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March/April TT 2020 babies

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Welcome back to a new month everyone !!! You've got this ladies

315 Replies • 5 years ago



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Scuba just saw your latest post. I can’t tell if the CG is lighter. Hard to see through the pic but if I were you I would stick to the same brand to test the line! On both there is definitely a line but I wouldn’t count it as a bfp yet!

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5 years ago

@Alex you are right. Sticking with Clinical guard all the way through and now I have a baseline for FRER so I can see if it gets darker or not xx

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5 years ago

Hey guys, New Here!!

Be nice to make some TTC and pregnancy buddies since we haven't told family/friends really as I know exactly what they will say! so no-one to keep me occupies, put my mind at ease or generally listen to me moan!
TTC Number 4. 1st and 3rd were whoopsies (Combined pill/ Injection) and 2nd was planned, but didn't really try, nor prevent so this is new to me!

Stopped Mini Pill on 23/6/19 and withdrawal bleed on 28/6.

I THINK I O'd on 15/7 (+OPK, O pain, and felt cervix close according to t'internet (had this every month around CD 18-19 but never knew what it was!!

So currently 6DPO.

Any ideas to stop me POAS! I have no clue when to test since its my 2nd cycle since #3 (AF in Oct then straight onto pill) and I O'd later than I used to. Any ideas?

Good luck Ladies.

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5 years ago

Does this look good for a blue dye positive??

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5 years ago

A few days ago

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5 years ago

@alex I'm really not sure? I'm good about taking my vitamins so it would be hard for me to believe I'm deficient in anything, but who knows. I think the biggest change is that I'm way more active in warmer months. I have also noticed that my LH surges have changed this cycle and last cycle. I normally have a quick surge that only lasts a few hours and goes right back to negative. Now I have two full days of dark tests and can actually get a true positive whereas before they got dark but not all the way positive. The only change has been the change of seasons and the polyp removal which I don't think should affect hormones?

@scuba that looks like a good baseline to me. I don't see much on either test.

5 years ago

@pando I am sorry that AF showed. I am so sure that this next is your and @alrx’s month!!! You both deserve it!!

AFM: not much to report. Pretty sure that I just didn’t O this month. The temp change isn’t that drastic. I think it was just my inconsistent sleeping patterns with it being summer. Hoping AF shows in the next couple of days so I can truly O next month. Been super tired, moody, crampy, chest hurts on and off, lots of egg white cm today, and this random cramping pain in my hip.

Good luck ladies!!!

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5 years ago

Hello everyone

Week #2 of training. And CD 6. Those cramps we're definitely AF cramps.

I still have not been able to make apt with new obgyn. Hopefully I will this week. I am also going to place order of clear blue digitial pink.

@pandorica sorry just stay positive

@scubanlooks like the promise of a positive

@agatch this might be you month. Fingers crossed

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5 years ago

@Shay looking at your chart? I really think you did ovulate. Did you get a positive opk? My temp has been increasing only slightly after O too with some odd ups and downs or staying super flat in the 2WW. But I know I obviously ovulated. Plus if you ovulated when your chart says you did your symptoms are consistent (whether AF is coming in a few days or a late BFP)
@Lalou praying this new cycle will bring you some good news!
@kait I know I definitely get low vitamin D in the winter even if I take supplements (your body doesn’t necessarily absorbs the vitamins the way it would if it was getting them through food, sun...etc.). But exercise can also play a big role. Glad your getting more consistent cycles. Hopefully that leads to a BFP this summer!
@Alices welcome and good luck! It sounds like if you start testing at 9 dpo you have about 50 % to already see a faint line of you are indeed pregnant
@scuba hope tomorrow’s tests start showing a stronger line!
AFM still feeling pretty good but it is starting to worry me. That’s what happened in April before I miscarried: nausea almost disappeared and my energy level was really good. I know I am only 5 weeks but I feel like I should be more tired already and feeling more queasy. I can still sleep on my tummy right now which means my boobs are not even really sore! I may try to pick up a digital test that tells you how many weeks you are so I can at least check if my hormones are going up the way they should

5 years ago

Thanks ladies, I'm bummed but not actually that beat up about it. It arrived this morning, 2 days earlier but well within my normal. It wouldn't be a bad thing if I didn't get pregnant until the fall anyway, that way I have the chance to graduate before a little one arrives. I graduate in june 2020 and have to take an internship for a few weeks before I graduate and that would be a little difficult with a newborn. So I think we'll be practicing a little bit of NTNP from now on and then get back to ttc in a few months. I will still check in with you guys, but will not have anything ttc related to report.

5 years ago

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