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End of Spring/Beginning of Summer TTC Babies

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Onto my 14th cycle 2nd Clomid cycle. Hoping for a May baby. 35 and TTC #1. Looking forward to see if my Hope's of being a momma will happen soon. In the meantime, I am a full time Grad student, employee and planning a March 20th, 2020 wedding!!!

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338 Replies • 5 years ago



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@Bug every time i've gotten a BFP it's been between fertility treatments -- there is no reason you can't try on your own this cycle and maybe get that BFP!!
@Mama i'm doing well, thanks for asking. I'm 10w1d today. Symptoms are totally tolerable. The only problem i'm having is the crippling anxiety waiting for my next appointment. I'm going in 2 weeks for NIPT blood test and nuchal translucency scan to check for downs. My biggest fear is a missed miscarriage. We had a very strong heartbeat and perfect measurements at 8w1d so i'm hoping for the best. The first trimester is so long... Keep taking your metformin; i read an article yesterday that insulin is toxic to developing placental cells and that is one reason people with insulin resistance (and PCOS) have such a hard time keeping pregnancies through the first trimester.

5 years ago • Edited

Only thing out of the ordinary is the fact that I have like zero symptoms whatsoever. The only thing I’ve heard here and there is some cramping that comes and goes and nausea on and off. But my big thing was my boobs hurt no where near as bad as they normally do around this time of month. I’m also not as moody as normal either, which I know will change as time goes on my poor hubby. But really just praying for a sticky little bean this time around. I don’t want to lose another one. I waiting until after the weekend to call my doctor Incase this is another chemical don’t wanna get my hopes up to much yet.

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5 years ago

my hubby wants me to take a test today but I was like no not till my full missed af plus I only have a digital.

God Bless

5 years ago

Liisa glad things are going well. Keep your head up. I’ve been right where your at right now! I’m dreading loosing this one also! My loss before this chemical was a missed miscarriage! It was awful! Prayers for you! And I know to keep taking my metformin until 12 weeks. In 2014 when I got pregnant on it. I stayed on it until then

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5 years ago

@Mama my first loss was a chemical, then a blighted ovum (natural M/C @ 7w1d), and now i'm just waiting on pins and needles. No take home baby yet but i'm praying so hard this will be it for me! I hope and pray the same for you!! Keep testing and keep us posted!

5 years ago

@lissa I have such a good feeling about this baby. Don’t worry. Your next appointment is going to go great.
@mama I’m so excited for you! That’s such a strong line considering your chart looks like you implanted only 4 days ago. Wishing you the best of luck!

~Summer~<img src=

5 years ago

when should I test guys hubby wanted me to do it today but I personally think I should wait a little longer

God Bless

5 years ago

How many dpo are you gamerswife?

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5 years ago

Momma I thought so too but I also had those faint lines at 9 and 10dpo so maybe I’m implanted earlier

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5 years ago

@mama I'm 14dpo

God Bless

5 years ago

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