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March/April TT 2020 babies

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Welcome back to a new month everyone !!! You've got this ladies

315 Replies • 5 years ago



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And with two of I have too same fmu

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5 years ago

@crams I definitely see it! Omg how exciting!
@lissa Yay! We can suffer together! I actually had no side effects at all from the injections. But a funny thing happened yesterday on my way home. A lady tapped me on the shoulder on the tube and offered me a seat so obviously I look pregnant I actually thought I had put on weight from the weekend as my trousers were really tight today but I got on the scale at lunchtime and I'm the same as last week. So I just must be really bloated from the injections and Progesterone xx

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5 years ago

Good luck ladies!!! Excited to see some of you test soon!!!

AFM: looks like the blue dye test was just that, a blue dye test. FMU this morning and my dollar tree tests aren’t showing anything. I kind of see a shadow but am pretty sure it is a BFN. Still staying hopeful but not letting myself be disappointed if things don’t work out.

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5 years ago

Hey ladies
I am constantly worrying about having a miscarriage and i don't know what to do.
Any suggestions?

5 years ago

Waiting on results from Drs office. But once got home did a Walmart cheapie

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5 years ago

Hey ladies

Congratulations to everyone with BFP's!!

Everything crossed for all those in tww and with faint lines!

to everyone waiting to O!

AFM I finally got my peak on my digital OPK this morning! I nearly gave up testing this cycle (14 days of high fertility) but I took a cheapie OPK last night and had a pretty strong line. I'm so thankful because my hubby goes away on Sunday for a week
Going to continue to BD over the next 2-3 days at least and then I am officially in the tww again

5 years ago word back from Drs offy. Hcg is 11. Will get another blood test done on Friday. I'd say good for 9dpo.

5 years ago

@crams congratulations. Fingers crossed to everyone waiting to test and in the tww. @scubagood felling that must have been though right....positive vibes.

@sams is there someone that you can talk to? I imagine your fears.

AFM great day. Forgot to call hospital. Will call for sure tomorrow.

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5 years ago

@crams I am so excited for you!!! Good luck and hope you have a sticky little bean!!!

AFM: having a rough day. I am part of a workout accountability group and of course today there have been at least 10 ladies on there posting their positive tests. I can’t help but get discouraged. I have been working so hard on getting healthy hoping it will help with our ttc journey. I am doing good, lost almost 20 pounds, and still don’t seem to be ovulating. I am trying to be as positive as I can be, but it is getting very difficult at times. Sorry just feeling like I am out of this and don’t know when it will all finally happen for us.

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5 years ago

@ cram that looks so promising! I’m always cautious with FRER because in my experience they are never completely blank but yours looks like an actual line. ????
@Shay did you test again today? I hope you get your BFP!
@Miam welcome back! Hope this is your month
@Bimini so glad to hear everything is going well!
@Ana so cute!! Keep the bump pictures coming! Adorable! So happy for you
@Alex If this months doesn’t lead to a BFP, it doesn’t mean that the supplements are not working and there is nothing else to try. The doc said they should start to act after 3 months but that means the longer he is on them the more they are likely to help. For some people, if there is a high mineral or vitamin deficiency, it takes time for the body to re-balance. I was reading that women should really start a prenatal vitamin 6 months before they start TTC to be sure their body is where it needs to be when they start trying. Most supplements really do take time to strengthen your system. So I don’t think you should see this coming cycle as a make or break one. I know you will be an amazing mom soon!!

5 years ago

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