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Does anyone else feel like a crazy person???!!!

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I think I might be pregnant ....I'm probably not ....could be, I'm late and crampy ....or maybe I ovulated later than I thought ...My breast feels sore, I gotta be pregnant ...maybe it's sore from me poking at it to see if it's sore. LOL! Anyone else mentally wrestling yourself ?!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9961 Replies • 12 years ago



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I'm so happy to know that my God is my strength! Cause right now I need as much as I can get! Tested this morning and . Is it any surprise? Sheesh! I think what makes me the most depressed is thinking my symptoms over the past month have been in my head. I know something is going on with me and it worries me. Day 62 of cycle and . I didnt see anything on the test...not even the faintest of lines. The spotting 2 weeks ago is throwing me off. Why was I spotting if no period and not pregnant. I know it's not over til AF shows but still. I'm at my wits end. If no AF tomorrow, I'm calling the dr again on monday. Telling them no pills, no waiting, I want a quant. blood test. If I get a negative on that, then I can put my mind to ease a bit and I'll at least know I'm not ovulating. Then I can obsess on natural ways to ovulate lol. Feeling pukey again today. I'm exhausted but I think that's the after effects of day long road trip.

@aprincessa17-Your post said you had a blood test but I couldnt tell if you got the results back or not....

@summerbreaze-CONGRATS!!!! Dont worry about the lack of symptoms. My sister didnt have any idea she was pregnant besides mood swings (she's always been that way though). She didnt even have sore nipples until way down the line. Someone told her that they had bad mood swings shortly before they found out so she took a test for fun...and bfp! So dont worry hun. Everyone is different. Be thankful you arent puking your guts out :)

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

11 years ago • Post starter

Been reading up on the progesterone pills the dr is wanting to give me. It's called progesterone (provera) challenge test. Basically, they dont think in the slightest bit I'm pregnant because of the bfns so this test will basically give them an idea of why I'm not ovulating. I'd rather have a blood test and answers in a day or two for hcg and LH (determine if I have pcos) than have to take pills for a week to just have a fake period. Anyone else have one of these tests?

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

11 years ago • Post starter

Hi ladies....

First time posting, actually just joined this evening. I'm so glad I've found this site as I do believe I'm a tad crazy too ;)

I tested at 9DPO but was so faint I think my eyes have turned in looking at it so much!

The symptoms I've had are mainly high temp, complete exhaustion and aches and pains.
My AF was due today but no show, I've a doctors appointment on Monday so let's wait and see!

This whole pregnancy thing is my new obsession lol


11 years ago

Sorry just aw somone asked about blood test.......blood test came out negative....but i just entered my last period and it say i should waituntil atelast early next week. I feel sooo achy and tired today....back is in dreadful pain....very very tired...even after sleeping in and having coffee. Very moody......and today have slight coming and going tingly pelvic area started on left side now moved to right side.....feeling soooo tired and lazy......dont want to sleep...but have no strength. Just really feeling blah today. Still have bublies in the belly....but appetite is not there...really just dont feel like eating....idk...guess i have to wait....

11 years ago

Summer - I looked at your tests. They're definitely positive. No way either one is an evap. Congratulations!

To everyone else - I've read your posts, and I'm thinking them over. Hang in there. I'll be back on the crazy train soon, too, but I'm glad for the mental break right now.

Waiting - sorry no bfp today. Stay firm with the doc when you go, and don 't let them intimidate you. Flip them off for me if you get a chance. :-)

11 years ago

so i been getting right side pain going down groin and leg it got so bad i when to A&E ( i think u call it ER ) i had urine pregnancy test i also had bloods but i dont think i had a blood pregnancy test they think its either my uterus contracting or a cyst i have a form to get a ct scan done this week as they cant do it at the weekend so was sent home with pain killers .

i wont be told results of scan there and then will have to wait a week but at least i will know either way i just dont believe that sickness and other signs are caused by a cyst but i could be wrong

to all the new people joining the nut house

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11 years ago

@princess-it was me that asked about the blood test...I created the forum :) I saw something recently about milk production when not pregnant, but it's not's discharge and it can be caused by other issues. Praying you have an answer soon and it's caused my pregnancy.

@phatgurl-I'll do my best!!!! I'm pretty moody lately so hopefully I wont back down. It's silly really...I mean really, how hard is it take some blood and send it off for testing? I dont mind having my blood taken so come one..stick me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

@jasmine-gotta love that line eye, huh? Glad for you today though! Praying for good results at dr monday!

Went to fish fry tonight at inlaw's church and watched the old southern gospel group the Redemptions. The whole time they were singing I was having twingy cramps, couple of them made me squeeze my hubby's hand hard. Ugh. Well tomorrow we'll see if AF comes. Dont know if I should cross my fingers for it or against it? lol

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

11 years ago • Post starter

Yep, ER. Here A&E is a television network. LOL. I'm sorry Lammy . Hope the painkillers help. It may help your mind rest for a while before the wedding at least.

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

11 years ago • Post starter

lammy - hope things turn out well for you.

11 years ago

thank you

i think ive just come to the point where i just want answers i still have some hope i could be preg i wont rule it out till i see the scan for myself ive had some very strange things happen lately and i believe they are a sign if not then i will be asking alot of questions and the main one " can i have kids "

i wont be online for a little while as busy atm but will try to keep u updated when i can xxx

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11 years ago

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