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March 2016 Babies

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I'm going ahead and starting this board as I am out for Feb and hoping for a March baby.

y'all and lots and lots of

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308 Replies • 9 years ago



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I was hoping I could get everyone to just remember me in their prayers. At CD48 and 19dpo, AF officially isn't coming for a second cycle in a row. Though I haven't tested, I don't even feel remotely pregnant and I've been cramping (lightly at first, up to what felt like light AF cramps, now to just feeling tender in those areas) so I know what the test would say. Last cycle, progesterone gave me the lightest period of my life and now, since she failed to show again, I'm worried what my GYN will say on Tuesday when I go in for my appointment. Since I had AF symptoms this time and no blood and last time no blood or real symptoms, I'm worried it could be anything, which is scarier than suspecting it could be just one thing. Almost no matter what, I'm worried the treatment will detract from our TTC time. Of course I want to take care of myself but you know how it is... But I'm super nervous to get answers on Tuesday so if you could just ask for strength and peace for me, no matter the outcome, I'd appreciate it. Thanks. I'll go back to silently reading and stalking you now. Lol!

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8 years ago

Hi Amanda! I willl definitely keep you in my prayers! Hang in there!

8 years ago

Tested on Sunday and had a faint line. Unsure if it was a BFP or not.... Woke up this morning extreme nausea like 3 day's ago and diarrhea. Sorry for TMI.... I go from constipated to diarrhea... I've been yawning a lot and tired more than usual too. Hoping for a stronger line with a BFP soon! I feel pregnant. Please pray I am!

8 years ago

ComeOnBaby: How far along in your cycle are you? And thanks for the prayers!

Started getting the most unusual breast and ab pain. Last night, my bbs got sore to the touch and movement from my armpits down to the underside and has continued today, I've had to put on a sports bra! Then it feels like I've spent some time doing crunches because my muscles in my abdomen on the high right side of my bellybutton hurts to move or rub. Craziest thing. I guess they'll test tomorrow at my appointment but I have no hope for a bfp.

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8 years ago

I am 12 dpo today and I got another faint line..just curious...has anybody gt the linear nigra line in their stomach

8 years ago

Hi Ladies,

Hope you all had a nice weekend!

Friday I went fishing with DH and his parents. We caught a bunch of Bluegill and ate it that night. My FIL and DH does a great job in cleaning the fish and FIL does a fabulous job frying them up...Mmmm.

Anyways, the night before Thursday DH and I were up pretty late hunting for night crawlers (worms)...DH did most of the hunting I just helped him find I'm not quick enough. By Saturday, I was sooo tired and sore I found myself taking cat naps all day long. Sunday did get a bit easier and wasn't nearly as tired. It's amazing how one night of barely any sleep can throw you off for a few days.

Today I am on 7 DPO. I have been feeling some symptoms but I have been here before and always question it to find out I'm not. I have been peeing a lot more than usual, been feeling slight nausea and the foods I like aren't quite tasting the same. I have been having a hard time getting up in the morning but I suppose that would be easier if I went to bed earlier. I am hoping that since I made the appt with the specialist for in 2 weeks that I will find out I am pregnant this weekend. But at least if I'm not then I wont have long to wait for the appt.

sunaet0625 & comeonbaby123: Welcome and

magicalstarR: Welcome and to you too! Margie_M is right. You can't really O twice unless it's within the same time and you end up dropping 2 eggs. But your test can show 2 separate O times. I know confusing. It happened to me last year. I guess it doesn't happen often because it has only happened to me once. Your body gears up to O and then fails but a couple days later it's like it tries again. Temping is a good idea because if you get that constant temp rise for 3 days it means you actually O'd...just make sure you temp at the same time every morning before you get up. And even before you say your first words in the morning. BBT is to be taken when you are at you need to make sure that it's the very first thing you do when you wake up. If you wake up to pee and forget then you could take your temp and put it in as a discarded temp...I have done that. I set my alarm to go off at 7am every morning. I take my temp, record it in my phone and sometimes I roll over and go back to sleep. But that time is the time I picked to temp. If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask...we are all here to help.

