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Does anyone else feel like a crazy person???!!!

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I think I might be pregnant ....I'm probably not ....could be, I'm late and crampy ....or maybe I ovulated later than I thought ...My breast feels sore, I gotta be pregnant ...maybe it's sore from me poking at it to see if it's sore. LOL! Anyone else mentally wrestling yourself ?!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9961 Replies • 12 years ago



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Jessica where are you and how have you been girly???

Tara that sucks. I think you should totally go for the mini van or even a smaller SUV that has three row seating! I understand the feeling of not wanting a note though, I paid my car off two years early and refused to get another one for years! I loved not having that payment. Then DH made me whenever my transmission started slipping, I wanted to just replace the transmission! Lol
And you can NOT wait until after your sister has her kiddos to move forward with having your family. No way, I will not let that happen!

2Frsty, I am so sorry to hear about your friend. There are no words, just let her know you are there whenever she wants to talk. As far as the BC, I think that was a good decision.

Phat, that sucks she hasn't came yet... Nothing is worse than waiting for her knowing she is coming and she is late.

AFM, still injecting myself. Waiting very impatiently for our transfer. This will be the longest part of it. If we transfer March 11th then we will either have an AMAZING anniversary or a shitty one. Fingers crossed.

Pink, sorry about the BFN. Have fun in London, I have always wanted to travel there. It took us about a week to get DHs results back for his SA.

8 years ago

Pinkster - fingers crossed you'll get that BFP and won't have to worry about AF on vacation. Good luck!

2Frsty - I would just let her know you're thinking about her and praying for her and that's it. She will talk to you when she's ready, and you don't have to say anything if you're that close. She knows how your heart feels for her.

Tara - I have had my minivan for 8 1/2 years. I love it and hate it simultaneously. I feel like an old lady driving it, but it's been a great vehicle. I have a Nissan Quest SE. I just really started having age-related issues with it this year, and it's still way under what I would be paying for a monthly payment. The inconvenience of finding another car to drive when it takes a poop on me is the worst. We talk a lot about getting a bigger SUV, but I don't want $500-800/month for a payment. A domestic minivan lease shouldn't be too costly I wouldn't think.

Mandy - have the shots been very painful?

Pollen - welcome, and good luck!

CD34 here & no AF as of yet.

8 years ago

Hi ladies it's been a while, hope all are doing well.

Tara- i just wanted to throw in my 2 cents, if you are cool with a minivan I say go for it. I am not a minivan person and we got very lucky to find our suv with 3rd row seating for the price we did. Minivans were definitely the cheaper option and we searched for a yr or so for a bigger car to my liking in our price range. My father in law and husband both were trying to talk me into a minivan because it would be so much easier to find one with the features and price tag we were looking at.

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

8 years ago

Not really sure why it posted twice, oh well. I took this on out.

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

8 years ago

Phat, the Lupron, Follistim, Ganirelix, and Micro Ovidrel have been easy.. Well, it gets annoying. I dread when my alarm goes off on my phone telling me it's shot time. Not so much painful YET. I hear the progesterone shots hurt but I will do whatever it takes :-) I might bitch about it a little though! Lol

8 years ago

Mandy--> I haven't been on THAT many shots, but the few I have had to do weren't nearly as bad as I thought they'd be. Getting stupid excited for this transfer!! Did you ever decide which blasts to transfer? I'd do all 3 but that's me!

Tara--> I hate minivans. Have I said that I hate minivans? I think I have. I'll say it again; I hate minivans. BTW, have I mentioned how badly I hate minivans?! In all seriousness, some of them are super nice!! And the price tag for what you're getting is much more cost friendly then an SUV, but for us in the military (who would like to go to CO someday), I'd rather have the 4x4 capability.

Athena--> I thought ya died! How ya doin??

phat--> Still no AF?

pinkster--> Sucks that it's taking so long to get DHs semen analysis back! Enjoy London, love! My godparents are British, and when my parents visited them a few years back they went to London and saw Big Ben! I'd love to tag along!

Pollen--> Welcome to the Crazy Train!! What brand of test did you take that you thought it was positive? Did you put a pic up in the gallery? (Sorry, it's been a long day and I'm super lazy at the moment.)

AFM: Today is day 2 of the BCPs. Other than a nasty headache this afternoon, no side effects as of yet. My u/s has been scheduled for the 29th of this month, so hopefully I'll be able to start the Follistim that day and be ready for O soon after DH gets home from the NTC! Also got some good news today: he doesn't have to leave until the day AFTER tomorrow, not tomorrow like we were originally told! It was super nice spending the day with him today after he graduated the school he was attending for the last 3 weeks straight having worked 7 days straight since the start of it!

So I wanted to get some advise/encouragement from you girls, since your opinions mean a great deal to me. I've been doing some thinking (and some praying) and I think I've finally made a decision to go ahead with an idea I've had rattling around for a long time. I've decided to (and have already started working on) my first eBook! I've been struggling with the words to open the beginning pages up, but I have the title all worked out: "The ABC's of TTC". Kind of like the 'Beginners Guide to Trying To Conceive' kinda thing. Thoughts? Everyone I've talked with about it has been super positive, but I wanted to talk with some ladies about it who are/have spent some time in the TTC world.


8 years ago

Athena - hi!!

Mandy - I hope they don't hurt too badly. It's perfectly fine to bitch about something that hurts even if it's getting you to your ultimate goal.

Pinkster - any updates?

2Frsty - good luck with your book!

8 years ago

2Frsty thats a brill idea, will give you something else to preoccupy your mind and helpful to alot of woman including myself, you are already a hub of knowledge to many of us, alot of work though but anything I can help with let me know, we run our own website for last 3 years selling colectables and military items,
Well ladies AF has arrived, mega painful cramps and gutted and a bit tearful, trying to think positive and how lucky I am to even get the clomid to try, will take the first tab tom still no sperm sample result yet though
Phat??now ive got AF yours had better follow, willing my AF vibes your way
Love n luck to all -x-x-x-x-x-x-

8 years ago

well Pinkster123 I guess we can relate somehow.I'm on day 3 and I can start femara/letrozole today BUT not sure if I will.I might give myself another try on my own for a month.Still have time to decide until tonight.Goodluck with clomid!!

8 years ago

Good luck aleinad, I hope you dont need it but either way lots of no doubt I ill get excited once the stomach cramps stop but still waiting on my partners sperm result -x-x-x-

8 years ago

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