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Pregnancy test calculator
Use this calculator to help you decide when to take your first home pregnancy test.
@pandorica I think you may have been right. I was also thinking about the morning I got a super low temp and my mouth was really dry. Like I had slept with my mouth open. I guess we will never know haha temp went back up some this morning though. Dealing with some terrible cramp like feelings. Been on and off with some sharper pains too. Hoping I did O on the 8th and this is possibly implantation cramping l ???? going to have to wait and see. I have been super tired and just feeling slightly sick to my stomach the last two days too. I really hate this wait and see game we have to play every month!!!
5 years ago
@Shay so glad your temp went back up this is it for you!
@Alex I’m sorry you're feeling down but as you know this is a safe place to share whatever you’re going through regardless of what it is. We’re here for you ( as much as we can be virtually!) You’ve got this babe! Don’t lose hope! You know your chances are likely to increase starting next cycle because the supplements should start acting. I’m sending you all the good thoughts and positive energy I can.
5 years ago
Thank you ladies I know that we all here are to support each other and I would probably jump in and try to bring anyone up if was in same mood I just didn’t want to repeat myself again. There’s no much left to say and I really wish supplements will work. AF came at midnight.. 1 day shorter LP this cycle. Probably my body wanted to take me out of it and start a new, full of hope cycle! Chances to O from my good side this month are big and supplements theoretically should start to work. I’m now just praying that I won’t have to wait any longer..
5 years ago
@Alex hang in there girl. I know how you feel exactly. I also notice i feel that way more the closer AF the hormones dropping don't help your mood. I know that's not much comfort, but its normal to feel a little bit of despair before she arrives -- at least it's normal for me. Everyone and I mean EVERYONE is falling pregnant around me. It's like an epidemic. I have everything crossed for you this cycle to get your long awaited BFP!!!!
@Shay I hope your temp keeps going up! FF and CTP didn't agree on my O date this month until 4 DPO then suddenly CTP changed to match FF. So just keep watching as you enter your temps. I was also wondering if you've had any tests done for PCOS? I have mild PCOS and they put me on metformin 1500 mg per day about 6 weeks ago. It is really helping me O earlier (I always used to O, just anywhere from CD13 to CD19 so go a lot of flashy smileys and sometimes no peak reading). Anyway, the metformin is really cheap and the side effects wear off after a few weeks on the drug, so maybe you could try it? Its also safe during pregnancy and i've lost 10 pounds since starting it! I also take Vitex and Ovasitol which are both helpful for PCOS and irregular cycles. I hope your temp keeps going up and you get a BFP this month!
Good luck ladies. I'm 5 DPO today and my temp is high and i'm exhausted. I know its just the progesterone doing these things. I will be testing on 7/25 and stopping progesterone if i get another BFN. We are going to try maybe one more cycle before moving to IVF.
5 years ago
@alex I am so sorry it has been so tough. Remember we are all here for you!! This next month is yours!! I can feel it!!
@lissa thank you. My temp has stayed up this morning so that is nice. I think that since I have been staying up later and not getting the normal consistent sleep like I do during the school year, my temps are all over the place. I have not been tested for PCOS as my doctors keep telling me to just wait and see. I had the Mirena in for four years. It has now been just over a year since having it taken out. They just keep saying it can take twice as long than normal after having it removed, so just be patient and wait. It is very frustrating since the last time I know for a fact I O’ed was in February.
Still staying positive. I believe I am somewhere between 5-7dpo. Leaning towards the 7dpo though. Cramps have been rough for three days now and I am extremely nauseous today. I have had breakfast and couldn’t stomach my coffee this morning. Just water for me today!!
Good luck ladies!!!
5 years ago
Hey ladies I'm back!! I decided to try another IUI cycle w/meds, the 2 towards the end of the last year I didn't conceive but I 've done the HSG test and everything came back good my tubes are not blocked I just think it wasn't my timing so we are trying this month I just started AF today and I go in for my sonogram this Friday and will start clomid and they may have me do shots this time to be more aggressive. I feel good about this time! Sending baby dust to everyone! I've decided to not share with anyone but you guys when I did that 7 years ago it seemed to have kept me in a positive space mentally and I wasn't getting so many questions from family and friends about do you feel different and etc which mentally put pressure on me
5 years ago
Hey ladies. I hope you don't mind me joining you all. I'm TTC baby #3 I have been for a while now with no such luck. I am really hoping this is my little family's month. I use to temp chart, but can't anymore. I have a 2 year old that co-sleeps with us so it makes it a little difficult. If I ovulated when I think I did I should be 8dpo...
I hope everyone else is doing well!!
5 years ago
Lissa Thank you for your support! I really hope you won’t need to take the IVF road girl! I’m keeping my fingers crossed for you!
Shay I’m very optimistic for you this cycle! As long your body ovulated I believe that we will see a bfp from you in the next few days
Anna thanks babe! I hope you and your little princes are doing great! How are the symptoms btw? Any better?
Mommy Good luck! I hope you will need only one try
Miam welcome and good luck! Having a toddler sleeping with you must be a challenge when TTC! I really wish you’ll expand your family soon!
AFM I’m feeling better but I can’t stop thinking that the supplements probably won’t work and then what? All my hopes will be gone forever.... I shouldn’t be clinging on hope so much for this cycles and for the supplements.. I should getting prepared for a big failure instead for a big success. I mean if I’m prepared for the worst and a bfp comes things will be much easier than getting prepared to be pregnant and realize that it won’t happen.. Am I talking like a crazy person? Idk anymore... just some thoughts.. I’m still having that hope but idk if I should count so much on it! Maybe I’m preparing my self to get hurt big time when I should be reasonable and stop believing in unicorns..
5 years ago
@alex symptoms wise I'm fine nothing really to report I have a headache every now and then and some cramps that concern me but that's about it... I still throw up every morning but because I wake up super hungry and dont immediately eat when my eyes go open lol but really that's all I have... She's moving around a lot now and kicks are super clear SO can feel them... Everyrhing us fine with her and I'm still not showing lol maybe a little but that's it
5 years ago • Post starter
Early pregnancy symptoms by day past ovulation
What signs and symptoms are most common on each day past ovulation?
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