TTClate30's: I love artsy craftsy type stuff. I actually taught myself how to knit by watch YouTube videos.

tiainker750: So sorry for the BFN's hopefully you implanted late. If not for next month!

#3girlBella: I would go and get a blood test at this point. That way the doctors also have it on record of your troubles.

Amanda_McDaniel: Oh sweetie! I am of course sending you lots of prayers. I am silently hoping and praying that you find out that you are actually pregnant. But whatever it is I hope and pray it's nothing serious.

Please keep us posted!


Margie_M: I know you are gone already and this message is for when/if you check in...

Hope you are having a great time. I feel like I am that way too and get bored with the knitting after awhile. DH wants me to make more stuff to sell...but it is hard when you make stuff and then get tired of doing it after

I do needlepoint too and OMG I have one that I have been working on and I get bored with it as well and it has taken me a few years to work on it and I am not even half way through it...but I do like doing it, when I am in the

Have fun!

User Image Me:38 DH:40 TTC #1 since March 2013 Been seeing Fertility Doc since Nov 2013 Please check out my page and you will see a whole list of things we have been doing for this whole TTC journey. 1 Fur child (cat)...named Kit 2 step kids... Boy: 13 Girl: 12

8 years ago




8 years ago

Hi Ladies! New to Countdown and less new to the roulette game of TTC (#1)! We've been trying about 6 months and had one chemical in April. My EDD would be March 8 if we got lucky!

We are also planning a vow renewal for May 2017 so this month would make for excellent timing if I could line things up right lol

Today I am 14DPO. Symptom wise, today I had Severe gas (assuming that's what it was) cramps at work with shooting pain into my right breast. I am trying not to over think that though because I know gas cramps can happen to anyone at anytime for any reason. Other than a random eye infection, doing pretty good.

I am afraid to test just yet. I may wait until Sunday the 5th. I had my 8DPO Progesterone drawn this cycle and it came back at 16! I know this is good. A friend also TTC #1 had hers done the day before and hers came back at 8. Has anyone else had this drawn?

8 years ago

#3girlBella: WOW! I find that strange that they want to wait that long...but I guess in reality that's only 4 more days. It's funny how each doctors office is different that way. Or maybe it's different because of the age difference. Either way... and

mrsdoerr: Welcome and

I have had lots of progesterone tests done. But we have been trying for almost 2 1/2 years or 28 cycles to be exact. It's definitely a tiresome journey.

16 is great, 8 is still pretty good too! If it's under 5 or 4.7 means you didn't O...I think. I have had great numbers and still been put on progesterone pills. Because the 2 pregnancies I had would show great numbers and then drop a week later and I lost both at about 5 weeks. Not to scare you. But those 2 numbers show you and your friend did indeed ovulate and that is always a good sign.

I too have been gassy and praying that these are good signs! I am impressed that you can hold off till Sunday to test. Being that today is the day AF is due I would have been testing since yesterday or at least by tomorrow because by tomorrow you are considered 1 day late.

User Image Me:38 DH:40 TTC #1 since March 2013 Been seeing Fertility Doc since Nov 2013 Please check out my page and you will see a whole list of things we have been doing for this whole TTC journey. 1 Fur child (cat)...named Kit 2 step kids... Boy: 13 Girl: 12

8 years ago

Well... we are waiting for my labs to come back before it's an official diagnosis but I think it's pretty safe to say I have PCOS. I go back the 23rd for a sonogram to see how bad it is and to discuss our next step. Luckily, we had already decided to take this cycle off so I have until the end of August (I have long cycles) before I really have to start worrying about it again. This is the third part of my endocrine system to get sick (pituitary tumor, hypothyroidism, now this) so I guess I shouldn't really be surprised. Thanks for your prayers!

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8 years ago

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