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Does anyone else feel like a crazy person???!!!

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I think I might be pregnant ....I'm probably not ....could be, I'm late and crampy ....or maybe I ovulated later than I thought ...My breast feels sore, I gotta be pregnant ...maybe it's sore from me poking at it to see if it's sore. LOL! Anyone else mentally wrestling yourself ?!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9961 Replies • 12 years ago



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Hi hkellerman-This 76 page forum is full of crazy stories! LOL . Right now I'm obsessing over opks. But when I started the forum and was taking the hpts, I was taking 20 pics in 10 different locations of the house at 50 different angles! I was completely nuts! I used the $tree tests too! Didnt feel as guilty spending a few bucks a week. Right now I just want to see a positive opk, after 7 months without ovulating on my own I'm about ready to burst!

Ladies.....I feel like I'm falling off the edge of a cliff. Please Jesus! I feel broken and want to ovulate!!!!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

11 years ago • Post starter

Hi hkellerman- omg thts so me!!! I'm a POAS addict if there is one in my house opk or hpt I'm peeing on it lol. I put myself through so much stress my first month between school and ttc. I ended up ovulating late and just today started AF I had a 37 day cycle because of stress. So since Ur so early in trying just relax. I'm trying this month not testing with opk's and not taking a hpt till after 1 day late. And just relaxing. This is month 2 ttc for #2 for us. Gl and relax trust me stress will ruin it !! :)
Ladies on a plus side of the witch showing is I can get cough medicine tomorrow for this horridly sore throat lol and take it for a couple days :)

11 years ago

a.) how do you find out you are not O ing?

b.) I know, dont stress out, the minute you stop stressing it will happen. Yeah so hard not to stress. When I want something, I want it now. So if anyone has any advice on how not to stress....ill take it, btw I will be POAS tommorow morning. I almost refuse to do the OPKS, because that will just stress me out more. Normal 25-26 day cycle, using the calender/ o predictor and getting busy around those times. I dont need more sticks to stare at ( OPKS) :) tell me how to stop stressing......please!

11 years ago

8 dpo tested this am, NADA, try again tommorow, trying to feel hopeful.

11 years ago

I was testing with the opk's like crazy and got a pos twice and you only o once so I know that I o'd the second time. I got rid of (well I used them all) the tests hpt and opk and won't bring any back in the house till 1 day after my missed period. Not having them in the house makes me not as tempted to POAS. And therefore for me it releases the stress. I'm. On cd2 so let's hope that with this being the first cycle of no tests in the house that I can stick to it and relax. I'm focusing my efforts on getting my other stressors taken care of like my coupons are a big one for me right now. Hope that helps.

11 years ago

okay so I am about to freak. O is on its way today or tomorow. DH last week wanted another as deeply as me but last night he said he wasn't 100% sure he wants to add another because he is happy the way things are. . As we haven't been TTC very long I think its jitters. He's thinking about it today while he is gone out of town on a business meeting. Is this normal?

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11 years ago

Hey everybody! Just dropping in to day hello check in on everyone. Yesterday and today are busy so Im all over the place. Hope all is well, have a lovely day ladies!
Lost of positive vibes to everyone!

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11 years ago

@kcordell- He's acting totally normal! It's just jitters . Dh was scared when we first starting ttc. We thought about trying back last July after my mc but he got nervous and didnt feel 100% ready. So we decided to hold off til Oct. Then my sister got pregnant and so we held off til Feb. He was scared the first couple months. Even though I was off the pill, he wasnt mentally ready to take the condom off. So I went thru 2 close to normal cycles (OV on my own too) but he used condoms 70% of the time. Then when he finally decided NO MORE CONDOMS..that's when I stopped OVing. After 7 months of no OVing, he's about as frustrated as I am and wants a baby as badly as me. But, I wont lie, just like everyother dh out there, he worries occassionally. But when I ask he replies, "I want our own little bubby!". Shoot, I still ask myself the same question, 'am I ready?'. No one is ready and our dh's wont be 100% ready or prepared until they are holding their newborn! Try not to worry honey ! He's just being a guy! lol

@hkellerman- I found out I wasnt OVing when I wasnt AFing ! And I was getting s. Thought my cycle was still regulating but after 112 days into my cycle, I finally called the doctor. I was diagnosed with PCOS (you ovulate seldom or not at all when you have PCOS). So no OV=no . So I've had to take progesterone to bring on a withdrawal bleed every 60 days to clean out my pipes. I've lost 20 pounds to regulate my hormones but my body is still not wanting to OV on it's own. I'm taking the opks because it's makes me feel better. I went a total 112 days not knowing if I OV or if I was pregnant. Kept imagining symptoms, I was going crazy. I'd rather take opks and know that I didnt OV than wonder if I did and imagine pregnancy symptoms again. In my case, opks keep my out of the looney bin!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

11 years ago • Post starter

Can i join this crazy party ladies. Today makes one week after my artificial insemination. I am 6dpo. I have been just feeling preganant. Except last night i woke up at 3am with bad cramps. It felt like my ovaries where hard as rocks, and they lasted for 30 minutes. AF is not even suppose to come untill the 25! Guess that means i am out this cycle? oh i am just so want to cry i am beyong hormonial lol

11 years ago

Hi Texasgir!! You are far from out this cycle! You're right at implantation time. Implantation cramps can be painful for some ladies and some may not even feel them. If you are still 10 days from AF...I wouldnt worry at all! The cramps at this stage sound very promising!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

11 years ago • Post starter

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