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2 years and counting

We've now been TTC for over 2 years. I had a feeling it wouldn't happen in an instant, since it took 17 months to conceive our son. But I didn't think we would get past 2 years to be honest. Af showed up this afternoon, so now it's yet another month of TTC.

212 Comments • 5 years ago



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I am sorry to hear AF showed up. Do you generally POAS before your AF or do you wait to see if she rears her ugly head. I am fighting the urge to POAS today.

We are just going on our second year too. We have MFI and have gone through three IUI's already and are scheduled for another 3. We have taken November, December and now January to focus on getting healthier (quit smoking, drinking, eating healthier and working out.) we have been sticking to everything and are hopeful that we were able to conceive naturally this month. I am on 9 or 10 DPO (i didnt track this month to take a break from that before the IUI as it is tracking intensive) and I really hope we were able to conceive naturally. If not, we move into an IUI next month :( This journey has been so painful.

5 years ago

@MeghanBT - I always POAS before af, I just can't seem to have the patience to not test before. Maybe it's the fact I got my bfp at 11 dpo with my son a few years ago.

I can totally relate to the journey being painful.. We're not sure why it won't work for us this time. Last time we went to a fertility clinic and got some check ups after we had ttc for a year. We found out that the motility of my husbands sperms where a lower % than the reference, but instead he had triple the amount of what's normal. Got pregnant right after I got an HSG done. This time the fertility clinic won't help us, both since we already have a child and also since we doesn't seem to have a problem to get pregnant but staying pregnant. I have had several chemical pregnancies during these 2 years and have no idea why.

5 years ago • Post starter

It's been a week now since my period started. I still have a little bit of spotting though. Now it's only a "waiting game" until ovulation gets closer. Decided to start using bbt again, since it's way more accurate at pinpointing ovulation.

5 years ago • Post starter

Hi ladies, i am 39 and Ttc #2 for 14 months. MC last march. Today i tested and is a BFN i can feel i am out this cycle somehow i feel so angry. I usually feel sad but this month i am just angry. Did you guys ever feel like this?

5 years ago

I finally got my peak/solid smiley today, which I kind of knew before I even took it. My temp dropped below 36, which usually means ovulation. So I assume I'll get a temp rise tomorrow. We'll see if I'm right or not.

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5 years ago • Post starter

My bbt chart so far

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5 years ago • Post starter

Got my crosshairs today. So now I'm going in to the torturous two week wait. Will be a real struggle not to test on Valentine's day, even though I'm only gonna be 8 dpo.

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5 years ago • Post starter

I’m on the exact same boat, except our daughter is 3 years old and it took us 2 years, now we are on our 2nd year again and it’s so frustrating. Every one of this 24 cycles have been nothing but torture. We have been trying to conceive naturally but at this point I’m just so tired. I’m tired of trying y’all. I’m fertile again on 2 days but I almost feel like I shouldn’t

5 years ago

@Stephanie - Sorry to hear you're in the same boat. Not a happy boat to be in. Fingers crossed we get our bfp soon.

5 years ago • Post starter

So, I realised I put in the wrong temp on the 7th and I have corrected that. Currently 5 dpo and like the POAS addict I am, it's already itching in my fingers to test. I think I maybe take a test on Valentine's and if it's negative, which will be higly likely, I'll wait two more days before I test again. At least that's the plan.

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5 years ago • Post starter

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