyage! I know it's already The Future where you are and therefore the day of your trip!

OK so back to me. My body always finds new ways to mindf--- me. The latest thing is I had my first month where I only had one positive opk, not two. My LH surge was extra short. I googled this and it doesn't seem to be a problem, just makes it harder to catch (thank goodness I bought 50 opks last time). But I do wonder why the sudden change. Do I have a better chance now with a short LH surge (you can just imagine the search strings on my Google history), or am I just wasting my time if we have more sex this week? We last night (the day of the surge) and I'm planning tomorrow and Sunday just in case. Really hope it's not pointless. Anyone know anything about this? Anyway, regardless I'm calling time and officially starting my tww today. 1dpo. Pathetic.

Autumn are we testing buddies around 20th? Everyone is lapping me.

Me, 31, dh 34 TTC #1 since Feb 2013 I cp in May Ttc mantra: ICs do not count!

10 years ago

Sorry about AF, Bindy! The progress on your house is is exciting! I hope you have a fabulous trip!!!

Been in a bit of a foul mood all day today. I tested, again, this afternoon and it is still a BFN. Not even a hint of a 2nd line. AF is due tomorrow, so I'm 99.999% sure that I'm out this month. I need to look into ordering some IC's for next month. My hairdresser today kept asking when I was going to have a baby. As if it were just that easy!

8 DPO is really early, divact. I hear of people getting a BFP that early, but I think it is really a urban legend. When is AF due?

So impatient, I don't know what to tell you! If we knew the answer, then we'd all be pregnant by now. At least you had a romp with your DH on your peak day. I always feel that more is better, so I don't think any additional romps would be a waste.

32 years old and BF is 37 TTC #1 Mom to 2 fur kids TTC since June 2013 Diagnosed with perimenopause Location: Colorado, USA

10 years ago

So Impaitent you make me laugh I love ur way with words lol. My fertile time will prob be while I'm on the plane home so I'm thinking I might have to join the mile high club I don't actually leave oz till Sunday arvo I arrive in London on Monday at 5:30am ur time. I'm actually having a losing battle atm with my suitcase lol we head to Sydney tomorrow a lovely 5hr drive in the 37 degree heat with no air con and a heavy period lol doesn't get much better than that lol than fly out at 4:20pm on Sunday. Will be looking for that lucky Irish clover for all of us thanks for the well wishes very excited, also not bbt while away will be a nice break of not having the first thought in the morning of dont move need to test temp

Dogmom sorry u got a bfn it sucks its really does. Hopefully next cycle will get u ur bfp.

Divact 8dpo is still early I think ur still in with a chance

So Impaitient I would still have the extra just for the heck of it I also believe more in better

So I forgot to mention a nasty comment I got off my doc yesterday. Ok so I lost 2 of the 5kgs that he wanted me to lose so I was a tad happy lets just say he burst my bubble his like I think u need to lose between 7-10kgs really to give u any hope of falling preg coz ur too fat
So I reminded him he told me my ideal weight was 54kgs if I were to lose 10 I would be 4kgs under weight. He didn't care he put it down to me being too fat. I wanted to knock him out. Anyway just had to rent. I think I may need to change my doc.....however only like a day back from my trip I have to have a blood test to see if o or not. Anyway everyone testing and in their tww. Also everyone who will o while I'm gone and happy

27 years old and DH is 27 years oldDS 6 months oldTTC #2 Diagnosed with PCOS DH low sperm count <a href=

10 years ago

So impatient, uh, extra sex is never a waste of time. :) :) :)

Dogmom, sorry about for new bfn. When is your period due?

Bindy, this is going to be a fabulous vacation! And woohoo for the mile high club! And geeeez. I would kill to be 60-anything kilos. I won't even dream about the 50's anymore. That's a long forgotten hope. Maybe you SHOULD see another doctor and hear what they say. Obviously, and that goes for all of us ttcers, losing weight would be a good thing, but even fat women DO get pregnant, so I wouldn't get so stuck on his comments. Even if they hurt.

Well, another two bfns this morning. One at 4am and the other at 9. Though on the one from 4, I could almost swear that there is the faintest hint of a grey line in just the right light held at just the right angle. Bf saw it too. But I might have just bent it or it could be evap because that's looking at it 5 hours after I peed on it and it is an internet cheapie after all. Luckily I still have quite a few more. My hopes are going down now. However, as you all kindly remind me, it is still really early. And as Dr Google says, today, 9dpo, is the most common day for implantation to occur. Meaning no bfp before Sunday anyway. So fingers are still crossed. And seriously, my boobs hurt so much!!!

10 years ago

Funny, the more I look at the hpt, the more I notice really really faint lines on both. On the one from 9am, I don't even have to turn it or change lighting to see it at arms length. But, it could very likely be an evaporation line as it's been several hours now.

10 years ago

Wow wow wow Divact! Maybe this is it!! hopefully it will be a blazing positive tomorrow!

Dogmom sorry about the bfn! Really sucks! And it really can put you in a foul mood All day! Anything coming up that could cheer you up? Maybe you should just book a holiday anyway!

At least at 2dpo my hope is still high. I had a load of ewcm today too so I'm going to tonight just in case the egg is still hanging around and intact and all the other sperm from the past two have just streamed cluelessly past it like ships in the night. And are now shrivelling away just at the end of my tube... or dropping off the end of the tube into the abyss in between the ovary and the tube.

Bindy doctor conversations are so funny. I actually struggle to get my GPs to look at me, let alone touch me or talk to me. Non-ttc related stuff. So I don't think they'd bother telling me to lose weight. A nurse did my last pap smear. The doctors here in the UK seem to good for all that messy stuff! It was a traumatic experience. I just clamped right down on the torture winchy thingy...speculum. Meanwhile the nurse is saying, "relax, relax, relax". Yeah right. Anyway...Bindy it's good you're not temping. Have a real break from everything!

So Divact you 're a member of mile high from Dominican Republic right? yeah right. Mile High is so a myth right? I don't see how it's possible unless you have hinges on your legs and no crew around to see you go into the bathroom together. Plus plane loos are sooooo disgusting. I've certainly never tried. I don't get how anyone would meet an attractive stranger on a plane either. When I have to sit with a stranger, I'm always next to snoring farters, who hog the armrest. Enjoy your long haul flight Bindy!

Me, 31, dh 34 TTC #1 since Feb 2013 I cp in May Ttc mantra: ICs do not count!

10 years ago

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