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2 years and counting

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We've now been TTC for over 2 years. I had a feeling it wouldn't happen in an instant, since it took 17 months to conceive our son. But I didn't think we would get past 2 years to be honest. Af showed up this afternoon, so now it's yet another month of TTC.

212 Comments • 5 years ago



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Comments (sorted by laughs)

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I'm getting more than a little impatient to know what's going on. Starting to get even more pimples, but barely any of them are on my face - most of them are on my neck. And my nipples are super sore! Have no ICs left, only 2 digitals. But did order new "ICs", from a brand that I trust, and some cassettes from the same brand. If I'm lucky, they'll arrive tomorrow. If not, then I have to wait to test until tuesday.

This is my test with smu and I can still se a pink line, although faint.

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5 years ago • Post starter


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5 years ago • Post starter


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5 years ago • Post starter

I'm still seeing faint positives on your tests, too!

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5 years ago

I guess I shouldn't be surprised to see a negative today, or in fact two negatives.. Another chemical I guess, or pretty convincing evaps.. Either way, this isn't going to be a happy ending. So now I'm going to prepare myself for yet another cycle. And I will talk to a doctor, to get my thyroid levels check. My mother have had problems with her thyroid for years and now has an enlarged thyroid. I have several symptoms of thyroid level problems, but when they checked it a year ago my TSH-level where only at 2. But last time I got my T4 checked where over a year and a half. So I would like it checked to see if my problems are related to my thyroid or my fibromyalgia, since some of my problems could be from either one of them.

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5 years ago • Post starter

And the second test I took from the same urine, just to make sure.

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5 years ago • Post starter

I'm so sorry... I hope you're not experiencing another chemical and those were just convincing evaps… I've been getting negatives as well since the time I thought I saw the start of a positive, so now just impatient for AF to show and get it over with so I can try again next cycle...

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5 years ago

@Crystal - Thanks hun. Don't not for sure if it was a chemical or not, since I only got lines on those ICs and not on other brands. Af showed up this morning, punctual as always..

5 years ago • Post starter

Yet another cycle, and yet another chance. I've been planning to contact my doctor and get my thyroid levels checked, but I keep forgetting to call. I'm at cd 14 and have been having ov pains for a few days, but now it's almost gone. Expected to get a flashing smiley on the cb digital opk yesterday, but nothing. My temp dropped even more, below 36 degrees and I usually always ovulate at that time. Took an opk strip and it's almost positive, so I'm guessing it'll be positive later on today. Thankfully it coincides with my husband being home from work until saturday!

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5 years ago • Post starter

Yesterday's opk, both digital and a regular strip.

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5 years ago • Post starter

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