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2 years and counting

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We've now been TTC for over 2 years. I had a feeling it wouldn't happen in an instant, since it took 17 months to conceive our son. But I didn't think we would get past 2 years to be honest. Af showed up this afternoon, so now it's yet another month of TTC.

212 Comments • 5 years ago



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The line is actually a bit darker in person. I don't know why my phone always makes the picture lighter.

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5 years ago • Post starter

Never mind, I just started bleeding.

5 years ago • Post starter

Oh, Pandorica. I am so sorry to hear that. My iPad smashed, and I got back on countdown really hoping for good news. I am so sorry. How are you doing?

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5 years ago

@Adoette - I'm a bit annoyed that this happened yet again, but I'm okay. I will wait until the summer's over and them I'm getting some blood work done, to see if there's anything there that's wrong. I'm going to order them myself from a company that offers different types of blood work, without having to go through a doctor. If all levels are fine, then I'll have to think of a plan then. If there's somethting wrong, then I can go to the doctors and hopefully correct that.

5 years ago • Post starter

That sounds like a good plan. It's too bad that it's so tough to get the docs to help you.

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5 years ago

I'm just going to say that I don't trust these cheap tests for their early lines. I too have had many lines on cheap tests, but when I take an Frer or the walmart cheapie, there is never a line. So I would bank on the fact that the tests are terrible at having light lines and not that there is something wrong with you.


5 years ago

Pandorica I’ve just come across this thread and I’m so sorry to read what you have been going through. This is our 14th month TTC #2. I’m so down it happened on the 2nd cycle with my dd and it’s so frustrating/ upsetting. I’m 7dpo today and really fighting the urge not to test !

5 years ago

I'm 7dpO today, too. I feel that surge of hope coming and its attendant surge of dread. I don't know how you keep yourself going so positively, Pandorica. And I've only had 2 chemicals. They checked me for Ashermann's and a hydrosalpinx because of those (after my m/c's). Maybe you could ask for an HSG at some point? That might show those...

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5 years ago • Edited

@Ella55 - That must be rough having to ttc 14 months when it happened much faster with the first one. I hope you don't have to ttc for that much longer. My first took 17 months, so I'm almost used to it taking time. What I'm not used to are these damn chemical pregnancies.

@Adoette - I know those two mixed feelings all too well. When you want to hope, but at the same time are afraid too. Well, I don't really have a choice trying to stay positive. It's either that or give up completely. But right now, the longing of another child are stronger than the feeling of giving up. So I try to soldier on. I thought about a HSG, but they only do those as a step in the fertility check up here and I can't get one of those since we already have a child. Not from our regular healt care system at least. I have to do it at a private clinic and that costs around $270. That's a bit too much since we have to do a lot of renovating in our home.

5 years ago • Post starter

So, I'm trying not to count CD this cycle, even though I'm using both my monitor and an app. I don't want to obsess over which cd I am and when I'm able to take a test. Expecting ovulation in a week, give or take, so we'll see when my monitor switch to high and which day will be a peak. My cycle's been so extremely regular and seems to be in sync with the moon phases. The past few months, af has shown up at the same time as the full moon.

5 years ago • Post starter

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